Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 282 World Submarine?

King Alfonso XIII of Spain did not respond, as did Spain’s National Security Council, Ministry of Justice, various government departments, and the military’s Ministry of Defense, General Staff, and Navy. The War Ministry, the Air Ministry, etc., all departments in Spain had no response. It seems that everyone has disappeared.

A large number of people in the French government and civilians began to think of Spain and roared with anger. But Spain didn't respond at all, seeming to be treating it indifferently. It's indescribably weird. Is Spain really that calm?

Many people in Spain are looking for these important officials, especially Alfonso and Eugene. Others know that Eugene is on vacation in Western Australia, but they don't know whether it is really a vacation, but Alfonso is. It is absolutely mysterious, which makes everyone even more interested in the whereabouts of this [culprit] who is at war with France and the West. So now the whole world is tracking him.

But now, he appears in a place that is absolutely unexpected.

Mediterranean Sea, Balearic Islands, Ibiza.

"The latest investigation report jointly conducted by the Spanish General Multimedia is about the territorial disputes between Spain and France among Spanish citizens. The final result is that before a dispute occurs, Spanish citizens must have a favorable impression of France. 50%. Negative dislike is 30%; favorability toward the German Empire is 45%, dislike is 40%; favorability toward Britain is 68%, dislike is 27. The rest are people who don’t know how to choose.”

"What do you think I mean by doing this?" After taking a serious look at Creston. Alfonso focused his attention on the tea cup in his hand, as if there was Qiongyao Immortal Brew there.

Creston took a sip of the tea in his hand without taking it seriously. It was indeed what His Majesty said it could do to wake him up, but he was awakened by the bitterness in it. I wonder if His Majesty said that. Is this the reason for Xingshen? Clayston didn't like such a masochistic way of waking up.

"I may not understand the rest, but there is one thing that I think Prime Minister Eugene and others know. That is that His Majesty does not want to have good relations with France at this time. I think this is the most clear." Bitterness brought Trini back into shape a moment later. He spoke with great joy. The fire clouds in the sky are like silk. At the edge of the thread, there was another group of seabirds, and a bird song came from the distance, Alfonso was thinking. Do seabirds in the Mediterranean prefer to fly?

This kind of weather can be said to be the best sea weather. A sunny evening after the rain. It makes people feel refreshed no matter how they look at it. The summer wind blows gently. The cool breath is particularly refreshing, coupled with making a pot of tea and chatting while drinking, this kind of life is really poetic.

Alfonso looked at the surrounding scenery in the sky and underground with some fascination. But he said things that were incompatible with these beautiful scenery.

"You would pick the big one." Ignoring Creston's proud smile, Alfonso said: "In the eyes of many people, it is not worth it for Spain to offend France, a world power, for these colonies. After all, Spain's original position is neutrality. The neutral position among several major country groups is the best way to protect Spain. Only in this way can Spain's interests be protected from political infringement by various countries. But now Spain's approach seems to be directly I was willing to let myself become a victim and bumped into the French gun. Such an action was very stupid, so many people secretly scolded me for whether such an action was a bit of a bad move, or even stupid. Tricks.”

Creston: "Your Majesty, I"

Alfonso: "Okay, I know what you want to say. Of course I don't care about such thoughts. Although I know that many people in Spain think like this on the surface, in fact, they think like what I just said in their hearts. Needless to say, it goes without saying abroad. Therefore, I have no intention of pursuing any investigation. Haha, I said that Spain should be the leader of the freest country in Europe and even the world. Therefore, in addition to insulting the country and other actions that despise Spain as a whole, Spain also touches on Apart from legal crimes, Spanish citizens enjoy freedom of speech.

In fact, it’s not just them, I think some ministers also think so.”

Creston: "That's because they don't know His Majesty's reliance. If they knew, they might not think that way." When talking about reliance, Creston's eyes showed an extremely hot light. Obviously, this reliance The position in his mind is extremely important.

"Reliance?" Alfonso thought for a moment, then looked at the Spanish Defense Minister sitting opposite him, "Then tell me in detail, only you and I know about the reliance now, especially its History and the current situation of each country”

As soon as Alfonso finished speaking, the excitement on Creston's face overflowed, and he said with pride: "Let's not talk about our country for now, let's talk about other countries first. Since 1898, France's Gustave... After the submarine Zied sank the British battleship Machinta with a torpedo, the British finally came to their senses. They finally realized the great power of submarines. So they strongly demanded that the British government act quickly to counter the alarming French forces. Speed ​​build submarines for new threats at sea.

Similarly, Germany and Russia also unintentionally realized that submarines might become a practical weapon and invested in the enthusiasm of building submarines. After several years of development, submarines are now being built larger and better in various countries, and they are increasing at an unprecedented rate. Although the development of submarine performance is still imperfect, its potential power has been recognized by various countries. The emergence of submarines not only poses a huge threat to the enemy's own navy, but in turn is an indispensable part of our own navy. In view of this, navies around the world have dreamed of building a new submarine navy.

