Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Emperor

Chapter 4822: Black killer

What Zhang Yifeng said was quite reasonable, and Wushuang Scholar reacted quickly when he heard this.

The Great Demon God was in no mood to care about the conversation between the two, and felt that his eyes were dark.

If Fan Wushuang scholar hits him on the head a few more times, the great devil may have already reported to the underworld in advance.

"We can predict what happens now, but what happens next?"

"The last trial..."

The Wushuang scholar was embarrassed to continue talking.

After all, if he had followed what Zhang Yifeng said and had not rushed to kill Li Huansheng, he would not have been completely unaware of the subsequent developments.

Now that the information they have has been exhausted, everything that follows is full of unknowns.

"Let's take a step and see."

Zhang Yifeng shook his head and had no intention of criticizing Wushuang scholar in person.

The two had just established a simple covenant before. Wushuang Scholar had his own ideas, and Zhang Yifeng would not blame him.

What's more, it was because of Wushuang Scholar's reckless behavior that Zhang Yifeng could spy on the final secret of the Herringbone Sect trial.

The so-called blessings from misfortunes are based on this truth.

"Let's rest for now tonight. The Great Demon God and I won't go back to the guest room."

"In order to avoid any accidents at night, we can take care of each other as soon as possible."

Zhang Yifeng groaned and decided to stay in Wushuang Scholar's master bedroom to rest together.

Due to the Great Demon God's injuries, Zhang Yifeng and Wushuang Scholar asked him to rest on the bed.

The two of them took the bedding from the guest bedroom, spread it directly on the floor and lay down on it.

The big devil on the bed closed his eyes and fell asleep directly.

It was too uncomfortable to lie on the ground, and Zhang Yifeng hardly felt sleepy.

In addition, there has been an unknown sense of crisis in his heart that has not dissipated.

Perhaps it was what the Queen said during the day, but Zhang Yifeng was not at ease about the mysterious killer who was secretly spying on him and other testers.

The sky outside the room was getting darker and darker, and the faint snoring of the unparalleled scholar could be heard beside Zhang Yifeng.

Gradually a feeling of sleep came over him.

Just as Zhang Yifeng was about to close his eyes and rest, a slight sound of footsteps suddenly reached his ears.

In such a quiet environment, no matter how slight the footsteps were, it was like thunder to the extremely cautious Zhang Yifeng's ears.

Immediately, Zhang Yifeng sat up from the ground, a flash of concentration in his eyes.

Moving slightly, Zhang Yifeng came to the side of Wushuang Scholar.

Among the three people in the room, Zhang Yifeng and Wushuang Scholar were in the best condition.

The Great Demon God had been beaten to a **** head before, and even if he screamed, it would be of little help to them.

Just as he was about to reach out to push Wushuang Scholar, Zhang Yifeng suddenly stopped and his breathing stopped subconsciously.

Outside the window of the master bedroom, under the moonlight, a black shadow was already pasted in front of the paper window.

It looked like he was observing the situation inside the house.

Before the other party's eyes turned to Zhang Yifeng, Zhang Yifeng swallowed and did not continue to push the unparalleled scholar.

In the blind spot of the opponent's perspective, Zhang Yifeng slowly moved to the corner of the room.

As soon as Zhang Yifeng hid his figure, the other party's eyes glanced at Wushuang Scholar.

This time difference allowed Zhang Yifeng to avoid the danger of being discovered.

Seeing that there were only two people in the room, the Peerless Scholar and the Great Demon God, the people outside the window did not say anything.

He just moved his steps and came to the door of the master bedroom.

He reached out and tried to push the door, but found that the door was locked.

The people outside the door were not annoyed when they saw this. Under Zhang Yifeng's shocked eyes, a red light suddenly poked out from the crack in the door.

The door bolt was cut off easily, and then people outside the house also walked in.

The visitor still didn't notice Zhang Yifeng hiding in the corner.

A red light blade rose from the palm, slightly illuminating the man's appearance.

Zhang Yifeng hid in the corner, using the faint red light to see clearly the late night visitor.

It was seen that his whole body was wrapped in black clothes, and he also wore a black cloth on his face, covering his appearance.

Approaching step by step towards the lying Wushuang scholar, the mysterious man in black raised the light blade in his hand and was about to slash at the Wushuang scholar.

At the critical moment, Zhang Yifeng knew that he could no longer hide.


Rushing out of the darkness, Zhang Yifeng picked up the sickle in the corner.

While the man in black was defenseless, the sickle in Zhang Yifeng's hand struck him directly on the back.

The man in black suddenly turned around in pain, and with a wave of the light blade in his hand, he cut off the sickle in Zhang Yifeng's hand.

At the same time, Zhang Yifeng's loud shout also successfully woke up the peerless scholar and the great devil from their sleep.

The Wushuang scholar rubbed his eyes and stood up from the ground.

Just as he was about to say something, he saw the figure in black holding a light blade standing not far away from him.

Immediately his pupils shrank, he lifted up the quilt and distanced himself from the man in black.

At the same time, he was also prepared. Once the man in black continued to attack, he would take back his power.

After all, with the lesson learned from the Celestial Prince, the Wushuang scholar did not want to die in such an ordinary place.


The man in black snorted coldly. Seeing that his plan was interrupted by Zhang Yifeng, he couldn't help but look at him with murderous intent.

But the man in black seemed to have other ideas. Seeing that the plot failed, he rushed out of the door.

Zhang Yifeng took the sickle with only the wooden handle remaining, took two deep breaths and chased after him.

However, they saw that there was no trace of the man in black in the courtyard, and he no longer knew where he had fled.

After much hesitation, Zhang Yifeng did not act rashly to chase him out, but returned to the master bedroom.

At this time, the Great Demon God also sat up holding the head of the bed, and asked the Wushuang scholar in a daze what had just happened.

"That guy just now who killed the Celestial Prince?"

After Wushuang Scholar explained what he saw when he woke up, he turned to Zhang Yifeng and asked.

"It seems to be almost the same as what the Queen described. That person also used red magic power."

"But he didn't continue to attack after we woke up. He was probably afraid that we would regain our power."

"It seems like this guy may not be the enemy assigned to us in this trial."

"Nine times out of ten, he is also a trialist competing for the inheritance of the Ancient Immortal Emperor."

"I just don't know how he learned that the three of us gathered here and chose to attack late at night."

Zhang Yifeng groaned and expressed his guess to Wushuang Scholar.

The opponent acted so cautiously and immediately evacuated as soon as he missed a hit.

Obviously they knew that Zhang Yifeng and the three of them could regain their respective powers, so they didn't dare to stay and fight.

If he was really the person arranged by the Ancient Immortal Emperor, he should not have such decisive execution ability.

Therefore, in Zhang Yifeng's mind, the probability that this mysterious man in black is a trialist is extremely high.

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