Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 206: [How can raising pigs cover pigsties to make money and be safe (forty-three/nine…

Not only did Mr. An successively bet on several high-quality industry tracks, but the most annoying thing was that Lu Ming also found two mines on the asset table of Anshi Group.

That's right, Anshi Group actually has two lithium mines of decent scale in Australia. This time, it has joined the concept of non-ferrous metals and new energy. After a few years, the price of commodities has risen. Mine is equal to money.

However, the matter of the mine was purely accidental. The two Australian lithium mines under the name of Anshi Group were not deliberately bought by Mr. An to deploy new energy sources, but were pledged by a cooperative enterprise to Anshi Group, which later went bankrupt. The Anshi Group took over the asset reorganization and packaged the non-performing assets.

The mine stayed because he could make some money. Mr. An’s reason for leaving the mine was to find that it would bring stable profits to the company, although it was relatively small.

It is not unreasonable for Anshi's share price to be over 200 yuan in a few years. In addition to the original stable core businesses, the actively expanding winemaking business, breeding business, real estate business, and mining, It is not normal for the capital market to not madly top Anshi's shares.

Another advantage of Anshi Group is that it is not affected by the external environment. Unlike some high-tech companies, the external environment suddenly changes. Like a frightened bird, the reaction is a sharp rise and fall in the stock price.

And Anshi Group has no influence in this regard, just one word, stable!

In fact, the reason why the domestic large consumer industries are favored by capital is also due to this reason. These industries such as soy sauce and liquor are not affected by the external international environment, and they are indispensable necessities for the daily life of more than one billion people.

At this moment, Lu Ming, who was sitting in the living room, looked at his uncle and said, "I don't interfere with the operation of An's, and I am very satisfied with the layout of An's group in recent years, but I don't think it is suitable for raising pigs. , maybe a little tweaking."

"Brother, are you not optimistic about the pig industry?" An Jinhong said involuntarily.

"No, I'm quite optimistic about raising pigs. All the big Internet companies are raising pigs." Lu Ming smiled and added: "But the risk is relatively high. It's not a joke to encounter swine fever in large-scale farming."

"Then you are..." An Jinhong looked at the other party in confusion.

"Why do you want to raise pigs? Instead of competing with Muyuan, Wen's, and Xingwang, it's better to let them become customers of Anshi Group." Lu Ming laughed: "Pig companies are typical heavy assets. It is a cyclical industry. In my opinion, Anshi Group can completely help these companies build pigsties. When the industry explodes, the demand for pigsties will inevitably increase. It can also share rich industry profits, but it avoids the cyclical industry. risks, especially the potential risks posed by large-scale farming.”

If there is a swine fever, it is not as simple as killing one or two pigs. What kind of pigs are raised?

The competition here is much smaller. Anshi Group has strong financial resources. Once the resources are integrated, the upstream monopoly is monopolized. Later, the pig industry exploded. , It is still unknown whether raising pigs makes money or not, but building a pigpen is sure to make a lot of money in advance.

"Brother, your ideas are very clever and tricky. The key point is that it is very reasonable. The profit of building a pig sty is not worse than that of raising pigs, and the risk is less..." An Jinhong was stunned for a while after hearing it, and then patted his thigh to add. Said: "I have to talk to the old man about this when I look back."

There is a lot of competition in raising pigs. Muyuan shares and other old-fashioned pig enterprises have their roots there. The downstream industries are highly competitive, and pigsty construction is different. I am really optimistic that the pig breeding industry will explode in the future. As long as the upstream pigsty construction can achieve a monopoly , that is to make money steadily.

To run a pig farm and raise pigs, you have to build a pig sty. To apply the Internet's high-level argument, this is called focusing on upstream supply to empower the downstream of the industry, and being the king of the subdivision field.

To be able to make the new pigsties of major pig companies and factories all built by Anshi Group, the profits are definitely considerable.

An Jinhong didn't stay here for long, and after chatting for a while, he left.

Lu Ming also came out of the house and stayed in the pavilion in the garden for a while. Looking around, he always felt something was wrong.


What's missing is popularity!

Less popular atmosphere, a little gloomy feeling.

After a while, a middle-aged and elderly man in his sixties came to the pavilion where Lu Ming was. His name was Liang Zhenyuan. Before that, he was the housekeeper in charge of maintaining this garden villa. Although An Jinhong had never come to live there, But the houses are spotless because they have been maintained and managed.

"Mr. Lu!"

Liang Zhenyuan is a professional professional housekeeper with more than 30 years of experience in the housekeeping industry. An Jinhong gave this garden villa to Lu Ming, and he did not intend to replace him, so he let Liang Zhenyuan continue to serve.

