Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 333: Aircraft Carrier Base in Shark Bay

Time flies by, and nominations for this year’s Nobel Prize are once again ready. Who will be nominated this time? These are worth looking forward to, especially for the Peace Prize. Last year, Alfonso won the award, which caused a lot of controversy. So what about this year? Will this be the case again this year? Spain won the Nobel Prize last year. What about this year? Will Spain continue to attack the Nobel Prize, the holy land that the world pays attention to? Nominations will close on February 10th.

And Alfonso, one of the main figures that many people are discussing, has mysteriously disappeared and has not appeared in public for more than a month.

“I haven’t been to Shark Bay for several years, but I never imagined that what was once a deserted place would now be transformed into a truly world-class seaport.”

Alfonso looked at all this and was very surprised. He came here once in 1907. At that time, he saw the superior location here, so he decided to build it into a place where the Spanish navy could be trained. Of course, it is now classified. In Western Australia, the naval bases now known to the whole world are Port Hedland and Port Pass. No one would have thought that there was a hidden Spanish naval base in Spain in the route between them.

"We have disguised the outside like a desolate swamp, so it is difficult for people to suspect that they are waiting at the military base. Plus, on Dirk Hartog Island, we have a small naval patrol base there, so Even if he saw it, he wouldn't doubt that he was here." Yan Shun stared at the giant creature in the distance and said, "Your Majesty, the exercise has begun, please take a look."

"Oh, then let me see and let our athletes show off their talents. After so many years, it is time for us to change history."

After hearing this, Yan Shun signaled to the person in charge of the base next to him, who nodded and walked away immediately.

Watching the planes taking off from the tall deck, soaring in the sky, and then landing slowly, Alfonso felt his heart tremble. This is the first time in the world that we have taken off and landed on a ship. As far as he knew, the Americans could be regarded as the first country to pile up aircraft on warships.

Alfonso remembers that they first started on land on 18th, 1911. After Eugene Ely took off from land in the "Curtis" biplane, he successfully landed on the "Pennsylvania", becoming the first person in human history. People landing on warships. But because of the existence of Alfonso. This person will become the number one human being in the next few days. But it was broken by the Spaniards a year ago. Now Spain has entered the fourth step. The pilots have taken off and landed on the stopped warship in the second step, and taken off and landed on the sailing warship in the third step. Now, they take off and land on the sailing warship. As long as this part is reached, then. At that time, Spain will truly become the first country in human history to have carrier-based aircraft, and the only country on the sea with aircraft combat capabilities.

"Today's heavy cruiser is our Barcelona. In accordance with His Majesty's wishes, we have announced that we will put this warship in the Port Hedland Naval Base for repairs. We have announced that it will take two years to complete the repairs, and At the same time, as early as last year, we had already set up three keels at the Shack Bay base. If nothing else happens, we will be able to receive three 35,000-ton flying warships in the second half of this year."

"No, this sounds too ugly. I think it should be called an aircraft carrier. It can sail in the sea but is a base for aircraft to take off and land. A true base that can sail on the sea can conduct aircraft operations around the world near the sea. A big bombing weapon. I think an aircraft carrier is more suitable."

Naturally, Yan Shun would not object to this.

Cerveira is very conflicted now. As the marshal of the Spanish Navy, he naturally looks at the development of the navy from his own perspective. Over the years, the navy has received huge resource development, not to mention other things, just the battleships. In the past few years, many warships have been added.

However, people's hearts will never be satisfied. Now that he sees the emergence of aircraft carriers, he is definitely a military genius. The emergence of aircraft carriers, he knows, will definitely mean a huge change, as long as these aircraft carriers reach a state of true combat effectiveness. Then, the sphere of influence of the world's navy will be re-divided. It is not impossible for Spain, with its naval aviation force, to overtake the UK and become the world's number one in a short time. As for the long term, if the UK changes quickly If we follow the example of Spain in developing naval aviation, then it is not impossible to develop our own naval aviation force within four to five years. By then, with the number of warships he has built in the navy, it will not be impossible to reach the top one after another.

