Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 16: [7 times leverage is fragrant (additional meal)]

December 10, Wednesday.

As soon as the market opened this morning, Lu Ming saw that Zhongxin Securities opened at +0.23%, but directly rose 5 points within three seconds of the day. This kind of rapid pull, Lu Ming decisively chose to go higher. Run quickly, and the deal is completed in less than two seconds.

This wave of operations is the same as yesterday's bottom-hunting operation, and the buying points are all pulsed out. In reality, the selling points of S are not in the time-sharing trend, and the price of two sell orders is 27.85 yuan.

Just three to four seconds after it was sold, it quickly fell back.

Lu Ming took a screenshot and sent the operation to the group:

[The position of 27.85 is completely cleared, and the running is a bit limited]

Lu Ming's capital is already close to 10 million, which is considered a big capital, but it can be easily run away, because the daily trading volume of Zhongxin Securities is a bit exaggerated, the daily trading volume exceeds 30 billion, not to mention tens of millions of funds. Hundreds of millions of funds can easily go out on the same day.

All the staff immediately followed up. In contrast, the small partners in the group were more brutal. They directly chose to press the nuclear button, and did not hesitate to place a limit-down bid. This may sell relatively low, but the nuclear The advantage is one-click clearing.

One minute after the opening, the market jumped to the top and then went straight to a big dive. There were 10,000-handed big orders one after another, and at the same time, there were also many 10,000-handed big orders being accepted.

Lu Ming watched the market situation and sent a message to the group members to interpret what was happening in the market. Basically, retail investors could only understand whether it was going up or down, but could not see why it was going up and why it was going down. The reason was not at all. Know.

[In the middle of the day, the new and old main forces are swapping, the previous profits are gone, the new ones are accumulating, and there are new big funds entering the market to relay, this is a good thing, the market outlook can be expected, see next week Even plate expected]

The members of the masses were a little dumbfounded when they heard this. Today is the clear rhythm that was arranged on Wednesday!

Brother, do you want to be so mad that you can judge next week just by looking at the board in less than three minutes?

Lu Ming sent another message to the group:

[When it is adjusted, I will not play with him anymore. I will go to other places to find investment opportunities and strive to make considerable profits every day. When Zhongxin is adjusted in place, I will come back and work hard. The brokerage market is still there, but it is only a short-term adjustment]

After speaking, Lu Ming threw out today's operation and went to scan the market to find an opportunity.

Holding subject: Zhongxin Securities (600030)

Number of shares held: 0 (clearance)

Average transaction price: 0

Current market price: 26.47 yuan

Market value of holding positions: 0 (clearing positions)

Profit and loss of the day: +445,500 yuan (+4.93%)

Floating profit and loss: +1.7423 million yuan (+22.78%)

Total assets: 9.4717 million yuan

After 9:45, the friends in the group were waiting for the new wealth code, and Lu Ming sent a message:

[I entered the blue stone old demon again, the position is full, the average transaction price is 20.33 yuan, make an intra-day ultra-short arbitrage, alms operation, and leave tomorrow if there is no accident]

The friends in the group immediately opened the Bluestone Reloading. They were shocked when they saw it. This ticket has been falling from the beginning of the month until now, and the shadow group began to discuss.

"The alms operation is okay... [laughs and tears]"

"Brother, do you want to be so fierce? How dare you fill up your position?"

"It's too sturdy, I'll wipe it, I'm doing it so hard at seven or eight points underwater, I can't stand it... [laughs and tears]"

"Could it be that there is still a market situation?"

"I didn't listen to the first brother, so he made an ultra-short day. If he entered today, he would run tomorrow."

"I've already studded, so feel free to everyone."

"Forget it, forget it, I won't go to this old demon fishtail market, the risks outweigh the benefits, and the gains outweigh the losses."

"One brother is full of seven times the bar, what is it?"

"I'm not happy if you say that, Madd, let's do it!"

"It's very annoying!"

After most of the little friends in the group struggled for a while, they saw that the bluestone reloading started to rise after 10 am, so don't hesitate to buy it now.

For this target, only a small number of people chose to wait and see without coming in. Most of them gave up thinking about copying their homework and filled the warehouse, and then the shadow group was filled with all kinds of **** who were screaming.

Because the bluestone reloading turned red from seven or eight points underwater, it closed at 21.58 yuan today, down -1.82%, and everyone who followed up ate meat.

In addition to the profits from the securities issued in the morning, everyone is basically making a daily limit today.

