Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Day Two, Chapter 155: Russia Compromises

Is that a small archipelago? That’s an area of ​​10,000 to 20,000 square kilometers. Yes, although there are no people living there, it’s not bad that Na can be used as a resting place for fishermen. Now Spain actually wants to take it over. This is not in Russia. A few slaps on the face? You know, for centuries, only Russia has been able to grab other people's territory. This has always been the most glorious thing for Russia and the most proud emotion in its heart.

If Spain agrees to this condition, although in his opinion, this condition is not very harsh, after all, Spain's ban on the import of Spanish industrial products in Russia these days has caused Spain to lose far more than its value. However, its strategic value still makes Russia absolutely reluctant to give it to Spain.

I think Trini naturally knows the other party's concerns. To be honest, in his opinion, Russia, which attaches great importance to territory, asked them to give up territory. It is really easy to answer the sentence that it is only as easy as climbing to the sky. Just a small distance. Moreover, most of Russia's territory is connected to the mainland, so if it cedes the land, it will obviously expose its own territory. In fact, it means ceding the mainland. He does not want to be like the United Kingdom, France, and Spain. Most of them are in the country. Outside the homeland, Russia is just the opposite. What does this mean? It shows that the territorial exchange in Russia will definitely not be as straightforward as the United Kingdom, and it does not want to be as easy as the Ottoman Empire because Kazakhstan is not in the homeland. "The area of ​​this island is large, but it is deserted and covered with ice. It is an archipelago like this. For a country like you with tens of thousands of islands, it is absolutely very easy to go to these islands. The islands are far away from your homeland, and it is difficult for you to manage them. After all, you cannot rule and manage the islands brought into your homeland. He might as well give us such an occupation, and this time Spain has an extremely huge amount. I don’t think your country wants to suffer losses either. You came to exchange tens of millions of pesetas with us for these islands.

Remember, when you sold Alaska to the United States, it cost only a few million pesetas for a few million dollars. Now the compensation amount is at least 10 million pesetas. Of course, if you think so. The value of this archipelago is more than twice that of Alaska. Then we can only accept your valuation which is much higher than what we think. "

When Trini said these words, Witte's face changed. Yes, when Alaska was sold to the United States, it was sold at such a low price even though the prices were different. But. How come Franz Josef Land has such a high value as Alaska? More than 10 million pesetas, is this uninhabited island covered in ice and snow worth this value? Or should I say. As he said, it might be better to use current compensation directly.

"I'm going out for a while. I hope I can receive good news when I come back later." After finishing speaking, Trini left and went outside. He was waiting for the call from the other party. He knew that it was impossible for Fang Zi to make the final decision on this matter. Especially the other party's King Nicholas II was notoriously stingy about territory, so Werther would never make a final decision and sign the agreement. He must report it to his superiors to relieve himself of his responsibilities.

Whoops! With a slight sense of relief on his face, Werther looked at Trini across from him. At this moment, he felt that the diplomacy under the friendly smile of the other party was more powerful than the other party. At the same time, he also felt very sad in his heart. Russia's Historically, it may be because he has just received His Majesty's approval, and when he signs, he may become one of the most notorious people in Russian history, believing that no land has been lost in hundreds of years. Russia, finally, will be ruined under his own pen. This honor died prematurely because of himself.

He could even see the resemblance to the evil faces of the people he would face when he returned. However, he did not regret it, because this was a favor to His Majesty, and it relieved the problem of support that Your Majesty might have encountered, and maintained His Majesty's prestige in Russia.

As for herself, she knew in her heart that she might take the blame, but he also believed that His Majesty would value her again. He absolutely believed that this would happen.

Finally, after two days of negotiations between Trini and Werther in Paris, they formally signed the agreement in the presence of French President Armand Falier, and the two countries finally reached an agreement. On the same day, the good news was officially announced to the world in Paris.

"They finally reached an agreement that everyone is satisfied with." Armand Farier announced directly to the public, "I will now officially announce the contents of this agreement to everyone.

According to the result document signed by the negotiations between Spanish Foreign Minister Trini and Russian Finance Minister Sergei Vitt, the content is as follows:

Article 1: Russia will open its market to Spanish industry and impose a tax of no more than 10% on Spanish industrial products.