"What's wrong? I'm jealous." Alfonso had already seen Cerveira's fiery eyes, and he couldn't help but feel funny. I wonder which horse breeder can bear it when he sees a bloody horse.

"Yes," Cerveira nodded honestly. "With the appearance of this aircraft carrier, I think Britain may have to change its position."

"What do you think if I hand over this base to you together with the aircraft carrier?" Alfonso said in an astonishing voice.

"What, really?" Silvera said in surprise. Looking at him and then at Yan Shun, he felt a little embarrassed. Everyone knows that Yan Shun cultivated this, but what about now? In the blink of an eye, I got a ready-made bargain. Whoever is happy about this will definitely feel embarrassed at the same time.

"Well, this is a task rather than a reward. Allocating them to the Navy is to enable the Navy to perform their functions more perfectly, rather than letting the Air Force operate the Navy's mothership. As for the subsequent issues, I have already I thought of a countermeasure, that is, the Navy will secretly set up an aviation unit in the future, specifically for training aviation forces. It can be regarded as a branch. Cerveira, you know, I am impatient, so I hope that at most two Do you think it will be possible to see a combat-effective aircraft carrier within a year? If not, I will have to leave it to the Air Force."

"Of course, I guarantee you that within two years, not only the three aircraft carriers under construction will reach the level of combat effectiveness, but I will also include all the other five heavy cruisers that have been renovated, reaching at least eight. to the point of service”

"If you say so, I naturally trust you." Alfonso turned his head and looked at Chirac next to him: "Tell me about the American affairs."

Under the surprise of Cervera and others, Chirac said extremely seriously: "According to the information obtained by our detectives from various sources, the United States is also secretly continuing operations similar to ours, but they started relatively late. We are still in the first step. It is said that the ship landing training will be carried out around the middle to late 18th of this month. If successful, they will follow up like us, and we found out We know that this is an alternative approach to naval expansion that the United States is actively pursuing, and it has received strong support from President Taft."

"No way, the United States is also starting to pay attention?" Cerveira is a little hard to believe. Among the major countries in the United States, they are mainly cowardly countries. This kind of country can be seen from the last time Spain besieged them and they swallowed their anger. She knew what kind of person the other party was in the country, but now, she actually heard that the United States was also secretly developing such a weapon that could change the fate of the world's navy. This made it strange that Cerveira could believe in calmness.

"Don't believe it. It's true that the United States is a country made up of Europeans. It is a place that was once backward and desolate. But have you forgotten that the United States is now the world's largest economic country and the country with the most developed capital economy in the world? It can be said that unlike Europe, there is a country supported by capitalists. It can be said that there is a huge difference from Europe. In Europe, imperial power is supreme, but there, merchants have the greatest power. "Speaking of this, speaking of this, Ah Fang Suo secretly sighed in his heart. In Chinese history, there has always been a list of class rights among scholars, peasants, industry and merchants, with merchants ranking last, even far inferior to farmers. Technical staff also ranked third. And isn’t this exactly the opposite of the US government?

Looking back, the Internet is full of distrust of American congressmen and the like. People say that officials are bastards, that politics is the darkest, and that officials are the least trustworthy. Thinking in the United States There are very few people who want to be officials.

This itself has a fundamental conflict with the dynasties of ancient China, and Europe and the United States are the real hegemons in modern history. It can be said that the world is controlled by them. In modern times, China can control the world If it had not been for Deng Gong’s reforms and development, the possibility of becoming a world power would have been extremely slim. Because when the whole world implements the opposite system to the Chinese scholar-peasant-industrial-business system, that is, the order of their classes is merchant (merchant), worker (technical worker), peasant (peasant), scholar (politician), this greatly stimulates the world. With the interests of those interest groups in mind, can such a country be welcomed by the world? No, therefore, Deng Gong knew this, so he resolutely chose to integrate into the world's system. Later, businessmen came first and everyone was only interested in profit. This is the consequence of assimilating into American social classes. (This is my graffiti, you can treat it as dispensable, hehe)

Thank you Huanyue Wuchen for your reward and his monthly ticket. I won’t say much more about my thanks. I wish you happiness every day.

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