Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 274: Whose credit is it?

() The British royal family and the British government only concealed the death of Edward VII at the beginning. On the 11th, that is, the next morning, the British royal family actually announced the news to the outside world, and then the British government also announced the news. Mourning and Sorrow on the Death of Edward VII.レ♦思♦路♦客レ

The newspapers of this day during the same period had obviously learned about the news last night, so today's newspapers also reported the relevant news in detail. The whole of Britain was shrouded in sorrow over the death of the king. Even other European countries outside the United Kingdom, apparently having already received the news, reported the news of the death of Edward VII on this first day...

"Edward VII is an admirable person. During his reign, although there were still a lot of disputes in the world, generally speaking, the world was still peaceful. Just look at the few incidents in Europe in recent years. If you live a decent war, you will know that it is inseparable from the mediation efforts of Britain under the leadership of Edward VII. This is one of the legacies left to the world by Edward VII.

The second is that in the past few years, Britain has implemented a peace policy in the colonies of the world. This policy was officially recognized by the major colonies under the promotion of Edward VII, especially in the implementation of the Australian du li The serious attitude of the British government and the royal family during the process can be said to have set a good example for the rest of the world. Coupled with the continued advancement of autonomous territories such as Canada, this shows that Queen Victoria's policies have proved that they are still being influenced by To maintain, Edward VII is a person who makes people feel that he has inherited the attitude of his predecessor in governing the country. This is great for the national community. . .

King Edward VII's stance of safeguarding international organizations has been appreciated by all countries in the world, which is very worthy of everyone's praise and appreciation. The UK's early approval from the European Royal Conference and the positive and cooperative attitude of the British government from the World Women's Organization all showed that Edward VII was a person with team spirit and someone worthy of the trust of other countries in the world. The real reason why I have a sense of trust in him and am willing to cooperate with him is that I hope that in the future, the successor to the British King will be able to present the same side to the outside world as Edward VII. "

This is a somewhat sad interview article published by Alfonso in the Spanish Times. It can be understood that he was being interviewed in memory of Edward VII, but in fact, according to Alfonso's idea, he had a deeper intention, which was to contain the future George V. So that he would always put Edward VII's policy direction first in his mind. There will be no subversive change in diplomatic direction. Only in this way can it be more in line with the interests of Spain now.

Now that Alfonso has published it, others will naturally be no exception.

William II also made a similar speech in the "Deutsche Rift", but compared to Alfonso's condolences, he made more criticisms.

"Edward VII is my uncle. This is something that the whole world knows. But in many cases, I have to say that he is like an opponent sent by God to confront me, although it is a bit uncomfortable to say this. But I think that’s it. A large part of the diplomatic difficulties the German Empire is facing is due to the British. This is not an indelible mark. Although many people may be dissatisfied, I think That's the truth.

But generally speaking, the two countries still maintain peace. Although there are occasional frictions, we are willing to deal with the new king as an opportunity for the two countries to open up a new situation. Perhaps this is also the legacy that Edward VII left to the United Kingdom. A greater chance of success”

William II's words made Alfonso immediately dumbfounded after seeing them. It didn't look like he was remembering Edward VII. It was as if he was saying: That guy Edward VII is finally dead. , I have waited for so many years and finally waited for you to die. Great, now I can establish a more friendly relationship between the two countries with the new king.

However, as soon as William II's article came out, it goes without saying that the backlash in the UK was absolutely fierce. Alfonso even wondered whether it was because of the article here that George V later

During the First World War, he went all out to defeat Germany, which may be the reason why William II completely offended George V by humiliating his father today. Otherwise, how could the British be so smart and so desperate to suppress the German Empire?

Alfonso was also very curious. The attitude of this interview was obvious. Don’t the people in the German Empire know about it, but they still published it without any obstruction. What kind of medicine are they selling in the gourd?

Alfonso was a little puzzled, but he didn't understand, and he didn't mean to ask. He would understand it later.

