Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 292: Bystanders know best

Chapter 292

On July 6, 1910, France carried out a presidential recall case. For some unknown reason, all the southern congressmen who had been holding a wait-and-see attitude suddenly stood up and expressed their opposition, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Dume, later He loudly praised Armand Farier's work attitude.

Many experts said they were shocked by this, and the major media reported this incident extensively.

"As we all know, Paul Doumet is the first successor to the presidency of Armand Falier's party. Many people originally thought that the House of Representatives under the leadership of Paul Doumet would pass this presidential recall bill. After all, as long as this proposal is passed and the Senate passes it, Paul Dume can take over his position and become the president of France. However, what is surprising is that what is presented to us in real time is one-sided. Except for some northern members of the House of Representatives, all the members of the House of Representatives stood up to express objections. This shocked the northern faction led by the northern politician Russell.

Will the occurrence of this incident have a serious impact on the general election in a few months? Does this mean that this incident is a benchmark for the presidential election in a few months? I believe many people are observing the arrival of France’s four-year government election with this feeling. Unlike the dazzling and unpredictable political atmosphere in France, the rotation of Spain's ruling party a few months later is proceeding in an orderly manner. It is said that major departments have begun to study how to carry out the handover.

What impact will the political rotation of the world's third and fourth largest countries have on the world? Other countries are carefully considering their strategies for the people at all levels they will deal with. In the case of conflicts between the two countries, changes in the government may also bring about new changes in the situation. This is what countries around the world should pay most attention to now. With these changes, they can more easily grasp the scale and follow the situation. They deal to protect their own interests. "

This report was reported by "Italian Pravda" in the Kingdom of Italy. Spain and France are Italy's two most important neighboring countries, and their every move is destined to have a huge impact on Italy.

The following is the transcript of the conversation that the newspaper here had alongside this news with a reporter from the newspaper, Hunter Michael, a well-known Italian politician and the dean of the University of Bologna, Italy’s highest ranked university in the world.

Reporter: "Dean Michael, what do you think the battle between Spain and France will do to the Kingdom of Italy next to them?"

Hunter: "First of all, let's talk about Italy's position. Only in this way can we better and more clearly describe the situation Italy is facing. France and Spain are both important countries in Europe and the world. Although they are not I am too willing for such a result to occur, but I cannot honestly say that Italy today is definitely not a world heavyweight super player at the same level as them. Italy is a big country in Europe, and Europe is the center of world power. As long as he gains power in Europe, then in the world, his power will be almost the same as that in Europe. Even compared to Europe, where the heroes are densely packed, second-rate players here can also dominate all over the world. Be the overlord of the region"

Reporter: "That's not bad. Many people are discussing that if Japan, the current hegemon of the Far East, was in Europe, then they would definitely not be as arrogant as they are now, because seriously, not to mention the five major hegemons in the world such as Britain, Germany, France, and Russia, even Italy The Austro-Hungarian Empire is not comparable. Many people compare Japan to the same level as the Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands. It is close to the strength of Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. But even such a country can Asia’s dominance has made many Europeans look down upon Asia’s strength.”

Hunter: "I have heard what you said, but it is a very good metaphor. But on the other hand, everyone should not be jealous of Japan, because imagine that Japan is in such a technologically backward country. In the region, it has developed to its current scale. This has to be said to be the will and perseverance of their country. Otherwise, why did the world's most populous country in the Qing Dynasty not undergo the same changes as Japan?

Just think about it, if the Qing Dynasty had only existed, let alone Europe, and had more than half of Japan's large industry, then the world's current situation would not be like it is now, and even the position of the world's five major hegemons should be filled by an Eastern giant. . But what we see is that there is no such change that makes us happy. This makes European countries breathe a sigh of relief, and Japan is even more fortunate to have one less regional competitor. "

Reporter: "Well, since we are talking about the Qing Dynasty, you said that the Qing government is now trying its best to extinguish the revolutionary fires that are burning everywhere. How do you evaluate everything that is happening there now?"

