Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 155: 【Investors who forgot their account numbers (16/73)】

   Chapter 157 [Investors who forgot their account numbers (1673)]

  It is worth mentioning that this ticket of Zhongguo Construction is not only a heavy-holding stock of Tiansheng value growth of 6.5 billion, but also a heavy-holding stock of "Tiansheng 150", it is certain that it will be listed next.

  Tiansheng 150 portfolio needs to be allocated 8 billion, adding up to 16.5 billion has exceeded the shareholding ratio of 10% of this vote.

As the world's largest engineering contractor, mainly engaged in housing construction, infrastructure construction, etc., Zhongguo Construction's current market value is also 150 billion yuan, which is a proper first-line blue-chip heavyweight, regardless of the current transaction volume of several hundred million a day , After half a year, the daily trading volume will be one or two billion.

The logic of Lu Ming's heavy holding of this ticket is that he knows that Zhongguo Construction will usher in the super main rising wave market in the second half of the year. is rare.

  The reason is that this company has greatly benefited from the country's One Belt One Road strategy. At the same time, this year's housing market is also quite hot, and its performance has soared. Last year's net profit was 26 billion yuan, and this year is expected to be close to the 30 billion expected.

Although an announcement will be made for the reduction of holdings, it does not matter. This is a big blue chip. Even if the stock price falls by 20 to 30% due to the announcement of the reduction of holdings, it will not hurt. The cost of Tiansheng Capital is almost at the floor price. If you buy more, even if you earn 50%, it can bring more than 8 billion profits.

What's more, Lu Ming knew very well that it was impossible for such a big ticket to go all the way because he issued an announcement to reduce holdings. 80% profit is not a problem.


  Today's morning meeting ended before the market, Li Mingyang and other fund managers also entered their respective trading rooms before the call auction started, opening positions for opening, adjusting positions for adjusting positions, and closing positions for closing positions.

   Entering the second half of the year, is the position adjustment, which is also the theme of July.

  With the expansion of the scale of funds, it is not possible to adjust the position and exchange shares in one or two days. The smashed shipment and distribution of chips can easily lead to emotional panic, and it is very possible to hit the lower limit.

   It is totally fine to complete the liquidation within half a month.

   On the other side, Lu Ming went back to his office and sat for a while, then he tapped the keyboard on his work computer a few times, and then opened the fund performance rankings for the first half of this year to take a look.

   "Huh? Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed Ranked No. 3?"

  Lu Ming was a little surprised, there are actually two funds whose returns in the first half of the year exceeded the funds he traded?

Tiansheng Value Growth Hybrid's cumulative total return on June 30 in the first half of this year was +73.36%, while the two hybrid funds, Cathay Nongyi Flexible Allocation and Cathay Amokang Regular Payment, which came in front, had a return of +91.55% in the first half of the year. and +86.27%.

   Actually outperformed the Tiansheng Enchantress?

   And the last five funds are also very good, with two more than +50% return, and the other three more than +30% return.

  Lu Ming was very curious and clicked in. He clicked in and took a look. Good guy, it soared from minus ten points to plus eighty points in one day.

   Seeing such a vertical skyrocketing trend, Lu Ming laughed and shook his head again and again on the spot.

   I thought I had met a master and wanted to know and communicate, but I didn’t expect that the net worth skyrocketed because of the huge redemption fee.

   This is not uncommon. Last year, the flash crash was too tragic. In the second half of the year, the China Securities Regulatory Commission even ordered the suspension of the IPO. Even those who have already paid will be refunded in full. Investors are anxious now, this fund has not yet started to make money, and there are no new shares.

   As a result, the huge redemption fee generated was all included in the income of the remaining fund assets, and the net value soared.

In other words, the windfall earned by the Christians who are still inside belongs to the pie in the sky. It is the result of other Christians getting together and redeeming a large area at the same time. The proceeds from the redemption fee are equal to the same fund. The Christians cut their flesh to another batch of Christians in the same fund.

   But this is definitely a huge embarrassment for the fund company.