Naturally, other major newspapers also reported a lot on the death of Edward VII in major newspapers and special reports. For example, the special report of "Time" magazine wrote about every time Edward VII expressed his opinions to the outside world, especially the media. The time, as well as the theme, are all stated, and then abbreviated with the title "Growing Edward".

It can be said that the way the article is cut and abbreviated makes Alfonso feel bright.

This is very interesting after looking at the idea in the encyclopedia search. The person who came up with this seems to be a great talent.

Another international media, "International Wire", published interviews with people from various European countries about their views on King Edward VII. From Alfonso's point of view, those people behind the newspaper naturally did not miss a chance to establish their own impartiality.

The funeral of Edward VII was extremely grand. European countries were either kings or heads of state. In short, dozens of European countries attended with strong representative representatives. Which one of the funerals of Edward VII was there? Obviously, like this The reason is naturally to give face to Britain, the world's largest country.

Big countries may not matter, but small and medium-sized countries can't help but come. After all, who knows whether the face-saving British and British royal families will use their harsh anger to vent all their anger and sadness of losing the king on themselves to relieve their difficulties.

Only a big country like the German Empire and Spain would not be afraid. But the king of the German Empire still came and attended the funeral under the dissatisfied eyes of many British people. The reason was naturally that he was his nephew.

And Alfonso also came. He came with Patricia. After all, Edward VII was also one of the people Patricia loved most. He had been one of the people who cared for Patricia the most since she was a child. . So naturally, she asked to see her uncle off.

French President Armand Falier also came. The reason is that France and Great Britain are allies against a certain country, so it is natural for the king of an allied country to die. As an ally, France cannot remain indifferent, so as the president of the French Republic, he represents love. The peaceful French express their gratitude to Edward VII for his contribution to world peace over the years. He also expressed that France is willing to continue to have a more in-depth exploration of the alliance between the two countries with the successor of the British King.

Russia was more direct. Nicholas II directly expressed his willingness to establish a friendly and personal relationship with the future George V, and formally invited him to visit Russia as soon as possible after he ascended the throne in the near future to increase the Even the feelings between countries. And secretly accused Spain and the German Empire of trying to destroy Britain's status as the world's largest power.

Such a provocation would naturally fall into disgrace, but fortunately, the future George V was obviously not willing to offend Nicholas II because of this. So he chose to greet him with a smile, which was not rude.

"Everyone, I am very grateful for your coming." George looked at the large number of people in front of him, especially the few people in front. Seeing them, he really felt now that the throne was so far away from him. Close.

"Your Majesty is joking. His Majesty Edward VII is indeed a real elder to me. He taught me a lot during the years he was alive. Although our two countries sometimes have unpleasant and healthy competition, that is Being of good nature, since it is of good nature, of course everyone allows it. Therefore, they have been interested in dating us over the years. Therefore, I don’t know about other people, but we in Spain definitely come to Song Edward VII sincerely. For the first time in this world.”

Alfonso's words made many people lower their heads and secretly scold the little fox for being so obedient even though he got an advantage. Who doesn't know how tolerant Britain has been over the years, especially when facing Spain, everyone didn't quite understand. Why did Britain give Spain so much face and tolerate it again and again? In recent years, Spain has obtained a strategic opportunity during the nearly ten years of King Edward VII's reign, which is to become the third largest country in the world without British suppression. It has to be said that much of the credit goes to Edward VII.

"His Majesty Alfonso said a lot. Although sometimes various conflicts will arise between people when they are alive, they will be resolved one by one in the end. After all, we Osman The Empire and Spain were models of hostile forces at first, but now you see, we are not with Spain. The relationship between the two countries can now be said to be a model of quasi-alliance. Therefore, the tense relationship between Britain and the Ottoman Empire is also a model for us. We are willing to follow the stable development of the two countries while King Edward VII is still alive. We are willing to extend a hand of friendship and release our sincere friendship to the great Britain (to be continued.)

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