Hunt: "This is bound to happen. Revolution is anything that changes the reality of backwardness. It can make many things continue to make huge improvements, just like the argument quoted in "Times" compares the economic development of Britain with the current situation. The capital economies of the German Empire, Spain, and the United States were divided into two industrial revolution yiyangs. The previous parts of the country are no longer suitable, and the monarchy has reached the edge of elimination.

Just look at why Britain, Spain, and even the German Empire, which has already begun to take action, have added parliamentary systems in order to keep up with the trend of other countries' systems. Everyone knows what kind of benefits and disadvantages the other country's citizens have received from their country. These will create a huge gap in the hearts of the citizens of each country, and they will have unbalanced thoughts in their hearts. They can blame Who, of course, is ruling his own country, and the country is naturally decided by the government. In this way, the final result is that the negative emotions of the people will be vented on the government and the royal family, and the French Revolution was the last An event that frightened the rulers. "

Reporter: “Does Italy also have this idea?”

Hunter: "Of course. Among our neighboring countries, Spain has the fastest economic development and the best national economic situation. After a survey on our school's campus, we found that among the thousands of students in our school, More than half of the students expressed their willingness to work in Spain if given the opportunity, and more than 10% expressed their willingness to immigrate to Spain."

Reporter: "Economic reasons?"

Hunter: "Not all. Spain's per capita GDP ranks second in the world, second only to the United Kingdom, and ahead of the German Empire, the United States, Portugal and France. In this way, we can have a huge material life guarantee, so Naturally, the economic conditions in Spain have made the citizens of many countries envious. Especially after the implementation of the two bills and policies that benefited farmers and workers, and the income of the lowest income earners in Spain was guaranteed, a large number of countries around the world became interested in going there. Go, because this minimum standard changes every year, and the minimum level is at least higher than many income earners in other countries. Even comparable to high-income people in Italy. This provides them with the desire to go there.”

Reporter: "Not all means there are other aspects?"

Hunter: "Yes, I have been focusing on studying the German Empire and Spain for nearly ten years. The United States has also been involved. I discovered a strange phenomenon. The German Empire's economy developed rapidly, but Other countries are wary of their development, because a powerful German Empire has huge consequences for other countries.

This is the common view, and I thought so at first, but when Spain appeared, I changed because I found that my idea was wrong. Many people don't pay much attention to the economy of the United States because it is too far away from Europe. It is so far that Europeans don't want to go to the other side of the Atlantic to hurt them. Therefore, even though they are developing rapidly, many Europeans are not familiar with the existence there. Take a neutral view and be impartial.

But after seeing the rapid rise of Spain, you will discover a problem like me, that is, countries around the world have a surprising similarity. Most people hold a positive view of Spain's economic development. Even the capitalists in the competing German Empire and the United States have a favorable impression of Spain. "

Reporter: "Dean Hunter, what you said made me even more curious. Is there anything special about Spain?"

Hunt: "Spain has something different from other countries"


Hunter: "I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional. Spain has a set of independent practices that are different from other powerful countries when it comes to formulating economic development rules. Of course, this is also the reason for Spain's approach to foreign exchanges. Among them is the South America is the most typical example. South America's change of attitude towards Spain, its former colonial master, is based on Spain's sincere admission of mistakes and economic assistance over the past decade. Spain's strong diplomatic approach has given them fruitful results."

Reporter: "You mean?"

Hunter: "Economic benefits and political allies, now everyone has seen that because Spain has formulated economic policies that pay attention to the national interests of the host country, the emergence of the free trade area agreement, and then followed closely in order to maintain With close relations with Spain and even more economic aid measures, these countries were happy to agree to the establishment of an alliance system proposed by Spain. As a result, almost the entire South America formed an alliance with Spain, which shocked the Americans and stunned the world. , but there are actually other reasons for Spain to change people's attitude towards them."

The second update, asking for your attention and support, and the third update that I promised you are in the process of typing, and I almost forgot to thank this new friend in the flying universe for his monthly ticket support. (To be continued.)^-^Book (0000)^-^

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