Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 215: [There is a big pattern and a big vision to play this one line (forty…

In the conference room, Ge Feng, Yu Tingnan and other members of the board of directors were all thinking.

When the chairman said this, everyone's doubts were resolved and they understood.

Anyone with a keen sense of technology and technology knows that Apple buys a mobile phone with the iOS operating system, and its market value leads the world, while Google does not sell mobile phones, just a free Android system has already made it a lot of money. Both of these models have been proven by the market and time to be the right route.

The directors present at the meeting are all leaders in the industry. Naturally, it is impossible to ignore this fact, but he did not think about it at all before. Chairman Lu Ming said this at the meeting, and he suddenly became enlightened.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Ming is planning to use capital means to integrate industry resources, and lead a group of younger brothers to form a "Tiansheng Department" to compete with Wah Wah. In the face of unprecedented sanctions dilemma in the past year, it fell to the ground.

You can't take advantage of someone's danger and steal someone's butt.

There must be a big pattern. On the contrary, if you can give some assists, you can give them as many assists as you can, just like when Microsoft founder Bill Gates saved the life of Apple, the "dead enemy" Jobs.

The same is a big pattern of behavior, and ordinary bigwigs can't do it, so Gates can continue to be the world's richest man.

In the same way, when Mr. Ren faced the huge crisis of sanctions against Zhongxing Communications, Hua Wei did not take advantage of the danger, the same big picture.

If this is a group of players on the Internet, and the enemy is in trouble, then they can't be happy, and they have to make up for your feet while your illness is killing you.

In the next two to three years, Hua Wei will be stuck for two reasons: one is the supply of high-end chips, and the other is the Android system based on Google.

The first factor is that Lu Ming doesn't think he is serious about Wah Wei. Although LSMC, Samsung and Intel seem to be scrambling to build chips in North America in the next few years, all of these will be proved to be futile by history. Yes, My Rabbit has always had the powerful attribute of "Breaking Beyond Sanctions".

What really restricts our actions should be the second factor: the operating system.

Although Hua's new "Hongmeng system" for the future will solve this problem, it is really incapable of challenging global consumers in terms of user habits.

Once a habit is formed, it is a terrible dependence, and it is difficult to change the user's habits.

Therefore, in order to break through the predicament of being sanctioned, Lu Ming felt that the only way was to find another way and open up a "second battlefield", that is, to give global users one more choice, a brand new choice.

And this choice is not unexpected, it will point to smart homes and intelligent new energy vehicles, especially new energy vehicles, a new carrier of intelligent mobile terminals, and the development of the "second battlefield". Hua Wei has already started planning for a rainy day five years ago. Now, this is the comprehensive strength under another dimension.

Lu Ming, who has the foresight, knows that Huawei's comprehensive strength is reflected in the fact that it does not manufacture any auto parts, nor does it have an independent offline sales channel, nor does it introduce any capital, so they push Kirin chips and Hongmeng system.

Wah Wei's way of playing is not at all a Tesla whose technology relies entirely on technology, nor is it a so-called "new car-making force" that capitalizes on new tricks, nor is it a traditional car company.

It's... Western high-tech companies!

In Hua Wei's thinking, the only way to defeat the opponent is to bypass the "Maginot Line" set by the opponent and build the data brain center system of the smart car.

Just like Apple's iOS system and Google's Android system, it starts directly from the underlying logic and from the source, and finally ends the chaotic situation of the "Spring and Autumn and Warring States" in the global new energy vehicle market... Dominate the world!

So, it should be Elon Musk, Tesla, and related Western high-tech companies who are really afraid!

As for those so-called "new car-building forces", in the frenzy of the vigorous era of smart cars in the future, they are just a foil for soy sauce.

At that stop, he doesn't have that temperament!

At this meeting of the board of directors, Lu Ming spent a lot of time deconstructing the situation. This time, it is not about buying a company's stock and holding it. Smashing the real thing into it, once the story of new energy vehicles is to be told, it is impossible to give up halfway, and the cost is too high.

Before that, the decision-making level of Tiansheng Capital must unify its internal thinking and truly see the opportunities and challenges here.

At the meeting, Lu Ming said in a deep voice, "Whether it is Huawei or Tiansheng Capital, both have strong resource integration capabilities, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Huawei's advantage is technology, and Tiansheng's advantage is capital. We have to magnify the advantages of capital.”

Ge Feng and other members of the board of directors could not help but nodded.

Lu Ming continued: "After fully understanding the logical relationship that technology is the natural enemy of capital and capital is an obstacle to technology, there is a basic strategy, that is, capital should serve technology and provide a financing platform for technology research and development. Tiansheng Capital will become the logistics support headquarters for technology research and development."

The chairman's words have been straightforward. Capital cannot be the enemy of technology, but must actively embrace technology, especially emerging technologies.

Lu Ming held the conference table with both hands, looked around with a smile and said, "After Lao Jia's Lux overturned, we have to continue to look for treasures. Lux has a lot of treasures. The day before yesterday, we just scouted the film and television copyright resources. Some of our car patents are good, although there are not many, but we have to win them too, Lao Ge, you can settle this matter."

Seeing the chairman looking at him, Ge Feng nodded and replied, "No problem!"

In the eyes of the core decision-makers of Tiansheng Capital, Lao Jia overturned is not an impossible problem, but a matter of time, which is an inevitable result.

Tiansheng Capital won these patented technologies of Leshi, and will definitely not end up doing it on its own, but strategically invest in supporting a new energy car company, and integrate it into the grand blueprint of the "Tiansheng Department" as one piece of the puzzle.

The ecological story of the Xinneng car told by Lao Jia was not told well, and the car overturned.

Lu Ming took over and continued to tell the story of new The difference is that this story is told in the way of Tiansheng Capital. In fact, it is such a simple thing!

"In the new energy vehicle sector, Mr. Gao, you are here, you don't need to go through the board of directors, just report to me, no problem?" Lu Ming looked at Gao Hua, one of the directors he nominated, who was stunned and nodded. :"no problem!"

The first person in charge is definitely Gao Hua, the director. Lu Ming, the head of Tiansheng Capital, naturally focuses on making strategic decisions and focusing on general directions. This is similar to Mr. Ren, who is willing to be someone else's Bole. , let the capable people come to the top, and go to the center of the stage to display their talents to the fullest.

The new energy vehicle sector is a strategic layout, which is highly expected by Lu Ming. Tiansheng was established late, which is a flaw, so it missed the big wave of smartphones and mobile Internet.

The frenzy of new energy vehicles in the future is a super market that is more exciting than the current smartphone industry. Lu Ming will not miss it.


(Ps: Tiansheng Capital has no money to invest in new energy, please help us with a monthly pass...)

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