Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 128: 【Make a sensation in the market before listing (2/6)】

Weekend of April 17th.

Tiansheng Capital announced its 2015 fiscal year results and 2016 Q1 financial report during this weekend. The disclosure of these two results caused a sensation in the capital market, especially the 2016 Q1 financial report.

Even in the overnight foreign news reports, they all spread to Wall Street and attracted the attention of the international capital market.

The reason is also very simple. In Tiansheng Capital's 2016 Q1 financial report, the core of the company's soaring net asset price came from overseas investment income.

In fact, last year, Tiansheng Capital has already entered the attention of Wall Street capital. After all, the "Antian War" is a bit fierce in the domestic capital market, and the bigwigs of Wall Street are also quite surprised, but after all, they can't reach out. , Although there is the existence of northbound funds, the entry of foreign capital into the Big A is actually strictly controlled.

The domestic financial capital market has only opened a small opening to foreign capital, and it is also very cautious when opening a small opening.

But this time is different. Tiansheng Capital has harvested US$25.3 billion from the international capital market led by US stocks in the first quarter of the new year, which is actually quite shocking to Wall Street.

Soros, the famous financial crocodile, made a billion dollars shorting the yen from November 2012 to February 2013, while Lu Ming made more than 8 billion dollars in the first January of the year, and even more in the first quarter. Blood earned 25.3 billion US dollars, and after eating shorts, eating longs.

Lu Ming successfully attracted the attention of several financial giants on Wall Street. After a general understanding, he found that this rookie who was rising in the capital market on the other side of the ocean was indeed a lunatic.

They are all extreme unilateral operations. Either the Mancang Stud is a big short, or the Mancang Stud is long. There is no hedging tool to hedge the risk. As long as there is even one mistake in this extreme trading style, there is no place to die.

However, while the risk of this extreme trading style is out of the table, the income is also out of the table. The profit for a quarter is 25.3 billion US dollars, which has already destroyed a technology giant as big as Apple.

Compared with the profit data of Apple in 2015, it was 53.7 billion US dollars, with an average of about 13.4 billion US dollars in a quarter. Apple is one of the most profitable companies on the planet, but Tiansheng Capital's profit speed is beyond Apple!

At least it's over now.

This is a very shocking thing to Wall Street. At the same time, it is unhappy that the Chinese people have cut off 25.3 billion US dollars of leeks from their home court, which is 39.2 billion US dollars to be exact. Tiansheng QDIE's current funds are all Profit, Lu Ming transferred the 5 billion US dollars from overseas to China last year. At present, all the funds of Tiansheng QDIE are profiting.

However, the shock of Wall Street's capital bosses did not express too much. After roughly studying Lu Ming's trading system, they came to the conclusion that they could not go very far.

The reason is also very simple, he can't win all the time, his trading system does not allow even one failure, as long as one failure means losing the whole game.

Obviously, no one will keep the myth of eternal undefeated.

The bigwigs on Wall Street didn't care too much. Basically, they all agreed that Lu Ming was just a shooting star in the capital market. His rise was rapid and dazzling, but his fall was only in the blink of an eye, and then he would fall. forgotten.


Monday, April 18.

Today, Big A ushered in a new week's opening day. At around ten o'clock in the session, the major securities newspapers and market software have updated the latest news, which once again caused a sensation in the domestic capital market.

It is the news that Tiansheng Capital has backdoored Wendi shares to go public. Tiansheng Capital announced that the restructuring has been completed, with a private placement of 45 billion yuan. Wendi shares will officially resume trading on April 20, which is this Wednesday, and will be renamed Wendi at the same time. Tiansheng Holdings, stock code: 603230.

What caused the sensation was not that the company completed the asset reorganization and resumption of trading. This news is already outdated, but after the resumption of trading, the share price of Tiansheng Holdings will start a resumption auction at 3,000 yuan per share. This magical price makes big A investors. A little dumbfounded.

