Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 219: [Epic harvest arbitrage action (forty-nine/ninety-three)…

The return of 10 billion US dollars from overseas, according to the current exchange rate ratio of 6.91, is almost close to 70 billion yuan. When the money goes to China, the US dollar must be converted into RMB before it can be circulated in the country.

In addition to the existing liquidity of 147 billion yuan, the liquidity scale of Tiansheng Capital has been released to more than 210 billion yuan. The funds returned this time just offset the remaining 60 billion funds to be allocated to Tiansheng Small and Medium Cap 300, and there is more 10 billion came out.

Excluding this part, Tiansheng Capital still has about 150 billion working capital, which is obviously not enough to build the layout of the new energy vehicle ecosystem.

But it doesn't matter, it's not a big problem.

Such a large amount of funds cannot be invested in all at once in a short period of time. In the second two quarters of this year, there will be 20 billion US dollars returned to China, and here is about 140 billion yuan.

The problem of money is really not lacking. Tiansheng Capital's cash flow will definitely explode in the second half of the year. There is no other reason.

At the end of the year, the knife will fall, my dear, it is not a harvest of hundreds of millions in the ultra-short-term, it is an epic harvest of hundreds of billions.


At this time, Lu Ming in the office called up all the constituent stocks of the Tiansheng Shang 50 and Tiansheng Shenzhen 100 Index in the internal system, and then exported the data to create a new folder.

"A total of 1.12 trillion market value..." The major core assets on the list of Lu Ming's documents are all blue-chip big ass, with a total market value of more than 1 trillion yuan.

This batch of blue-chip big **** votes is no problem to double, but this doubles the total market value as the base, which means a market value of more than 2 trillion yuan.

At this moment, Lu Ming's brain was thinking about how to realize the skyrocketing market value. Otherwise, the halving of the bear market for the whole year of next year is equivalent to playing a lonely game.

"It's unrealistic to get all of them out. If you can get one-third to half of them, it's a huge success."

Lu Ming stared at the core assets above and said to himself, it is impossible to sell them all. If Tiansheng Capital's stock assets held by Big A are all sold, Big A will be gone, absolutely gone, and the market will definitely fall below Below 2000 points.

Because it will also affect other institutions to follow, this selling pressure is a bit scary.

Next year's stock market will be full of bearishness throughout the year. Lu Ming is doing this, the confidence of the entire capital market will be destroyed, and it may not be able to be repaired in the next three years.

Obviously, Lu Ming will not do this either. Tiansheng Capital holds the stock assets of Big A, and will play the role of the ballast of the entire capital market in the future. No matter how the market goes, the stock assets held by Tiansheng Capital in the future must have 60% of the total position lies in the market, even if the market falls below 2000 points, the total position cannot be reduced to below 60%.

Otherwise, there would be no ballast stone. When the scale of assets managed by Tiansheng Capital is getting larger and larger, it will naturally have to play the role of maintainer in the capital market, and it is impossible to enter and exit.

Just imagine, what will be the consequences of Tiansheng Capital's large-scale inflow and outflow of trillions of funds in the future?

The consequence is that when Tiansheng enters the market, it is a bull market, and when it leaves the market, it is a bear market.

Is that worth it?

Management would never allow such extreme moves in the market.

At this time, Lu Ming stared at the form information and muttered: "Even if one-third of the market value is realized as a real profit, it will reach 750 billion yuan, and an announcement has to be made to reduce the holdings. This is a big problem..."

With great fame and influence, it would be troublesome to run away at this time.

Everyone is staring at you, want to run away?

In the current capital market, a group of people already regard Lu Ming as the market bellwether, and if nothing else, more people will regard him as the market bellwether and barometer in the future.

How will the market interpret the first brother to reduce his holdings in such a crazy way?

The answer speaks for itself.

As soon as other people see the announcement of the reduction of holdings, they will definitely run away first.

Kind of nerve-racking!

At this moment, Lu Ming's eyes lit up, he snapped his fingers and muttered to himself, "Yes, that's the only way to do it..."

The solution that Lu Ming thought of was to transfer it to LPs such as social security funds, pension funds, and Chaoyun Trust.

