Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 402 The Return of the King

Yan Shun looked at His Majesty, who was darker than before, and his eyes were a little moist. He could imagine how His Majesty spent this period of time in Africa. He took one step and two steps, and made a decision in front of Alfonso. One thing that shocked everyone. From Librai's point of view, his energy level had increased to 12 points since Marquis Yan passed by him. He saw him step by step towards the person he would never have expected. When the figure walked away, his whole body was shaken. What made him especially unexpected was that Marquis Yan, whose status and power he thought was extremely huge, was about one meter away from Juan, whom he hated so much before. In this place, he knelt directly on the ground. What was even more surprising was that he knocked his head directly to the ground, and then remained motionless, like a stone statue, so natural.

This scene makes people unconsciously realize that a huge pier is as silent as there is no sound.

After that, what was incredible to everyone, including Libray, was that the governors of the states who were following Marquis Yan actually knelt down directly on the ground, following Marquis Yan, and lay still just like Marquis Yan.

Just like the tide, one wave after another, government officials, wealthy businessmen, and then people on the docks. There was a look of horror on Nichkhun's face. What he used to do was based on his face. Looking at this situation now, he still doesn't know that he has offended himself and should not be offended by his previous actions. A big shot. However, he was also too eager to enter a wealthy club, so when he could get close to Ribre's opportunity. But he forgot about himself and devoted all his energy to Libre. That's why I made such a mistake that I regret now.

However, some things cannot be changed. Seeing Ribra next to him still dumbfounded, he tugged at the corner of his clothes with some dissatisfaction. Only then did the latter react. Under his stunned eyes, he knelt down. He actually kowtowed on the ground. This attracted a lot of people's attention. But fortunately Libre was at the back, so those in front didn't know what was going on. However, Alfonso also saw it. At the same time, he also saw the people behind him, as well as the dock workers and policemen around him.

"Master Wang, who is that person? Why is it like this? Everyone is kneeling down. Should we kneel down too?" I saw those people kneeling down. Huang Ming's eyes bulged and he suddenly knelt down. Although he and Master Wang were far away from there, they were only a few hundred meters apart. Although there are no people around here. But the closest ones are all within a hundred meters. Therefore, Huang Ming was a little worried and didn't know what to do. Should he kneel down? Still not kneeling?

Master Wang didn't seem to hear it. Under Huang Ming's attention, he discovered that at some point, Master Wang's face had the same excited expression as those people. Then Huang Ming saw, Master Wang, who had always cared little about etiquette, actually knelt down as well. Such a silent answer naturally made Huang Ming know what to do.

Alfonso walked up to Yan Shun, then bent down and helped him up. Alfonso even unexpectedly helped Yan Shun pat the dust on his body. This move made Alfonso know that When the people asking for identity looked at Yan Shun, they were full of envy and jealousy. They were all thinking that one day, if His Majesty could do this to them, he would be truly satisfied.

"Everyone, get up." Alfonso said with a smile at this time: "Marquis Yan, it seems that there is no rule in Spain to kneel down and salute?"

Yan Shun performed the courtesy of a monarch and his ministers and said: "That's not a rule, that's your intention. As your Majesty said before, once your intention comes, it will come true." After saying this, Yan Shun suddenly turned around and stood there like this. There, he said loudly: "Are you willing to give such a great gift?"

"Yes" everyone shouted back.

Yan Shun added: "Then, His Majesty was able to appear here safe and sound in this extremely dangerous situation. Should we use this to tell God that we were guilty of not protecting His Majesty well?"


"Your Majesty, what do you think now?"

Alfonso smiled. He already knew that Yan Shun was building momentum for him. He had disappeared for so long. As the king, when he came back now, if he didn't show amazing momentum, then although his status in the country would be It cannot be said that it has declined, but when he disappeared, Spain continued to operate. Although he was credited with setting the framework, it still made people feel dispensable. Maybe, this is Yan Shun had some reasons for worry.

Regarding Yan Shun's worries, Alfonso would not say anything superfluous. Every emperor can let his ministers handle the details, but he still needs to handle them carefully. So in the heart, Yan Shun's status as the most important and most trusted person was once again established.

Chirac, who was next to Alfonso, looked at Yan Shun with some admiration. He was Yan Shun's successor. Before taking over, he was Yan Shun's most proud subordinate, and Yan Shun's qualities were what he admired. At this time, seeing the appearance of my idol, I was extremely excited.

Secretly looking at the people chatting and laughing in the distance, Libre almost wanted to give himself a few slaps. He, he actually did such a thing to His Majesty on the ship, and who was that woman? , a woman close to His Majesty, he suddenly remembered. Didn't he say not long ago that there were Major General Chirac and Major General Laura beside His Majesty? In this way, he was a little over the top. Needless to say, the man named Kobe was Chirac, the Spanish intelligence chief. He was the intelligence chief. He felt a little numb when he thought of Lao. He felt even more dizzy when he pulled this leader who was the benchmark for all Spanish female soldiers.

He was so unlucky that he offended his Majesty the King and two major generals with real power and promising future in just one boat trip. He was really too dark. Thinking of this, he even dared not look at him. His father, because he was afraid that if his father knew about it, he might really be thrown into the cold palace directly, let alone the position of the clan leader. Even whether he can continue his happy life is still unknown.