For a while, Tiansheng Holdings' popularity has not resumed trading, and it has been directly ranked in the top 1 position in the Tonghuashun popularity list. Taoba, Xueqiu and the message areas under the major market software are all hotly debated.

"The price per share of Tiansheng Holdings is 3,000 yuan? How can this kind of inquiry pass? Nima is outrageous, see you soon!"

"Why is the price after the resumption of trading so exaggerated, doesn't that mean that the people inside are making crazy money? It's more than a thousand times more expensive? This..."

"Pfft...more than a thousand times, you really dare to think, do you think it's possible, it's just a joint share, the market value of Wendi shares held before the suspension will not change, for example, you previously held 1,000 Wendi shares, the market value 3,000 yuan, the market value remains the same, but the number of shares held is only 1 share.”

"The price of one share is 3,000 yuan? Is this reasonable?"

"Berkshire Hathaway understands that the price of one share is hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the high share price does not mean that the valuation bubble is serious. Are junk stocks worth 3 yuan expensive? Some junk stocks are still overvalued at 3 yuan, May have to fall to 1 yuan and 5, cut in half! Even ST"

"The hype of the capital game is just hype. At first glance, it is to cut the leeks of retail investors."

"I'm sorry, you look down on yourself too much. Big A doesn't have a few leeks to buy. Even if the first brother wants to cut leeks, it's not the dog's turn to go to sacrifice, because it's not qualified... Are you not old-fashioned?"

"I feel offended."

"It's so real haha."

"It's more than piercing the heart, it's just piercing the iron, it's not worthy of being cut off... [Holding face]"

"The first brother wants to go the way of Berkshire Hathaway. 300,000 yuan in one hand is very difficult. I can only buy 20 shares with the funds in my Nima account. This..."

"Mao Ti, the most expensive stock price of Big A, closed at 243.68 yuan today. I think it's too expensive. Compared with Tiansheng Holdings, I can only say that I will see the series in a long time..."

"It's so daring, the first brother is too inauthentic, and the price is 3,000 yuan to resume trading, which is obviously to keep us small-capital retail investors out of the door, alas... It's not impossible to buy stocks that you know can make a lot of money. You can’t buy it from the start, all you can afford are all kinds of dog farms, which are too difficult to play.”

"Retail investors always like to chase up and down, but they can't hold it. How many people have held Anshi's shares? Now it's approaching 70 yuan. When Anshi's shares are cheap, there are many retail investors, chasing up and down every day, and the trading volume is dozens. Tens of billions, now the stock price has risen, and there are fewer retail investors than before, but it has stepped out of the trend of rising and relaying."

"Also, retail investors will smash the market at every turn, and when there is trouble, they will jump around. The logic of Anshi's shares has been reversed. I can't figure out how to cut meat at 50 yuan."

"Tiansheng Capital's explosive performance, I think the stock price may soar to 5,000 yuan the day after tomorrow."

"5,000 yuan? How to calculate it? Even the daily limit price is 3,300 yuan. Math is taught by PE teacher Yang, right?"

"At first glance, it is a novice Xiaobai who doesn't understand the I will tell you in a low voice that there is no limit on the first day of resumption of trading for stocks that have undergone asset restructuring, replacement, or backdoor listing."

"Well, I was sloppy."

"Alas, I can only be a melon eater. The high price is really unattainable."

"There was a big drama on Wednesday, and the first brother created an unprecedented history in the domestic capital market."

As soon as the announcement of Tiansheng Capital came out, it became the focus of attention in the domestic capital market. Whether it was the scale of its private placement, or the stock price after the resumption of trading, it shocked the attention of countless people.

The day after tomorrow will be the day that countless investors pay close attention to, and there are not a few people who can’t afford it. The backdoor listing of Tiansheng Capital is definitely a big event in the history of Big A, and it can definitely leave a strong mark in the domestic capital market.

This much-anticipated moment of the spotlight also arrived on schedule with the passage of time.


(Ps: Is it going to be blown again today? Don't ah~~~)

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