Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 173: [Lao Yang’s financing leverages stud to do more Tiansheng (26/7…

Price Investment Lao Yang's WeChat group is currently discussing in full swing in the group. Everyone's emotions are very high, because all members' accounts are now red, and they all make money.

It doesn't seem right. There is another old man whose account is green, that is, the ID "was recruited without wearing a condom." This man, because of his emotional and foolish operation, directly made the cost price 8,000 yuan. Now everyone Call him 8000 brother.

Group member: "Old Yang, Tiansheng Holdings has reached a new high of 7,900 yuan, and the whole number of 8,000 yuan is in sight!"

Group member: "It's not easy. Since breaking through and regaining the pressure level of 7690.88 yuan, it has been adjusted for six consecutive weeks!"

Group member: "This time it successfully broke through the 7700 yuan box, so it shouldn't be a problem to stand on the 8200 yuan, right?"

Group member: "I think it will continue to adjust at about 8200 points. Referring to the previous breakthrough pattern, Tiansheng Holdings is really regular, and the span of each box is about 500 yuan."

Everyone chatted for a while, and then Lao Yang jumped out to speak.

Lao Yang: "Today broke through the previous high, I directly stowed the remaining position, and also superimposed 2 times the leverage. At present, 43.55 million is long Tiansheng Holdings, holding 65 lots, and the current profit is 7.15 million yuan."

Group member: "Fuck!"

Group member: "Gan! Teacher Yang, are you too fierce?"

Group member: "6666, Lao Yang, is this super and ultimate optimistic? He actually uses leverage!"

Lao Yang: "Tiansheng Holdings broke through 7690.88 for the first time and set a new high, and it has been consolidating for six consecutive weeks, which is longer than the initial shock and consolidation after the resumption of trading, but this is not the key, the most important thing is that it broke through the historical high of 7690.88, this historical high. The breakthrough is of great significance, there are no good people in the capital market, and the main force dares to release all the previous traps, which shows that they have high ambitions."

Lao Yang: "After the breakthrough, I stepped back and consolidated for six consecutive weeks, and it has been consolidated for more than a month. The shock consolidation here is to digest the previous stuck plate. I have been waiting for its second breakthrough confirmation. It means that there is no selling, and this breakthrough is a high-volume breakthrough, but it is not a huge volume. If it is a super-large volume, it may be a shipment. The current volume can be sustained moderate volume. The second breakthrough successfully ruled out false breakthroughs. Stud directly!"

Lao Yang: "This is mainly about technical analysis. The fundamentals of Tiansheng Holdings are nothing to analyze, and it is still the same. All in all, this breakthrough of Tiansheng Holdings must have a large acceleration in the market, but what I said The big market is relatively speaking, this time the market is expected to rise by about 15%, which is my prediction.”

The twenty-five people in the group were very excited, thinking that the main rising wave was coming, but when I heard that the price of the market rose by about 15%, I was still a little disappointed.

But I can't say I'm too disappointed. It's within expectations, because the price voter Lao Yang who brought them said a long time ago that his current focus is to lead everyone to be Tiansheng Holdings. This vote is good for everything, the only one The downside is that it rises slowly, but the biggest advantage is that it has strong certainty and will maintain a long-term upward trend. This is the conclusion that Price Investment Lao Yang has come to after repeated research, and he has repeatedly told the stock friends in the group. view has never changed.

This is due to its particularity, including the nature of the securities sector in which it is located and its weight in the sector, which are destined to prevent Tiansheng Holdings from skyrocketing in most of the time.

If Tiansheng Holdings continues to go up and down, the brokerage sector will definitely not be able to suppress the madness. As long as the brokerage is crazy, whether it is retail funds or trend funds in the market, they will think that the bull market is about to start. Investors who have been in the big A all year round know that online editors A paragraph of a bull market mantra:

[The brokers started going crazy, the brokers went crazy, the banks went crazy, the banks went crazy, the insurance went crazy, the real estate went crazy, the real estate went crazy, the color went crazy, the coal went crazy, the coal went crazy, the steel went crazy, the retail investors went crazy, and the retail investors went crazy. highest peak]

Although this is a jingle joke made up, it also reflects the position of the brokerage sector in the minds of many investors in Big A. Regardless of the reason, as long as the brokerage really changes, the market will be restless.

Tiansheng Holdings ranks as a new dragon in the brokerage sector, and it is destined that this stock has a special status and can be used as a tool to mobilize the market sentiment of the big A. With Lu Ming's pricing for Tiansheng Holdings, the tool attribute is further magnified. .

Although the rise is slow, it looks slow, but with compound interest, after the rose of time blooms, it is especially gorgeous.

What Lao Yang said to everyone at the price of investment is: To invest in Tiansheng, you must endure loneliness to maintain prosperity.

Some investors who had been lying in Wendi shares before the backdoor had a cost price of about 3,000 yuan, which has increased by +161% in half a year. On the first day of resumption of trading, 4398 were bottom-hunters, and now the cumulative income is +78%; resumption of trading From the closing price on the first day, the cumulative income is now +51%.

Even those who stood guard from the highest point were relieved more than a month ago.

This is still in the case of not moving after buying. If you can do T, you will be bolder, and your skills will be higher, and your returns will be higher.