The first is that no more than 5% of the relevant stocks to be placed in the LP institution and its concerted actors, and the second is that the received LP institution and Tiansheng Capital cannot be concerted actors.

If it is a concerted action person, even if the stock assets are transferred to the LP, a reduction announcement will be issued when the secondary market sells.

Obviously, Lu Ming circumvented the rules of the announcement of shareholding reduction.

Tiansheng Capital transferred assets to LPs for a fee. If they did not go to the secondary market, it would not cause too much selling pressure on the secondary market. Moreover, the market at that time was in an irrational skyrocketing stage. time window.

Some people may realize that something is wrong, but the market as a whole will interpret that institutions are running into the market, Lu Ming is sharing profits with his LPs, and it will also be interpreted that these big institutions can lose money?

They dare to take orders at this position. This is the cost line and the support line, which means that the market has just begun, and there is still room for growth.

At that time, the whole market was advocating "big is beautiful, core assets", and they were advocating that core assets would rise forever, there is no end, the sky is the end.

Since these LPs are not acting in concert with Tiansheng Capital, the stocks they hold do not exceed the 5% reduction requirement to be announced.

Then you can secretly ship and distribute chips in the boiling market.

Tiansheng Capital indirectly completed the sell-off, cashing the market value into real money profits, and completed a large-scale annual-level arbitrage action of funds, which set an astronomical figure.

When the LPs are almost out, the final finishing work will be carried out by Tiansheng Capital. At this time, an official announcement of the reduction of holdings will be issued.

This announcement is the nuclear button, directly smashing the market, raising the knife without any hesitation, and not giving any reaction time to the various funds in the market, whether it is foreign capital, hot money, or small scattered, all of them are directly tied to death!

Either cut the meat or stand guard at the top of the mountain honestly!

This matter has been decided for the time being. The specific situation depends on how it will go in the second half of the year. Now the first half of the year has not been completed. The current focus is on the layout of the new energy vehicle ecological strategy and the Tiansheng small and medium-sized market 300.

It is foreseeable that the Tiansheng Small and Medium Cap 300 Index has now completed more than half of the target of opening positions, and no accident will complete the target of opening positions of about 150 billion yuan by the end of the month.

At that time, the three major indexes of 50, 10 and 300 compiled by Tiansheng Capital and their constituent stocks will also be publicly listed.

Not surprisingly, small and mid-cap stocks will surely usher in a rebound in the market.

But even so, the downward trend of small and medium-sized stocks will not usher in a logical reversal because of Lu Ming. There are too many garbage companies, and even a brother can't save them.

Because Tiansheng Small and Medium Cap 300 only selected 300 constituent stocks, but there are more than 2,500 small and medium-cap stocks in the more than 3,000 stocks in the two cities. What about the other 2,200?

The answer is obvious, it is just a rebound, and it will still kill after the rebound is over.

The new energy sector is now in Not surprisingly, as Gao Hua began to make strategic investments in the dozens of upstream, midstream and downstream companies in the new energy industry selected by Lu Ming, it will definitely drive market sentiment to usher in A big reversal, out of a wave of strong rising market, and it will last for several months, the entire sector is expected to increase at least +45%, and some stocks can even usher in double expectations.

In particular, companies that Lu Ming named for strategic investment and have already been listed on the big A, such as Ganfeng Lithium, Tianqi Lithium, Huayou Cobalt, etc., have no problem with their stock prices doubling or even doubling several times.

The market will be wildly chasing new energy, because Tiansheng Capital is a solid investment, hundreds of billions or even hundreds of billions of funds are smashed in the primary and secondary markets.

This kind of expectation is too strong, and it is impossible to suppress the stock price of the relevant listed companies selected into the "Tiansheng Department".

At present, Qi Wei is cashing back funds from the foreign exchange market according to Lu Ming's request, and at the same time shorting the US dollar index with his backhand, a group of Wall Street bigwigs have noticed that there is a special hot money in the international foreign exchange market. Meet to discuss the situation.

And the owner of this hot money is Lu Ming!


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