Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 359 Territorial renegotiation

Or what about the current prime minister, his assistant Gaston Dumelo? In that case, it will be 16 years before he can continue to run. Even if he is elected, he will be 80 years old by then. It seems that there are very few people elected as president at the age of 80, except for the occasional appearance in the UK.

Therefore, for a person like Paul Dume, who has such a "short-lived" life, to be recognized like Alfonso, is already an act of mercy.

Gaston was born in 1863 and is now 48 years old. Alfonso’s plan is that after serving two terms as Prime Minister, Spain will support him in running for French President. Eight years later, he will be 56 years old. He can officially take over, and then it will be eight years, or if there is no successor, then after one term, Gaston can suspend running for re-election for the second term, allowing Paul Dume, who is already 64 years old at the time, to be re-elected. After working for two terms, Paul retired in 1972 and became the Speaker of the Senate. Before that, Gaston-Dumet could run for the Speaker in the House of Representatives and the Senate, or continue to form cabinets in the government. In a generation's time of 20 years, the two of them can cultivate successors and vigorously cultivate pro-Spanish and pro-them forces in France. At this time, after 20 years, the 68-year-old can take over for the first time. , two terms of 8 years, he is 76 years old. In the future, the two-person rotation played by the Russian president between Putin and Medvedev will be played out by the two of them. From the time he was elected in 1910 to the time he took office in 1911, it lasted 28 years. In other words, the two of them would work until 1938 before they were replaced. During the buffer period of nearly thirty years, Spain has already made its surroundings as stable as a soup, and by then it can truly take a global view.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand why you agreed to allow them to consolidate their political power in this way. Doesn't it seem a bit too risky? Although I am their leader, seriously speaking, with my status To put it into perspective, I have already been overpowered by them. I can only be regarded as a matchmaker, and with their current status in France, I think even if they do something outrageous, they will not get too big or serious consequences. Punishment. On the contrary. If they directly publish our secrets. For example, the various pro-Spanish forces between France and Spain, or use our secrets to gain benefits for France to make up for their crimes. In this way, they will be considered as After being exposed, they will be less likely to be severely punished. After all, their family has taken root and even developed into a towering giant tree. At that time, they will be full-fledged and will not be so scrupulous about us, just like now. The American Morgan Consortium and the Locke Consortium treated their original owner, the Rothschild family.”

"If you understand, you will be in my position. We are not the Rothschild family. We are an empire, a real country with a very powerful territory, population, economy, arms, navy, and army. The Rothschild family is different. First of all, their disadvantage is that they are relatively unwelcome Jews in Europe. There is now a general hatred of Jews in the European continent. Therefore, this makes Morgan and Locke in the United States. The big family was able to get rid of Rothschild's control because most European countries such as France, Germany, Russia and even Italy dismantled the important strongholds of the Rothschild family on the continent. The family has already been seriously injured by this. They can only hide in the UK to recuperate. They dare not show their faces again on the European continent and choose to keep a low profile and make money. In order to regain their strength, the two major American families have an opportunity. As a result, immigrants from mainland Europe were incited to hold anti-Semitic demonstrations. Several presidents of Harvard University even led various universities not to recruit Jewish students from the school. It has become better after the recent replacement.[

In this way, Europe also noticed the United States, and the United States also gained some support from the European continent. The two major families got what they wanted, and an unexpected gain was that Europe's Monroe Doctrine in the United States It was actually recognized by some European countries in 2011. This is why Britain, France and Germany did not openly oppose the expansion of the United States in South America. Because the United States had just launched an anti-Semitic campaign, and you stood up to oppose the United States, wouldn't that mean Are you supporting the Jews in disguise?

So it became like that, Rockefeller and Morgan had been officially liberated, and they had the opportunity to get rid of the control of the Rothschild family when the Jews were at their weakest. "

Seeing Chirac's understanding nod, Alfonso appreciated in his heart.

Chirac is not very old today, he is only a few years older than him and has reached the level of lieutenant general in his early 30s. This is a very important attempt for Alfonso.

