Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 14: [The floating profit in the day is nearly 00,000]

Today's opening price is flat open. After the continuous bidding started, Lu Ming has been paying attention to the time-sharing trend of Zhongxin Securities and the market sentiment market. At 10 o'clock, it fell back to around 5 points.

At this time, Lu Ming edited the content and sent it to the group when the trend fell:

[Standard intraday time-sharing Elliott main up-wave structure, wave 1 rises to 4 points, wave 2 retraces to 2 points, wave 3 rises to 8 points, wave 4 retraces to 5 points, and wave 5 rises directly Seal the board, if the board can't be boarded, the abc will be called back and the power will be charged again.]

[There is still no problem with the emotional aspect today, and the time-sharing form is not good. The two points of T are too lazy to T, lie down to win, and call it a day! ]

After the news was sent, the management ape directly lifted the ban.

"Ah... Did you end work early?"

"Haha, I'm too lazy to T at two points, and I'm too lazy to pretend to make money. Brother, you are too lazy."


"This is a bit showy!"

While the group members were chatting and ridiculing, half an hour passed, that is, around 10:30, and the board was indeed closed.

Now everyone is not as excited and excited as before. This is how everyone feels now.

Seal plate! ?

What's so exciting about sealing a board? It's unexpected.

After the daily limit after the first board on Monday, Lu Ming continued to be optimistic about the forecast of three-to-four consecutive boards. All the members of the group also followed the "one brother" forever full of blood and crazy, either full or on the way to full.

From last week to now, these group members have followed Lu Ming to the rhythm of making swollen and bursting profits. Every day, the warehouse is full of meat.

December 09, Tuesday.

Today, Lu Ming's leveraged funds can also be used. Seven times the leveraged funds can be combined to operate more than 8 million funds.

Zhongxin Securities opened 5 points higher, and then quickly closed the daily limit at 09:42 in the morning.

Such a big and powerful quadruple board makes investors from all walks of life feel that it is outrageous, and more and more people are paying attention, and the financial media are also reporting it.

It didn't take long for the board to be sealed in the morning, but it was fried in ten minutes. The members of the group did not see Lu Ming's message, and they all decided not to sell it.

The board exploded, but Lu Ming was still optimistic about the seal, and he did not rush to operate. The market sentiment was very good, the market information was good, and the situation was over.

Sure enough, as expected by Lu Ming, at 10:23, the closure was successful, and the daily limit was closed until the close in the morning.

When the market opened in the afternoon, the plate was fried twice in the first hour of the lunch plate, but it was quickly closed, and it was fried again at 14:15.

Lu Ming edited a message and sent it to the group:

[Opening the board for the fifth time in a day, the views remain unchanged, continue to read the back cover]

The group of friends had no other feelings when they saw the news of "One Brother", just two words: peace of mind, or rest assured, relieved.

After the fifth frying in the day, he did not seal it back as quickly as the previous two, but continued to dive, which made Lu Ming pay a little attention, but he still looked at the seal.

Until five minutes after frying the board, suddenly a pulse hit the opening price and broke today's opening price, but it rose back in seconds, and then began to rebound and rush up quickly. The time-sharing curve is not left, and people who are not careful will not Noticed.

But Lu Ming's rich trading experience and keen trading sense made him realize that something was wrong, and quickly scanned the capital trend of the market.

At 14:28, Lu Ming edited a message and sent it to the group:

[feeling a little bit wrong]

The group of friends couldn't help but feel their hearts. After Lu Ming sent this message, there was no voice, and he couldn't understand what he wanted to express, but literally, it seemed that the market trend was not as good as the first brother's expectations, and everyone couldn't help but lift their spirits. , confirming that you want to run, just press the nuclear button to run, the kind of running that **** can't stop.

At 14:33, the board was sealed for the sixth time in a day, but Lu Ming dumped all the goods in his hand here, and then sent a message to the group:

[It's nuclear, it's all out on the 28.05 board]

As soon as the news was sent out, the group members pressed the nuclear button one after another, all of which were shipped near the daily limit.

The sixth time the plate was closed in less than a minute and it was opened again. After 14:35, it dived again, breaking the intraday average price line and rebounding.

When the moving average rebounded, Lu Ming put out a concise message to the group:

[Fake anti-pick, still have to come down, the four boards are difficult]

Lu Ming directly watched the market and explained the preview. The voice just fell for less than two minutes. Before this wave of time-sharing rebounds hit the average price line, it began to turn down and staged a big dip in the afternoon. At 14:45, a 16,000-hand lot The large order sold out directly brought the audience to collapse, and staged a situation of more kills and more kills.

In just five minutes, the market turned green and plummeted all the way. At this moment, Lu Ming stared intently at the market.

At 14:53, the stock price dropped to 24.05 yuan. In the context of the short-squeezing market, this kind of flash crash-style emergency kill, will Zhongxin Securities go out of the sky and the floor and fall to the limit?

Obviously impossible!

When the flash crash reached 24.05 yuan, Lu Ming saw that he directly filled the warehouse with an offer of 24.11 yuan to buy and followed up with the chips, including all the leveraged funds he had financed. In 53 minutes and 11 seconds, I received a list from Wanshou Ge.

It rebounded as soon as he bought it. Lu Ming's buying point showed that the mark was pulsed out and was not on the time-sharing line. The price did hit that position in just a few seconds, but the time-sharing chart rebounded before it came out. .

Lu Ming immediately sent a message to the group:

[The warehouse is full again, and the transaction is 24.11 yuan]

When the group members saw it, they also hurried to buy. At this time, the time-sharing has rebounded from more than 5 points underwater to -0.83%, and it is about to turn red.

Seeing the buying point and transaction price displayed on Lu Ming's screenshot, all the members of the group were dumbfounded, and the transaction price jumped out of the time-sharing line. The bargain hunter had already overtaken the basement under the floor. UU reading

There is simply no one left.

After 15 o'clock in the afternoon, the underwater upswing and red report closed at 26.54 yuan, an increase of +4.08%. After the closing, the management ape in the group hadn't lifted the ban, and Lu Ming directly dumped today's position income into the group. Today's Earnings exploded immediately.

Holding subject: Zhongxin Securities (600030)

Number of shares held: 340,100 shares

Average transaction price: 24.11 yuan

Current market price: 26.54 yuan

Market value of holding positions: 9.0262 million yuan

Profit and loss of the day: +937,100 yuan (+11.55%)

Floating profit and loss: +1,296,800 yuan (+16.95%)

When the people in the group saw this picture of Lu Ming's income, they were all stunned for a while, and then they were all swiping the screen.

"Fuck 6666!"

"what's going on?"

"Has Brother One added leverage?"

Lu Ming replied:

[Well, I leveraged 7 times. I originally wanted to leverage 10 times, but in the end I negotiated 7 times. That's fine.]

"I'll wipe, this wave of operation Tianxiu!"

"How strong is this heart to dare to dive on the board and buy the bottom with seven times leveraged funds?"

"The most beautiful rebounded from more than five points underwater to close at more than four points, and directly filled the position with seven times the leverage to eat a daily limit, and the daily income was close to one million!"

"To be fair, I also want to increase leverage, but the two financing quotas are not enough."

"You can go over-the-counter!"

"There is a risk in allocating capital, take it easy, hit the virtual disk scammer platform, and give it all for nothing."

"Yes, just do it honestly."

"The profit is nearly one million a day!"

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