In 1904, the silly cats in the U.S. Department of Defense were not optimistic about the future of submarines in naval warfare, so they did not pay attention to submarines. After they rejected Holland and Lake's submarine plan. On the surface, France has always been in a leading position in the field of submarine development. Since France built the "Electric Eel" submarine with a displacement of 30 tons but no weapons and equipment in 1888, by 1904, France had built nearly 40 submarines of various types, the largest of which had a displacement of 300 tons. The smallest displacement is 30 tons. By the end of 1906, France had more than 90 submarines, and according to information obtained by our Ministry of Defense Intelligence Center, there were as many as 18 types.

The British began to develop submarines after the French, especially after the French submarine sank their battleship [Machina]. Read the full text of Hachimeihuang. 1900. After the British Navy ordered five [Holland] submarines from the United States. Start developing submarines. The B-class and C-class submarines still generally belong to the category of [Holland] offshore submarines. By 1905, Britain had 40 submarines, including those under construction. 1906. The D-class submarine that the United Kingdom began to develop marked a huge progress. These submarines displace nearly 500 tons. Almost twice as big as Class B and Class C. The boat has a double-hull structure. And made a series of tests on airworthiness. At the same time, the boats were equipped with experimental diesel engines. According to the information we have received, the UK is currently vigorously researching E-class submarines. The e-class boat has a displacement of about 700 tons and is equipped with approximately four 450 mm caliber torpedo tubes, two at the bow and two at the stern. The boat designed by British submarine experts has a surface speed of 16 knots, an underwater speed of about 10 knots, and an effective navigation radius of 1,500 nautical miles (endurance is twice the effective navigation radius). "

Speaking of this, Creston glanced at Alfonso with some worry, and then said cautiously and worriedly: "These D-class submarines can be regarded as the first-class ocean-going battleships. If the British develop E-class submarines again, If so, then although it cannot keep up with the advancement of our submarines, it will also greatly promote the development of the world's navy, and it may even cause a subversive explosive development of the world's navy."

"Your worry is a good idea." Alfonso gave him an appreciative look. In fact, the E-class submarine appeared in the British Navy in 1912, which means that if it follows the normal trajectory, then the United Kingdom will Two years later, they obtained what they considered to be an extremely advanced naval submarine. It was precisely because of it that in World War I, British submarines played a threatening role against the submarines of the German Empire.

"What about Russia and other countries?" Alfonso did not answer directly, but asked other countries.

"The Russians also began to develop submarines after the French, and in 1901 built a submarine with a surface displacement of 60 tons and two torpedoes. In 1903, after the first 'dolphin' submarine was launched, another Six "Dolphin" improved submarines were built. After the Russo-Japanese War broke out, Russia purchased a "German" submarine from Germany. This was a test boat of about 16 tons. It was transported to Vladivostok by land in the autumn of 1904. In During the Russo-Japanese War, Russia also purchased six "Holland" and "Lake" submarines from the United States and used them in actual combat.

As for Germany? Ten years ago, there was no market for submarines in their country. Until six years ago, that is, before 1904, German Navy Minister Tiebitz had always opposed the construction of experimental small submarines. However, just after the [Germany] type submarine ordered by Russia was completed, Tirpitz, the naval minister, saw the power and decided that the German Navy should also equip such a submarine. By July 1908, Germany had built the "Germany" improved submarine, also referred to as a U-type submarine. The submarines of the German Empire were also developed from the Holland submarine in the United States, but the submarines of the German Empire are still in the United Kingdom. and under the French. It is said that the German Empire is also secretly developing their new submarine. I just don’t know if theirs can compare with the British E-class submarines.”

Alfonso is not unfamiliar with the submarines of the German Empire. He knew it would also be born in the same year as the British E-class, which caught up shortly after it was installed in 1912 and built the first submarine to use a diesel engine on the surface and an electric motor for propulsion underwater. Starting in 1913, Germany had a diesel engine specifically for submarines, and built a long and large diesel engine-electric motor powered submarine. This device lasted for decades, and until later generations, most conventional submarines still use this device. form of motivation.

"In the end, the United States made outstanding contributions in the process of developing submarines. However, American submarines were 'flowers inside the wall and fragrance outside the wall.' It was not until the Russian and British navies were equipped with submarines that the U.S. Navy Believe in the role of submarines. U.S. Navy Admiral George Dewey said before a congressional committee: 'If Spain had two submarines deployed in Manila, my fleet would never be able to occupy that place.'

It's a pity that they woke up a little late, because at this time, Holland was already old and sick, and was no longer the Holland of a few years ago, so the world's most advanced submarine country became the current submarine backward country. That's all. It is even said that the United States is still making requests to the United Kingdom for the purchase of E-class submarines. "

"What about us?"

Thanks to Brother Huanyue Wuchen for your monthly votes and rewards. Although it is an informational chapter, I think everyone knows the purpose of my introduction. Yes, let me ask, if Spain uses extremely advanced submarines at sea to completely blockade the French ships in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, then How will France's colonies be supplied? Will France compromise at that time? Three updates today, to make up for yesterday’s update. (To be continued.)

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