Article 2: Similarly, Spain cannot impose restrictions on Russian agricultural products, and the tax cannot exceed 5% at most.

"Rebirth of the Spanish Empire Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Five: Russia Compromises" Article 3: Spain will, at the appropriate time, publish the list of weapons purchased by Spain from Russia as evidence that Spain recognizes Russia as a friendly country.

Fourth, Russia is not allowed to intimidate and invade Spanish allies. If it is true, Spain has the right to retaliate against Russia, and the third article above is invalid.

Fifth, Russia needs to compensate Spain for Russia’s import ban, 15 million pesetas or Russia’s outer islands in the Arctic Ocean, Franz Josef Land. Of these two options, Russia chose the latter. Russia was willing to transfer Franz Josef Land to Spain as compensation.

Sixth, when the two countries are dealing with East Asia issues and arms sales in the Middle East, Russia has the right to receive the highest treatment among its neighbors, and the difference in treatment should not exceed 5 years. Therefore, if Spain sells center bombers to the Ottoman Empire, for example, 24, then Russia also has the right to apply to Spain to buy 24, while Japan's original 12 can be ignored.

Article 7: Spain also has the right to receive equal treatment, that is, if Russia faces Spain's request that Russia borrow a port from Spain's opponent, Spain has the right to borrow the port. Moreover, if Russia refuses not to borrow, Spain has the right to borrow it by force. Also, Spain has the right to take back the port from Russia's opponents and arm it, but at that time Spain's borrowing time will be one hundred years without Russia's permission to take effect.

Article 8: Russia recognizes Spanish sovereignty over Antarctica.

"Rebirth of the Spanish Empire" Finally, Spain has the right to issue various opinions and suggestions to Russia, and the same is true for Russia. Also, Russian students have the right to apply for admission to Spanish universities."

This agreement has brought confusion to everyone in the world. Why, the two countries used to be life-and-death rivals, but now this agreement looks like a quasi-alliance before the alliance. Ah, is this the only agreement that was hastily reached to end the dispute?

Not to mention the ordinary people in the world, even the leaders and heads of state of various countries were very shocked. Among them, there were President Taft of the United States and other ruling and opposition parties in the United States.

Among them are two typical people, current President Taft and former President Theodore Roosevelt.

Taft was also shocked when he first heard about it. He originally wanted to give Spain a surprise when he visited Spain and recognize Spain's sovereignty over Antarctica. This would ease the tension between the two countries, but now, it is not possible. It really gave him a headache. Although the United States continued to use this recognition as a surprise, it had a good effect, but it had lost a lot of ingredients and nutrients. Is this still a real surprise?

Therefore, he was thinking distressedly, should he look for Ferland to find a second surprise for Spain?

Theodore Roosevelt was extremely surprised after hearing this, and then frowned. The tense relationship between Spain and Russia originally seemed to him to be a good entry point for the United States.

This was what he had planned before. However, what is going on here? How come the wind direction suddenly changed, and the cease-fire agreement between Spain and Russia turned into a quasi-covenant agreement. This is too funny.

At this point, his original idea of ​​uniting with Russia to check and balance Spain turned out to be a bit cowardly.

But despite this, he will not give up his idea, that is, Spain is definitely the biggest enemy of the United States, and it is also Theodore's lifelong enemy. Therefore, he feels even more that Britain and Ireland must step up their efforts to recruit some cronies, so that they can prepare for the general election three years later. As long as he continues to lead the United States in a few years, he will be able to continue to fight with Spain. Fighting for the world, he believed that as long as he was careful, he would definitely prevent Spain from being so arrogant.

As for Taft's now pro-Spanish roadmap.

But he felt that he was laughing at the other party's stupidity. They were obviously world-class powers, and they were destined to be enemies in the face of interests. Could it be that this could still be changed? If you send this to people's doorstep, you will think that you have lost. This is not stupid. In short, he already thought that Taft was just fighting with her again. And he believed that Taft's diplomacy was an absolute failure.

If Taft knew that he was like this in Theodore's heart, he would definitely have to kill him before assassinating him. (To be continued.)

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