Lu Ming looked back at Liang Zhenyuan and instructed: "Uncle Liang, the popularity is too low, you should arrange it as soon as possible, hire more employees, gardeners, housekeepers, doormen, chefs, personal health assistants, physiotherapists, etc. Wait for these."

An Yirou had already ended her assistant internship career at Tiansheng Capital. Her progress has not kept up with the development speed of Tiansheng Capital. She had already gone abroad to study two days ago. Now, Lu Ming is living in this deep house alone.

Liang Zhenyuan nodded and said, "Do you have any specific requirements for employees?"

Lu Ming said succinctly: "It's delicious to eat."

When Liang Zhenyuan heard this, he nodded with a little scrutiny in his heart: "Understood, I'll arrange it now."

As soon as the housekeeper left, Lu Ming turned around and looked at the koi swimming in the pond. He grabbed a handful of fish stock next to him and threw it out. He patted the fish stock in his hand and said to himself, "It's still one. People are good, you can do whatever you want."

This is the feeling of freedom!



Lu Ming put on a casual outfit and walked out of the yard. His private business car was parked at the door. The Maybach had been replaced and thrown into the company to become the transportation car of the director Ge Feng. Of course, the car still belonged to assets in the company's name.

On the other hand, Lu Ming changed to a domestic HQL5. Li Chengyao, the driver of the special car, was standing beside him. When he saw the boss walking over, he opened the car door hurriedly.

Li Chengyao drove Lu Ming all the way to Ningzhou International Airport in a business car. He had to continue working this weekend. If he had to leave Ningzhou for a long trip, he would go north to the capital.

Arriving at the airport half an hour later, the chief lawyer Yao Yun and a few lawyers formed a team, and Ge Feng and a few subordinates had been waiting for the boss for ten minutes.

"Let's go."

When Lu Ming arrived, he didn't talk too much. Everyone followed the boss to board the plane. A luxurious private business jet was parked at the airport. It was Lu Ming's private travel plane, the Gulfstream G650ER.

More than 20 minutes later, the private business jet entered the takeoff runway and carried everyone to the capital.

In the plane, Ge Feng, who was sitting opposite Lu Ming, sighed: "Fortunately, President Lu urgently stopped the plan to invest in Lexus in the middle of the last time. Otherwise, my thunder will be a bit big."

Ge Feng was almost fooled into by Boss Jia at the beginning. If he jumped into this pit and was pulled into the water, Tiansheng Capital's loss of 20 billion was properly bottomed out. The number, even Tiansheng is a bit painful.

Lux overturned this year, and the 280,000 shareholders who invested in this company will definitely have no appetite and sleepless nights this year. The company has already been suspended from trading last month, and they can’t run away even if they want to run. It doesn't matter whether you run or not at this time, the 280,000 shareholders have already fallen into numbness.

The reason is that the debt exploded, and the first quarterly report predicts that the loss is a foregone conclusion, and the sad fact that this year may have a huge loss of nearly 12 billion yuan is the nightmare for 280,000 shareholders. Such a huge hole mainly includes 3.5 billion yuan for film and television. Provision for impairment of intangible assets such as copyrights and available-for-sale financial assets.

All the stars in the entertainment industry have been fooled by Boss Jia. There are about 20 stars who have lost money, and one of them has invested 50 million in it. The losing Mama does not know the rhythm.

After listening to Boss Jia's story, now it's all turned into an accident. In terms of flicking Boss Jia is definitely a god.

Lu Ming's trip this time is to discuss some business transfer issues with Boss Jia. Can Tiansheng help Leshi up? If he supports him with all his strength, he will definitely be able to help him up. With Tiansheng's current capital strength, Lu Ming holds more than 200 billion cash flow in his hands, and it is absolutely no problem to take over all of Leshi's debts.

But it is absolutely impossible to do so, the risk and reward are not equal, and many things cannot be done with money.

What to do after another takeover? Running your own company? This is not the strength of Tiansheng Capital. Should we continue to ask Boss Jia to manage the company? Even Lu Ming didn't dare. He was pulled into the water by Boss Jia at that time, neither entering nor retreating.

The only thing Lu Ming saw when he went to see Boss Jia this time was the film and television copyright resources in Leshi's hands. Having the largest library of genuine film and television copyright content has always been a competitive advantage that is proud of.

It has to be said that Boss Jia still has a vision.

Lux collapsed. This time, Lu Ming went to a pile of garbage to pick out the real treasure and take it away.


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