   The two funds in front of Tiansheng Value Growth Mix and the five funds in the back all encountered a sudden and large-scale redemption that led to a surge in net value, which was really embarrassing.

   After excluding the gains, these seven funds are almost at the bottom of the table, and they have lost money in the first half of the year.

Excluding them, Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed Fund topped all peer funds in the two cities with a return of +73.36% in the first half of the year, and the accumulated return in the first half of the year, which really ranked second, was around +26%, which is considered very good. Performance has been achieved, most of the same kind of funds have been lonely in the past six months, or lost money.


   At the same time, in a small family in a second-tier city in China.

   "...The total sum is 280,000, and there is still a shortfall of 170,000 to pay for the down payment."

  In this rental room, a middle-aged couple is summing up all the household belongings, and there are cash, bank cards and so on on the table.

   His wife had a sad face, because it was the down payment for the house.

Originally, the couple planned to save more money to buy a house, but they found that the speed of saving cannot keep up with the current rate of house price rise. It has risen to 11,300/square meter.

   So I'm getting more and more anxious, and I have to hurry up and make a down payment, otherwise I won't be able to afford it in the future.

  The problem is that we can’t make enough pieces of it now, and we need a down payment of 450,000.

   "Husband, I remember hearing from you that you bought a fund before, yes, yes, this money is not included in the calculation, how much did you invest? How much did you earn?" The wife suddenly looked at the man and said.

"Fund? Is there any?" The man was stunned when he heard it, and after a moment of doubt, he carefully recalled it, and suddenly he patted his forehead with a big hand, and immediately said, "Look at my memory, if you don't say it, I forgot about it. , I bought it in 2011, what is it called a profit-making fund, I remember it, it was a bank financing phone call, and I was recommended to buy it. Ten thousand dollars is still how much to come."

   When his wife heard that it was 80,000 yuan, her eyes lit up, and she quickly said, "It's been four or five years. It should be 100,000 yuan. Whether it's a profit or a loss, take it out as soon as possible. The house is the top priority!"

   At this time, the man said hesitantly: "Old...wife...I forgot the account password, don't remember?"

   "What? You can forget this? 80,000 yuan! Are you a pig?"

His wife was about to cry when she heard it, and just when she was about to scold someone in a rage, the man suddenly said, "Wait a minute, I remembered it, I'm afraid I forgot to have a special notebook to write about these accounts and so on. Just to prevent you from forgetting, you wait and I'll look for it!"

   After the man finished speaking, he got up and went to the bedroom, and after a while he took out an old notebook from a box.

   The husband and wife were leaning against each other, and the man kept flipping through the notebook. After a few minutes, he finally saw an account password record on a page with the words "Profit Fund" written on it.

  The man was overjoyed: "It should be this. It turns out that you can log in with your ID card."

   His wife hurriedly urged: "Don't fix these things, just log in and have a look."

The two immediately came to the computer desk in the bedroom. After turning on the computer, they opened the search engine and typed in "Profit Fund". After clicking into it, the webpage suddenly jumped to The man was puzzled: "Tiansheng Fund? Why? What's the matter? I remember that I bought the Profit Creation Fund!"

   Wife scolded furiously when she saw it: "It's over, you must have encountered a liar, can you file a complaint with the bank? You idiot didn't even know that you were cheated of 80,000 yuan, I'm so mad!"

  The man also felt guilty and did not dare to refute his wife. At the same time, he was very sad when the 80,000 yuan was gone.

  I don’t know is one thing, but I feel a little distressed when I know it is more than money.

   After a while, the man clicked the query with the mentality of giving it a try, and entered the fund account number and password. He had never used a consignment platform such as Zhifubao or Tiantian Fund. When he bought it, he registered the fund account to buy it.

   With the mentality of giving it a try, he entered the account password and clicked to confirm. The man was surprised again when he saw the jump on the page: "Huh? How the **** can I log in?"

   The angry wife silently turned her head and glanced at the computer screen. The man clicked to check the account assets. When he clicked in and saw the net asset limit of the account, he was completely blinded.

   When the wife who came over saw the string of numbers, she was shocked and covered her mouth with both hands!


   (end of this chapter)

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