The wealthy retail investors in Tiansheng Holdings generally do not make T easily. Even the retail investors who can afford it do not dare to move blindly. Because the stock price is too expensive, it is really difficult to move. The way is to buy and hold the stock.

The most enjoyable part of being a T in Tiansheng Holdings is the institution.

At this time, Lao Yang spoke again in the group, this time he spoke directly in his voice.

Lao Yang: "Tiansheng's target profit after this breakthrough is 15%, but I raised 2 times the leverage and really reached the target price. The actual profit can be 45%, which is very impressive. Only this ticket I am most confident. , that's why I dare to fill the warehouse and work hard with leverage."

Lao Yang: "Have you noticed that in the past six months, Tiansheng Holdings, as the big brother-level leader in the securities business sector, has a very different trend from all securities stocks, and it is stronger than the market. When the market is rising, Tiansheng Holdings has never Lagging, not only did not lag behind, but also outperformed the market by at least 1 to 2 times, and sometimes even 3 times the market, and when it fell, it was very resilient."

Group member: "It's really like this. In April, the market was at more than 3,000 points. After half a year, it is still more than 3,000 points. Tiansheng Holdings closed at 5,178.88 yuan on the first day of resumption of trading in April. Now it has come out of a high of 7,837.04 points. Stepping forward, Tiansheng Holdings has risen by +51%, strictly speaking, +161%, and the resumption price is 3,000 yuan."

Group member: "Mr. Yang, based on the rate of return, do you predict that Tiansheng Holdings will rise to around 8,900 yuan this round?"

Lao Yang: "Yes, when I get around 8900 yuan, I plan to close the leveraged position and downgrade it to the 7-tier position. As long as the general trend of this ticket does not break, my position will not be lower than the 7-tier position. As for the remaining positions, Just going to the market to play hot spots, it is really boring to be a ticket for Tiansheng."

Group member: "I'm curious how Mr. Yang judged the target price of 8,900 yuan."

Lao Yang: "It's just a simple technical analysis, the current trend of Tiansheng is very easy to judge, that is to take a rising channel, you switch to the weekly candlestick chart, the first broken weekly candlestick and the second The solid bottom of the weekly K midline that broke through hits an uptrend line, and the recent adjustment just hits this trend line without any bias and immediately rebounds, and then breaks out this week.”

Group member: "It really is, the main force will play!"

Lao Yang: "This line has a trend line and strong support, and then translates upward to the high point of the two breakthroughs based on this support line. The two parallel lines are the current upward trend channel of Tiansheng Holdings. Based on these two lines The line is the benchmark, the pressure above is the support, and the upper pressure line is used to sell, and when it falls back to the support line to buy, it is possible to sell high and buy low. The other is the classic 5-day moving average strategy. Zhongzhan holds the line on the 5th, and breaks the line and leaves."

Lao Yang: "When you switch to the weekly K-line, you will find that the upward trend channel of Tiansheng Holdings is very obvious. At the same time, the breakthrough of the box platform is also obvious. The shape of the K-line that comes out is very beautiful, and it is easy to get Discovering the rules, the breakthrough in platform organization is also a textbook breakthrough, which is quite standard, which in turn shows that Tiansheng Holdings currently has relatively concentrated chips, the institution is highly controlled, and there are no differences between institutions."

Lao Yang: "But this is the worst part of the main force. It exposes such obvious flaws for you to see. A Xiaosan has followed the trend of Tiansheng Holdings for a period of time and found that the market outlook is almost the same as he expected, so He was excited and felt that he had mastered the code of wealth, but Xiaosan soon realized a problem... he couldn't afford it!"

Group member: "Haha~~"

Group member: "Great truth!"

Group member: "Retail investor: I have been offended, thank you~!"

Group member: "The main force of Sheng Holdings was too showy that day. It's not just to watch it and not to do it. Nima is really showy, it must be very uncomfortable, hahahahaha~."

Lao Yang: "He just bullied you that you couldn't afford it with one hand, bullied you to hesitate and struggle with the price of a few thousand yuan per share, and then he kept going up, and finally you found that you missed too many opportunities, so you decided to admit your mistake, Piece together to get enough money to buy a lot of money to enter the market.”

Lao Yang: "When you got in, the stock price doubled or doubled, and the main force smashed you with a backhand. You suddenly found that it didn't is in such a high position again, and I received news again. Are you panicking about the influence of face and emotion? So you panic, so you cut it, so after cutting it, you look back and see that it has broken through to a new high, so you are mad!"

Group member: "66666, Lao Yang's analysis is very strong!"

Group member: "It's very annoying!"

Lao Yang: "Ha~, what I mainly want to say is that everyone is talking about Tiansheng Holdings' vote, and even when many retail investors post delivery orders in the comment area, it happens that the stock price is accelerating, we will Do appropriate take-profit operations and avoid short-term pullback risks, such as selling half or one-third.”

Lao Yang: "Control the retracement of profits and try to avoid the short-term crash. I always maintain the view that Tiansheng Holdings' long-term trend is rising, but if the short-term decline can be avoided, the final income will outperform Tiansheng Holdings itself. The price action is not much of a problem.”


(Ps: The stock price of Tiansheng is described from the perspective of the supporting actor Lao Yang, and the development of Tiansheng is reflected through the stock price trend. The Easter Egg chapter will also update the K-line chart of Tiansheng Holdings at key time nodes. Of course, the K-line chart is my own I did the way, ask for a ticket~~)

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