In fact, this strategic vision of Lu Ming is equivalent to an enlarged version of the "two-layer structure" model. These companies invested in are independent of each other, which is beneficial to avoid systemic risks.

In this circle of friends of Tiansheng Department, Tiansheng Capital is equivalent to "group owner", and the companies it invests in are equivalent to "group members".

If one of them fails, goes down, and is sure it can't be helped, Tiansheng Capital will decisively withdraw its investment in the company, to put it bluntly, throw the company's stock, kick it out of the group, and let the other one have strength. The wooed to come in to fill the position.

The capital market does not believe in tears. If you cannot create value, you will have to be dismissed. If you lose the chain, it is impossible for everyone to follow you to pay the bill.

As long as this ecosystem forms a closed loop, there will definitely be a large number of members other than the "Tiansheng Family" who want to come in, because joining this circle of friends is equivalent to taking the biggest piece of cake in the industry segment to which you belong. Take it into your arms.

Once the closed loop is formed, in the future, some enterprise members will fall off the chain and decline, and it will not cause a systemic collapse of the entire ecosystem. Instead, these declining enterprises will be replaced by new members just like the metabolism of cells.

And the scale of this ecosystem is getting bigger and bigger, the species is getting more and more diverse, and it is definitely getting healthier.

Lu Ming specially obtained the copyright resources this time, and he just found a small piece of the puzzle in his strategic vision blueprint. There is a long way to go in the future.

Achieving this strategic long-term goal is by no means a short-term achievement. It may take five, ten, or even twenty years to lay out, and finally a complete super closed loop of the "Tiansheng system" can be formed.

Boss Jia is now afraid that he never thought of his dream of building a car. After the car overturned this year and was ridiculed in various ways, three or five years later, various car-making forces have emerged one after another. Any company with a few dollars has no core technology. Everyone wants to build new energy vehicles, and they can cheat a lot of money by cheating subsidies.



Lu Ming, who came back from a business trip, found that the Taoyuan Forest Compound in his new residence had a new look. The biggest difference from the previous one was its popularity.

"At your request, there are currently 43 employees in the garden, including gardeners, housekeepers, cooks, and others. All arrangements have been made today." In the yard, the accompanying housekeeper Liang Zhenyuan reported to work like Lu Ming who had just returned.

During the two days that Lu Ming was on a business trip, Liang Zhenyuan quickly arranged all this, and the efficiency was unquestionable.

"That's right, Uncle Liang worked hard." Lu Ming nodded with satisfaction.

On the way into the garden, I met two young housekeepers who passed by, and the owner of the garden smiled and greeted me.

"Hello Brother Lu, Uncle Liang!"

Lu Ming and the two sisters looked at each other and nodded with a smile, it was really pretty.

It can only be said that Uncle Liang's arrangement is okay. He is indeed an old housekeeper who has been in the business for decades. He has won the employer's intentions. It's all arranged.

The two sisters brushed past Lu Ming, and after a distance, they couldn't help but whisper to each other and chat non-stop.

"The real person has more temperament than the photo, so handsome~~"

"I was a little nervous at first, but I didn't expect Brother Lu to have no air at all. All hearsay is a lie."

"Yes, it is said on the Internet that Tiansheng employees broke the news that Brother Lu is a 'Tiansheng tyrant'. How can a modest gentleman be like a tyrant..."

"I want to marry him~"

"Wake up, don't dream of Cinderella, how can someone like Brother Lu look down on a woman like us who was born with no background and has some good looks, but in his rich social status, he Tall people are the least valuable in the world."

"Hey~, what you said is also true, just say that the other dozen colleagues who applied for this job are all young and beautiful, and some of them are more beautiful than you and me."


On the other side, Lu Ming walked towards the room and casually said to Liang Zhenyuan who was accompanying him, "Uncle Liang, the physiotherapist will make arrangements."

This time I traveled far and wide, and I spent most of the time flying back and forth in the sky. When I came back, I took a good rest before going to work.


Liang Zhenyuan stood on the spot and took out his mobile phone to make arrangements on the spot. The housekeeper has arranged all aspects for the past two days. Among the dozens of employees, private health care is naturally available.

Not to mention other things, Lu Ming hired more people to work in the garden, which is equivalent to providing dozens of new high-tech jobs to the society, which is appropriate.

The salary Lu Ming offered to them was doubled according to the average salary standard in the industry. This was the basic salary package. Naturally, the benefits were all in place. There were also three additional grades of bonuses, etc. The bonuses were distributed by Liang Liang. Uncle rates employees.

Small things like paying employees' salaries are the housekeeper's job. Lu Ming naturally won't take care of them. All he has to do is to summarize and sign the documents at the end of the month.


Physiotherapy room.

"Brother Lu seems to have something on his mind."

At this time, the young and beautiful private physiotherapist Tang Li was pushing oil and rubbing his shoulders for Lu Ming, and was chatting with him. In this situation, the pace of life in the whole world seemed to have slowed down, quiet, comfortable and leisurely.

Lu Ming lay motionless with his eyes closed, and said slowly, "I can't talk about my mind, I just feel that life is a little boring."

Tang Li pretended to be surprised, and then said with a coquettish smile, "No way? Brother Lu is so successful, so rich, and able to do so many things. He is usually so busy, how can he be bored?"

Lu Ming said with emotion: "Although I am very rich, what if I am rich? I can't spend it all."

Hearing this, Tang Li was a little caught off guard, her face was stunned on the spot, she tilted her head to look at Lu Ming, closed her eyes, and immediately rolled her eyes at him secretly, already mentally flattening him. pause.

Tang Li complained in a coquettish and arrogant voice with a forced smile: "Brother Lu, you have thought about the feelings of our poor people."

Although he is rich, what if he is rich? Can't spend anymore...

Listen, is this what people say?

This sentence floated without warning, causing Tang Li to receive a crit damage invisibly.

"Fu~, what I feel is that I have been living in that kind of false environment, there are not many friends worth making, and even some people are obviously very upset with me, but they still have to flatter me in front of me. Okay, the problem is that I know it all, it's helpless, it's hard to be someone who understands."

After Lu Ming finished speaking, he sighed, opened his eyes leisurely and glanced at Tang and said, "Besides, you are not poor, you can earn a monthly salary of 35,000, and there are more than one billion people in the country. Only 1% of them can reach your income level. If you are poor, the other 99% will not be able to eat dirt? What? Do you want a raise?"

At this time, Tang Li imitated Lu Ming's tone and sighed: "Although I want a raise, what if I want a raise? I said it doesn't count."

Hearing this, Lu Ming couldn't help being amused by her. He suddenly became sexual, and immediately put his arms around Tang Li's waist, "If you want a raise, you have to work extra overtime."

At this time, Tang Li wanted to refuse, and she started to work overtime the next moment, and then took the initiative to ask for overtime every few minutes.

Lu Ming's life is so boring. Although he is rich, he can't spend it all. Not only can he not spend it all, but with his eyes closed, money is helping him generate more money all the time. Like a virus, it splits and replicates infinitely. money.

I can only live this unpretentious and boring life.


(Ps: One brother is about to run out of votes to increase the position, hurry up and vote to help us~~)

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