Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 176: 【Internal data (27/73)】


In the morning, Lu Ming stayed in his office, staring at the international foreign exchange market on the screen of his work computer, including some information news pages.

Just yesterday, the U.S. index stood above $103 for the first time, and Lu Ming did not hesitate to order Qi Wei to drop all the options contracts in his hand.

It was completely robbed by the market without any pressure, and then the US index fell back to $102 today. It is no exaggeration to say that the short-term decline of the US index today is the result of Lu Ming selling the options contract.

The remaining options contracts in the hand, after the market funds are received, basically exercise the options very quickly. In other words, the volume of close to 390 billion US dollars can be sold, and such a volume can even be in the daily trading volume of trillions of dollars. The foreign exchange market is also a huge level of skyrocketing.

After investors from all walks of life in the market grabbed the options in Lu Ming's hand, the quickest and safest way to make a profit is to exercise this right immediately and buy the US dollar index with a market value of US$103 at a price of US$94.2, and then go to the market for 103 US dollars. The price of the dollar sells, thereby taking the spread.

In addition, it is also possible to trade the premium directly, but investors who grab the order from the options contract list sold by Lu Ming all choose to exercise the option arbitrage, because the upward momentum of the premium is attenuated, the risk of falling is huge, and the premium profit of the premium They were all eaten by Lu Ming, and now few people are willing to eat fish tails.

In Lu Ming's $30 billion unilateral stud call option, the premium has risen by 119%. Excluding transaction costs, the total average return is a net profit of $33.9 billion.

So far, after all positions have been closed, Lu Ming now has a liquidity of 63.9 billion US dollars, plus some of the cash flow lying in other accounts of Tiansheng QDIE, reaching a liquidity scale of 68.5 billion US dollars, there is no doubt that this is a An extremely large amount of liquidity.


In the afternoon, a call came to Lu Ming's office landline, and the caller was Deputy Director Wang of the Foreign Exchange Bureau.

"Comrade Lu Ming, are you paying attention to the situation in the foreign exchange market?"

"Of course!" Lu Ming, who was on the phone with him, sat on the desk and nodded and replied, "Since the middle and late last month, the international air force has been on the move, and they want to be ashamed of the fiasco of the past year. This time, they are rushing to get Break down the renminbi to 7, the key integer-bit barrier."

"The integer mark of 7 must not be penetrated by the enemy. This is the position to be guarded!" Deputy Director Wang on the other end of the phone said succinctly, without any broken words.

At the critical time node of the current economic transformation, the concept of breaking 7 is completely different from the previous breakdown of 6.8 and 6.9.

Breaking 7 means that the RMB has returned to the 7 era many years ago, and falling below 7 is an intuitive visualization of the efforts to develop the economy and enhance the overall national strength over the years.

If this critical psychological barrier is broken down by the opponent in one fell swoop, it will be as if years of hard work and development have been denied. Especially at this juncture, it will inevitably bring about extremely huge economic turmoil, and may even lead to a panic run. The formation of positive feedback is likely to lead to systemic financial risks.

Back then, no one would have thought that the explosion of Lehman Brothers would become the fuse of a financial tsunami sweeping the world.

Holding the integer mark of 7 is also equivalent to sending a signal to the domestic and foreign markets that the country has the ability, foundation, confidence and determination to keep the RMB exchange rate within a stable and reasonable equilibrium water level range.

Therefore, the RMB exchange rate can never break 7 nowadays. Here is the final line of defense and the final bottom line in this currency war.

Naturally, Lu Ming knew this very well, and replied, "Is there anything important to Wang Bureau?"

There was a response from the other end of the phone: "Comrade Lu Ming, I can give you an internal data that has not been released for the time being. Let me say it verbally, as of November 31, our foreign exchange reserves have decreased by -69.057 billion US dollars month-on-month, This is already five consecutive months of accelerated reduction, and the country's total foreign exchange reserves have dropped to $3.05 trillion..."

Since July of this year, the decline of domestic foreign exchange reserves has accelerated, and it is getting bigger month by month. The month was $45.727 billion, and the previous month's $69.057 billion.

Lu Ming heard the content on the phone. Obviously, the country does not want the foreign exchange reserves to break the 3 trillion dollar mark, but it does not mean that breaking this number means that a crisis is coming. As long as it can provide liquidity to the market, If it can withstand external risk shocks, then there is no problem.

The specific point is actually not important, and if it is broken, it will not affect the overall situation.

It's just that this is indeed a psychological threshold for most investors, and it is naturally the best if it can not be broken.

Wang Ju on the other end of the phone said, "I'll just say it without any nonsense. We hope you can participate in this currency defense battle."

Bureau Wang also knew that Tiansheng Capital had a large amount of dollars in his hands and dispatched the funds, so the foreign exchange reserves would not have to break the 3 trillion integer mark.

Lu Ming responded with a smile, "It's my duty!"

Wang Ju is also very relieved to hear his reply. He is young and has a strong sense of family and country, which is really different from other profit-seeking capital.

"I heard that you have made a lot of dollars overseas recently. How much dollar liquidity does your company's offshore funds have at present? How much can be invested in this currency defense war?" Wang Ju asked again.

Lu Ming responded succinctly: "At present, I have 68.5 billion US dollars of liquidity in my hands, and all of them can be invested in this foreign exchange defense battle!"


When Deputy Director Wang heard this number, he was shocked on the spot. After reacting, he quickly said: "Are you sure that there is a liquidity of 68.5 billion US dollars? Why is there so much more money suddenly?"

Really surprised!

Wang Ju only knew that when he first fought with the international short sellers last year, Lu Ming had $10 billion of liquidity in his hands, and then managed domestic financial institutions to leverage $40 billion of funds to go overseas.

In that 48-hour confrontation, Tiansheng Capital fought guerrillas in the offshore market, took out the **** of international hot money, contributed to the foreign exchange war, and also made a lot of money from those international hot money. Pen.

At least make more than ten billion dollars!

It's only been more than a year, how has it ballooned to $68.5 billion? Again without stacking any leverage.

Lu Ming smiled and replied again: "To tell the truth, Tiansheng Capital's current overseas owned assets and managed LPs' assets total about US$110.08 billion, and the other US$41.58 billion, most of which are in the U.S. stock market. In theory, If there is a need in this foreign exchange defense I can also sell the more than 40 billion US dollars and realize it to support."

"But considering that the funds in the U.S. stock market are likely to be cut off by them, or even frozen for a reason, it is possible to prevent my funds from flowing out for support. So this potential uncertainty factor must be ruled out, Then I can still quickly complete the cash out by selling the investment in the crude oil futures market and other non-North American markets, which can provide an additional $12.5 billion in liquidity, which is more than $80 billion in liquidity.”

After speaking, Wang Ju on the other end of the phone responded after a while: "Comrade Lu Ming, you gave me a big surprise, how did you make it?"

Lu Ming said with a smile: "Isn't the beauty index getting stronger? It's not worth it if you don't make any money, so I unilaterally shuttled it more than three months ago, but I didn't expect it to double by accident."

Ah this...

Young people today...

Wang Ju was really dumbfounded, speechless, and he didn't know how to respond to his words for a while.


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