Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 190 Global Public Opinion

Chapter 190 Global Public Opinion

"It is a very terrifying weapon, very terrifying. I saw with my own eyes that strongholds on the ground that were only two or three meters in size were hit by it all at once. The raging fire burned on the ground, and thick black Smoke was burning everywhere, as if we were really on the battlefield in a war. It felt very desolate. I swear, it is the most powerful weapon I have ever seen. At least for humans, it is very cruel. The weapon, because of its appearance, represents that we humans have another big killer weapon that can destroy our own kind. We really want to prevent such weapons from appearing in the world again, because it represents that a greater disaster is about to come to mankind. Finally, I am our reporter Yuri. "Switzerland, International Online" daily report on April 26, 2018 ""The fastest updated full text hand type

"That is a very advanced weapon and is in a leading position in the entire world. If, I mean, if the Empire of Japan can obtain this weapon, then the Empire of Japan will be able to compete with other countries in the world. The combat effectiveness of the major powers is even closer. If the European powers are not equipped, Japan may even surpass them when it arrives. Therefore, this newspaper suggests that the Japanese government can purchase it if possible." "Japan Reading News"

"In order to be able to safeguard the interests of the Japanese Empire in Asia and the world in the future, and even if possible, to gain more impetus for leading Asia to the Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere headed by Japan, we should buy this Spanish model that is already intended "Selling super weapons to maintain hegemony to foreign countries" "Sankei Shimbun", the largest newspaper of Japan's right-wing

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"Many countries in the world are now inventing various weapons, such as German rifles, British warships, etc. These are the reasons why they have become a world power. Could it be said that Spain has begun to build a weapon that he can maintain? Is the status of a powerful country ahead of exclusive weapons? This is a very serious topic. I think that as the president of the United States, it is time for President Taft to carry out reforms on the United States. It is time to deal with the backward military situation of the United States. The policy has been reformed. It is time for the United States, the world's leading economic power in terms of industry and population, to formulate its own policy to enhance the United States' status in the world's military. This newspaper calls on the United States to Build a unique type of weapon that belongs to the United States, such as this Spanish aircraft." "New York Times" April 46, headline: What is the weapon for the United States?

"Los Angeles Times": The innovation America needs!

"What has Spain, with its bombers, brought us? It is innovation. Just yesterday, at the Madrid military proving ground, Spain conducted a new type of flying weapon, which is the airplane. It was invented by the Wright brothers a few years ago. After the airplane, the world was shocked. However, the United States, as the worst country in the world for inventing airplanes, still only has airships and balloons in its military equipment. We need to innovate, just like Spain. Since we could invent a few years ago Aircraft, then, I believe that if our US government invests in the invention of aircraft weaponization

If so, then surpassing Spain will be just around the corner.”

The front page of the American "Chicago Daily News": Yesterday's sensation!

"Just yesterday in Madrid, under the leadership of the King of Spain, Spanish government officials and ambassadors from the world's media watched the world's first aircraft flight team yesterday. The neat flight movements of the aircraft made everyone's eyes brighten, and the most impressive thing was What shocked everyone was the last scene, because if the pleasing flight performance before showed that the Spanish pilots' flying skills were superb, then the scene of rapid bombing of a large area on the ground at the end made everyone shocked. They were shocked. It made everyone realize that Spain not only built this aircraft into a performance that people can enjoy watching, but also built it into an aircraft that can destroy places during war. Spain, the powerful weapon of attack, shocked the whole world yesterday.”

"I believe everyone has seen these three articles on the front pages of major newspapers today. How do you feel now? Do you think we should look for the methods above?"

