Hearing Nian Yang's words, Luo Song froze on the bed as if he had suffered a thunderbolt from the blue. A shivering feeling swept through the cells of his body, making his face, which had finally turned rosy, instantly pale.

Nianyang pursed his lips, "Uncle Luo, in fact, when I checked your pulse yesterday, I found out that you were poisoned, but I didn't say it because I was afraid that you wouldn't believe me and didn't want to startle the snake..."

"Girl Gu, you don't need to explain. I believe in your medical skills. It must be true that you said I was poisoned." Luo Song clenched his fist secretly, his eyes dark and unclear.

"It's just me, it's hard to accept. It would be Tianhong and Xiaojing who poisoned me. One of them is my future son-in-law, and the other is my niece who I have raised for a few years. What reason do they have to poison me? Maybe it's me. I ate it by mistake!"

"Who said there is no reason..." Nian Yang said softly, "Lan Zhen told me, Uncle Luo, you handed over the garment factory to Duan Tianhong when you suddenly had complications three months ago. Business is declining day by day, Duan Tianhong also suggested to Uncle Luo that you sell the garment factory?"

"Yes, I'm not healthy, and Tianhong is not a business material. He wakes up early every day to help me manage the clothing factory, but the business declines so much that the workers' wages can't be paid any longer, so he wants me to sell it."

"Although it is said that the business is in a downturn, the clothing industry is also a huge profit. How can it suddenly fail? Uncle Luo, do you really think that there is no fuss about it?"

Rosen was stunned.

"In other words, Duan Tianhong asked you to sell the garment factory, and you died of illness at that time, so who will ultimately benefit from selling the garment factory? Do you still think there is no reason?"

Luo Song seemed to be hit in the head, and the merchants were very suspicious. The reason why he didn't doubt Duan Tianhong was because of trust, but now he is listening to Nian Yang's analysis.

Many things that he had overlooked suddenly became clear at this moment.

Nian Yang explained a few more words to Luo Song, then went back to school with Roland Zhen as if nothing had happened, and waited for the result.

At this time, Nian Yang unexpectedly received a letter from Li Tingyan. In the letter, Li Tingyan said that he was still on a business trip in Jiang City, and he took time to write a letter to himself.

Of course, there are still love words that make people blush and heartbeat behind the letter.

The people who saw it were trembling.

I don't know where the man learned it.

Brother Li has become bad!

Nian Yang also wrote him a reply, saying that he was helping his friend's father to treat his illness, and told him the ins and outs of various conspiracies.

This is how long-distance relationships are. I just want to let the other party know everything that happened to me, and I feel that it is not enough to fill a piece of letter paper...

The new article guide here says that the author Zhan Nan is very scumbag, the writing has no logic, and he doesn't know much. If you think the chronology I wrote is garbage, that I don't understand that this era is scribbling, and the promotion plot is not in line with the rules, And the writing is naive and the plot is rubbish, so congratulations, you are right, we have different views, don't force us to be together, please don't criticize me, I'm very fragile, I've already written stupidly and will get so much scolding, so You have pity on me, don't spray me, okay? As long as you don't spray me, I will pray for you and wish you a great fortune every year, so you are satisfied.

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