Nichkhun next to him was even more horrified by this. He had learned much more about His Majesty's news than Ribrae in the past, and had learned more about the story from the newspapers in order to add to the conversation. Because of this, I felt a little resentful towards Ribre. If Ribre hadn't chased Major General Laura in every possible way, I wouldn't have offended His Majesty and the others like that. I really spent my whole life playing eagle, but in the end I was pecked by an eagle. And this time he was seriously injured.

Huang Ming, who was in the distance, was also stunned. It turned out to be His Majesty the King of Spain. At this time, he finally understood why his master acted like that just now.

"Sell newspapers, sell newspapers. The latest news. The King of Spain returns strongly. One hundred thousand people in Western Australia kneel down to welcome the return of the King."

"The latest news, the latest news, the King of Spain has finally been exposed. On the dock in Western Australia, under the leadership of the Spanish Governor in Asia, Marquis Yan, all the political and military officials in the Far East participated in welcoming the King's return."

"'What major changes will the return of the King of Spain bring to world politics, and what will it bring to our lives?' In the largest newspaper in Europe, International Wire, the previous sentence was quoted as The title of today's front page goes like this. It says, 'The return of the King of Spain will bring more sources of stability to Europe. It also mentions the newspaper's investigative reports in countries around the world during that period. Finally, it was discovered that in many small countries, especially those in South America and Europe, although not all of them have a great favorable impression of Spain, they do not hold a negative impression either. After the disappearance, the national mood was obviously a little shaken, especially towards neighboring countries. Especially in Europe, the existence of Spain can effectively check and balance various countries. A Spain without Alfonso XIII, People cannot feel a real sense of security, so these small countries do not trust Russia, the British German Empire, and France. The disappearance of Alfonso XIII makes them worry and fear. Now the return It makes people feel reassured.

Many people in Asia are also paying attention to this, especially our people who have noticed that in the north of Yuan Shikai, the south and west of the Kuomintang, and the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River under Li Yuanhong, the people in these places actually think this is a good thing. This also greatly increases the weight of our Southeast China region in the country."

In the Prime Minister's Office of the Republic of China, the current Prime Minister Lu Xun is in bed with his wife Song Ailing. However, they are not having a human relationship between husband and wife, but are discussing current affairs. If such a scene is seen, it will They will definitely be greatly surprised, because they will see here that Lu Xun, who has a chauvinistic and individualistic spirit outside, is actually listening carefully to his beloved wife's political analysis and also They added questions from time to time, giving the impression that they were more of a pair of political partners than a pair of life partners.

Lu Xun convinced his glasses, "It's normal to pay attention. Spain is a superpower, and their every move affects the development of the world. A random batch of weapons can even cause a real arms race in a region, so pay attention It’s also normal.”

"What do you think of Uncle Sun?" Looking at Lu Xun, Song Ailing felt a little complicated. His relationship with Lu Xun is naturally real, but in fact, there is still a little attachment to Alfonso XIII in her heart. However, those do not constitute love, they are just little women. It was just the Prince Charming complex in his mentality that was causing trouble. He was truly in love with Sun Yat-sen.

When she was in the United States, she already had an assistant secretary who worked with Sun Yat-sen for a period of time. However, she finally felt that being with Sun Yat-sen was not suitable for her, so in the end she left her father's good friend and recommended her just in advance. The graduated second sister Soong Ching Ling went to Sun Yat-sen to take her place, but she really didn't expect that something that shouldn't have happened happened. Her second sister was too devoted to the revolutionary cause and was not yet twenty years old. She actually fell in love with Sun Wen and Sun Yat-sen. Fortunately, she was still in Japan and the news had not reached her father's ears. Otherwise, things would have been really bad.

Lu Xun didn't know that Song Ailing had already turned his thoughts to Song Qingling, Sun Yat-sen's second sister in Japan. "The South is also Sun Yat-sen's foundation, so he will not give up such an opportunity to make a comeback. Moreover, in China, his reputation is the loudest among the people, especially his integrity of taking the initiative to give in in order to avoid killing each other in the country. It makes everyone have to admire him, so I think as long as Yuan Shikai makes a mistake, it will be his chance."

Song Ailing also returned to reality, and said teasingly: "Isn't this also your opportunity?"

On June 5, 1912, the King of Spain officially appeared in front of the public in Western Australia, which made some people happy and some people sad.

The happy ones are naturally the Spaniards, and Spain's allies, especially those of Spain. Since the disappearance of Alfonso City, they have faced pressure from other big countries, either to ask them to switch to the arms of those big countries, or to They were asked to keep a certain distance from Spain. How could they bear it? It was not until Spain's performance in the Republic of China that they felt more at ease.

But it is only temporary. They know that if something unexpected happens to Alfonso XIII, Spain will definitely not be able to support the pressing pressure of all countries in the world, and in the end, these countries may not be able to support it either. After all, If Spain's national power declines, then even if they do not directly provoke Spain and they come to dominate small countries like their own, then Spain, when it is powerless, can only watch its own destruction and be powerless.

For them, it is naturally the most cost-effective to follow Spain. After all, they follow a suzerain country and it is also one of the most developed countries in the world. Technology and other cultures are among the world's leading existences. Following such a country, they Only a country can develop better. If it follows the example of Russia,

This is the reality, so most of them have already made up their minds, that is, they will make the final decision based on the development of Spain and whether Alfonso is alive or dead.

Second update, please support. (To be continued...)

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