Tatov is now one of two adults, and his recent trip to Russia has already made him feel overwhelmed. These Russians naturally like to take advantage, and they are practical in everything and do not put money into their pockets. They really didn't do anything. Until now, he was still worried about the promise to let the United States invest more than 100 million US dollars in Russia. Now it was better. Before the forced laughter ended, he got something that surprised him. And the scary news is that Spain has actually invented a super aircraft similar to an airship. The super capacity allows Spain to carry out large-scale and rapid bombing of hostile parties. Finally,

"Let me tell you, the Russians have given up on giving up now, and even many of our domestic politicians are urging our government to keep a certain distance from Russia, so as not to be jealous of Spain and do some crazy things. Rand"

Now they were sitting in the resting place in the White House garden. Tatov looked at the people in the distance who were cutting grass and trimming flowers, and said what he said.

Ferrander suppressed a look at him. He was troubled by this. "Although we want to say that we don't care to explain to the outside world that we are confident about our country's national defense policy, but even we ourselves can't do it now." Don’t get up, oh, who knew that such a dramatic change would occur at this time. If we had known this, we shouldn’t have given this opportunity to Russia.”

"Where to put it?" Taft turned his head and looked at Ferrander with his big eyes and a look of melancholy.


"UK? Why UK?"

"Has the president forgotten that the British were angry because the German Empire won the first place in land warfare after the appearance of the German Empire's Mauser. Now that Spain has such a destructive aircraft, do you think that the British Will it make it difficult to sleep and eat well? In my opinion, Britain will definitely start to look at Spain because of this. After all, if you really want to talk about it, no matter how powerful the German Empire's Mauser guns are, they can only have limited lethality on the ground. Moreover, the UK also has its own gun manufacturing and research and development products, and the quality is not on the same level as the Mauser brothers' Mauser guns.

However, the emergence of bombers suddenly made airships around the world face the situation of being eliminated. As one of the countries with the most equipped airships in the world, its elimination will cause huge losses to the United Kingdom. More importantly, In the future, in this aspect that originally had an advantage in the world, Spain will completely become unique in the world. I think that as we get closer, the UK will accept our good intentions and give some warnings to Spain to show their dissatisfaction”

"No, I think this may have the opposite result. Ferland, I think we should visit Spain. The results in St. Petersburg this time show that the Russians are still very wary of our approach, and Now that Spanish bombers have appeared, it is obvious that the Russian Foreign Minister yesterday has made a weak response, which indirectly shows that the other party has retreated somewhat. We cannot rush forward to the opposite side of Spain. It is necessary to ease both sides. the emotions of me”

Just when Taft was about to continue losing, there was a "dong dong dong" sound on the door, which forced him to stop and call someone in.

The original dissatisfaction with being disturbed dissipated after seeing that it was his intelligence specialist, and changed to "because" he was specially ordered to collect world news, and at this time he came in even though he knew that he was in a meeting. , What does this prove? It proves that this matter has reached the point where it has to disturb such an important conversation between myself and Secretary of State Ferrand. The matter is very important [

Ferrander naturally knew what this man did, so after seeing him, for a moment, his face also had a solemn look. For some reason, he felt something bad in his heart. This feeling was very sudden. , but it is so strong, and my heart is even more filled with excitement.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Taft asked, forcing himself to be calm.

However, in front of him, both of them were unfamiliar with him, so they naturally saw that his feet were shaking constantly, indicating that he was nervous.

I saw the man say at this time: "Your Excellency, things are not going well."

Sure enough, Taft felt a sudden thought and continued to ask: "What's the matter? Tell me."

"Spain just launched its bombers yesterday, but just now, our people in various countries in South America have received the latest news that these countries are preparing to import this weapon to Spain, saying that they can effectively obtain the force guarantee to protect their own countries. "

Oh my god, it’s like this, no way. Taft and Ferrand looked at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes. They actually got such news today. He believed that if it appeared in the newspapers tomorrow This news will definitely shock the entire American people, and even cause panic, because if they obtain this weapon, the security of the United States will be falsely challenged, which is unacceptable to all Americans, because in everyone's eyes, the United States, Already the most powerful country in America, other countries can only be bullied (to be continued)

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