After speaking, he instructed a few children, "You can treat them well, because the father is a little unwell today, so I will excuse you for the time being."

"Okay, Dad, then you have a good rest."


After Murong Zhe left, Liu Jiahuai said blankly, "Azong, did I say something wrong just now? Also, why did my uncle say that he can no longer practice medicine?"

Murong Zong recounted the events of that day.

"That's it, Jia Huai, Jia Nian, Dad isn't mad at you."

Liu Jiahuai said with a pity on his face: "It turns out that it is like this, Aran, Azong Axuan Akuan, I'm sorry, I didn't know it just now."

Grandfather seldom praised a person in his life, but since grandfather met Uncle Murong, he often praised him for being young and promising, and his medical skills were better than him at a young age.

Now that his hands are broken, it is no wonder that his face was so ugly just now.

Uncle Murong was sure he had been healed for a while, but he was so good at medicine that he couldn't do anything, and it was estimated that his grandfather could not be healed.

"Relax, daddy won't care about your words." Murong Zong reassured: "By the way, our family is now in the vegetable business, and the business is not bad. Would you like to go to the vegetable field with us?"

Liu Jiahuai knew that they must be living harder than before. Yesterday, he got the news that they were very busy every day and didn't want to delay their earning money, so he said goodbye, "You are busy with your work, we have something to go back to. Deal with it, and come back to you another day."

Now that they know where they live, there will be more opportunities to meet in the future.

They walked all the way just now, the Murong family's house was considered one of the best in the village, and life was better than he imagined, so he was relieved.

And the stepmother actually provoked the relationship between them without authorization, he would never let it go.

Murong Zong was indeed busy, and he could not entertain them properly if they were left behind, so he solemnly said, "The Liu Yuan envoy will ask you to go there."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Liu Jiahuai was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly said, "By the way, did you sell fruit outside Tianhe Tower yesterday? Are there grapefruit, oranges, apples, and winter jujubes?"

Murong nodded, "Yes."

Liu Jianian said excitedly: "Aran, can you sell us some now? Your business was so good yesterday that I didn't even buy it."

Murong smiled and said, "Of course it's possible? You all came in a carriage, don't say anything, even if you want to fill the carriage, you can go, let's go to the backyard with me."

"OK, OK"

After Liu Jiahuai's siblings left, Murong Lingran and Murong Xuan went to Tianhe Tower today.

Although unexpected people came in the morning and learned of unexpected things, it did not affect their mood of wanting to make money.

As Murong Lingran expected, there are many more repeat customers today.

They waited there before they left.

As soon as they saw their carriage approaching, they swarmed up.

Naturally, they were basically maids and servants, and their masters all sat leisurely in the Tianhe Building or nearby buildings, drinking tea and eating.

Due to the large number of repeat customers, the sale time was half earlier than yesterday. After the two went to the Ruyi Embroidery Village, Murong Lingran saw that it was still early, and went back home after buying some things that the family needed.

At this time, in the Liufu Garden, an old man was lying leisurely on a reclining chair with his eyes closed.

"Grandfather, do you want to eat roast chicken?" Liu Pengpeng took a roast chicken and put it under the nose of the old man.

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