After the market closed, the friends in the group asked Lu Ming to ask what the logic of the blue stone old demon was.

Lu Ming also made a simple reply in the group:

[Old Blue Stone Demon, this is nothing to analyze. I want to make some connections from the pocket of hot money. There is a lot of hot money in this ticket. Someone came in to buy the dips the day before yesterday. As a result, I was buried alive at the end of the trading day.]

[There was a large amount of money at the opening this morning. It should be self-rescue. Then it fell sharply and had to fall to the limit again, but it was rescued. The old demon is an old demon with a high degree of recognition. I will do a relay when I see it.

[But as I said earlier, self-rescue behavior, take advantage of the situation to get out of a sub-high-level shipping form, so don't expect this old demon to be resurrected and get out of the high-standard market of Lianban Lianyang. I will see how to go tomorrow. If the situation is not good, check directly. ]

After speaking, Lu Ming went offline after throwing out today's income.

Target held: Blue Stone Reload (603169)

Number of shares held: 465,900 shares

Average transaction price: 20.33 yuan

Current market price: 21.58 yuan

Market value of holding positions: 10.0541 million yuan

Profit and loss of the day: +1,027,900 yuan (+11.39%)

Floating profit and loss: +582,400 yuan (+6.15%)

The friends in the group saw that Lu Ming's capital account had exceeded 10 million yuan, and they were also chatting hotly. They were stunned when they saw that they achieved a daily profit of one million yuan for the first time today.

They all feel that big money is really comfortable, and a big increase is a good way to eat big meat. Even if you make a profit of one or two points, it is an absolute gain of 100,000 to 200,000 yuan.

The friends in the group also felt for the first time why the rich are getting richer.

Bluestone Reload has achieved an unexpected increase today. In fact, the small partners in the group have also contributed to the flames. Although everyone's individual funds are only 200,000 to 300,000, the total amount of funds of No. 199 people has reached more than 20 million. magnitude.

Today, most of the little friends have entered the bluestone reloading, and they are all loaded with heavy storage, and some are even full forever.

Enough to drive the emotional side to more or less affect this old demon.

On Thursday, December 11th, today, the bluestone reloaded and opened around 2 points underwater. Lu Ming chose not to move. .

This kind of demon king of the year, don't look at the fact that he has been walking very crotch recently, but once there is any trouble, the attention of the market will rise, because everyone has an impression of it and it is highly recognizable.

And everyone has a urination, or this is human nature, that is, they like to watch the fun, and there are many people who pay attention, and some people uphold the first hand of support, focusing on participation, and the first hand is only about 2,000 yuan. For retail investors who speculate in stocks , this is not much money, and it is not much to lose even if you eat the limit, UU reading is only 200 yuan.

Shigekura has even eaten at the limit, and it is 200 yuan, sprinkled with water, this is the heart of retail investors.

And if you support the first hand and he supports the first hand, the amount will come out. With the guidance of the main force and the relay of hot money, the inflow of capital can pull up the stock price.

It opened low in the morning and then went up and down. Some small traders who supported the first-hand side saw such a strong move and supported the second-hand side. Anyway, bits and pieces converged, and the result was that the stock price rose all the way.

When the stock price rose to more than 7 points within a day, it attracted ultra-short-term board players. This type of investor did not make a move at the moment when the board was closed, and then the premium arbitrage that Bo Ri opened higher and ran away.

In the bluestone reloading comment area where the Dongcai and Tonghuashun APPs are located, a lot of small scattered messages call out that the old bluestone demon has been resurrected.

At 10:44, Blue Stone repackaged the board. After seeing the board, Lu Ming sent a message to the group a few minutes later:

[Strongly seal the board, I won’t continue the pattern if I don’t fry the board during the session, I can stabilize until the close, there will be a premium tomorrow, but don’t expect any continuous board market, there is platform pressure near the former high]

When the little friends in the group saw it, they all chose the pattern and didn't move. The little friends were addicted to it. Since I followed the first brother, I have been eating big meat at the daily limit every day.

Lu Ming also earned 10 points from a full warehouse today, with a floating profit of more than one million yuan in the day.

Seven times leverage is fragrant!

(Ps: If you have an extra meal, the fan list has exceeded the 100 integer mark. The next wave of extra meals will exceed the 500 mark. 500 feels a bit too much. Let’s have 300 fans. The fan list is based on the one on the PC side. The mobile version exceeds 100 suddenly soared, very fascinated, ask for recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~)

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