Because he has decided to try his best to cultivate a person who is as close to his heart as Yan Shunyang. Of course, he still needs to be prepared, otherwise the subject of Emperor's Mind Technique will not be so popular in both the Eastern and Western worlds. . First of all, naturally this person is smart and able to do things, and Alfonso has already given him special approval for this.

"Spain is powerful in all aspects, but the Rothschild family is like a dwarf. Just like people with long and short legs, they will always walk unnaturally than others. That's how they are, so Only then will they have an opportunity.

It’s not that I underestimate Paul Dumet. They can live freely in France. However, if they really want to be able to escape from our hands, they must have strong strength. In the United States, Ross who is hiding in the UK can Child did not dare to move, nor did he dare to challenge the British government to launch gunboats to bomb the coast of the United States. However, we are connected. We can do whatever we can to do whatever we need to do, and compared with the conflict between the United Kingdom and the United States, The cost of dueling across the ocean, after the dispute between us and France, it becomes easier to blackmail the other party."

"But, France will also threaten us with mutual costs? In this way, it seems that our advantage is not great."

After all, Spain and France share a large border with each other, and a thousand losses to the enemy will result in eight hundred losses to oneself. Therefore, the French will not worry about Spain in this regard, and the French are not called Gallic chickens casually, because their arrogance is famous in Europe for being superior to others.

"Although this possibility cannot be ruled out, there is one thing you may have forgotten."

"Which point?"

"Is there a new president in France?"

ah! Chirac almost had the urge to commit suicide. It was really like this. France elects the president. In republican countries, national leaders are elected at every election. National leaders are the most powerful beings. Who wouldn’t want to Of course, besides honor, there are other interests. There are many factors involved. Paul Dume and Gaston Dumelo went up because of the support of Spain, but if they go to Spain If they support it, then they will become weak ducks. Even if they use Spain to take action, their political opponents will deal with them. At this time, they will really suffer and know the consequences of losing Spain.

After thinking about this, he felt even more chilled. Your Majesty, you are indeed Your Majesty, just as calculating as before.

In May 1911, the new French government and Spain held talks on territorial disputes for the second time, this time at a higher level. This time, the deputy foreign minister (minister) was replaced by the foreign minister (minister). It goes without saying that both countries have expressed their desire to reconcile and ease relations.

"Mr. Heriot, we all know your talents. I am very happy to see you attend such a meeting."

"Yes, I am honored too, but what I want to say is that I am also very happy to see you here, Mr. Trini. It is said that your position was almost replaced last time, but it was a thrilling success. If you continue to sit here, you can see that you are so valuable. Your Majesty really has nothing to say to you."

"That's right, so I won't hesitate to go through fire and water for our king again and again, but you don't know"[

The territorial meeting dispute had not yet begun, but off-site issues had aroused strong sparks, which made everyone around them feel that today's meeting would not be easily resolved.

After officially entering the proposition, the two of them had just warmed up and now started the game of confrontation again.


Edouard Herriot: "Obviously, everyone knows that this time it was Spain that invaded French territory first. No matter where you say it, Spain cannot stand it. Therefore, the most important thing for Spain to do is to apologize. Because when they invade from one country to another, no matter what the reason is, they have already harmed the other party, so an apology is the first condition."

His tone was very tough, and at the same time it contained some unquestionable aura of leadership. If it were an ordinary person, after hearing his words and seeing his expression, he would have already surrendered to his feet. But who is Trini? He is the Foreign Minister of Spain, claiming to be the most shameless foreign minister in the world. How could he be knocked down so easily and lose the battle again?

Although Helio's request seems to be a request, just an apology, Spain can do it. It didn't know how many words it said about South America back then. However, this is diplomacy, and every word must be careful and careful. , we need to truly look ahead and think before we go. After Spain apologized, it has unknowingly become a criminal. How can a criminal who admitted its mistakes compete with France morally at the negotiation table? Therefore, what it said in the apology is absolutely impossible.

Second update, please vote. Working hard on coding. ()

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