Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 134: The Storm Over the Nobel Prize (1)

On December 10, 1908, the United States officially announced that their Secretary of State Elihu Root would pay a goodwill visit to Moscow, the capital of Russia, on April 20. The two countries would sign an agreement including agricultural products through a meeting between their leaders. series of agreements.

"Of course America still can't hold it back. It's a good show to watch, Alfonso XIII. Haha, let's see how you deal with this. It's also a way for us to see if you are really qualified to be on equal footing with us." Edward VII After Shidang heard the news, his first thought was not the impact on Britain, but looking to Spain. The implicit covenant between the two countries was signed, and Edward VII had no objections to this covenant.

On the contrary, he was a strong supporter. No, it should be said that the conditions for an alliance between the two countries had been in place as early as the time of his mother, Queen Victoria. However, because of Spain's concerns about itself and the difference between Britain's assessment of Spain's strength, Therefore, the alliance between the two countries has always been in limbo. After that, the Anglo-German alliance fell through three times. What people did not expect was that in the end, Britain was forced to make the decision to form an alliance with the French and the Russians. However, the ideal allies, Spain and the German Empire, were The negotiation failed, but this result made him feel helpless. As expected, things often have unexpected results.

But now they are in alliance with Spain, but he still feels that it is not enough, because he feels that the situation in Europe is now more complicated and confusing. In the past, it was Britain, France, and Russia versus Germany and Austria, and the others were neutral. Now, in terms of alliance system, Britain and Spain are close, Russia is close to the United States, France is unclear about its movements, Italy is also at a distance, Germany and Austria are close, and Ottoman follows Spain's lead.

Now Spain and the Ottomans are facing off against Russia, and the United States is interested in helping. I wonder what kind of sparks such a combination will create. Edward VII is both looking forward to it and feeling panicked. After all, people may play games to make money, but what they are playing is the country, or even the world.

"By now, Alfonso XIII should have won the Nobel Peace Prize."

Stockholm Concert Hall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this year's Peace Prize has been awarded in Stockholm. Everyone has been very surprised. And everyone said that Alfonso XIII won this award. Everyone is also very surprised. It’s an accident, and maybe it’s also an accident for everyone that Hoffman won the double award. In short, we live in various accidents every day. Since everyone has mentioned so many accidents this year, let us, the organizer, give you another surprise this year. "Please, our noble King Alfonso XIII of Spain, who is the winner of this year's Nonel Peace Prize, will also give us a copy of his award-winning speech."

Alfonso did not wear the attire of a king today. Instead, he wore a Western-style suit and long boots that together made him look more flat-chested, loose-waisted, and corseted. He looks like him now, especially with his handsome appearance. Whether they like him or hate him, they can't help but be fascinated by his temperament and appearance at this moment. There are even many women. The children were already screaming, and the boys were whistling.

Alfonso is not like the previous award recipients, who each come up with a thick stack of paper. He does not need a speech. Smiling, he walked from the left side to the microphone of Zhong Yang on the small stage. It could be said that it was an old microphone, but Alfonso had often touched it over the years.

Seeing Yang Alfonso already standing in the center of the stage, everyone couldn't help but became silent, wanting to hear about this young man who had polarized society because of this award. He won the Nobel Prize at the age of 22, Flat prize? What a controversial age this is. Those who support him want to hear how he fights for the honor that belongs to him and how he defends him. But those who oppose him are waiting for the other party to say something or give some reasons that they think are not weighty enough, and then they are waiting to give him the loudest boos. Some other neutral people are watching in curiosity, expectation and ridicule.

"I'm very happy to be on this stage." Looking at the people in suits and evening gowns in front of him, Alfonso smiled and glanced at the familiar faces, such as the Spanish government personnel who were traveling with him, and looked at them with a smile. He was accompanied by King Haakon VII of Norway, the somewhat serious King Fredersk, and King Gustaf V of Sweden with his family, as well as the Crown Prince and Princess of Sweden...

He smiled again and said: "Everyone in front has already taken the envelope, but now I am an incarnation of someone else because of the unexpected appearance of Mr. Earl, the emcee just now. I don't even dare to take the envelope and the speech notes." Come out, I'm afraid it won't be an accident." Everyone smiled softly, Alfonso shrugged and said: "If it makes me feel more pressure, what I just said obviously means that if we can't say anything tonight, we can't make an accident. If so, then the Nobel Prize that belongs to me now may be taken back by them.”

The concert hall suddenly burst into loud laughter, cheers, and whistles. Several kings and Spanish people applauded vigorously, and representatives from other countries also gave him their own applause. Trini and Antonio looked at each other and said to themselves: "Maybe I don't know this."

"The winner today is the youngest, funniest, kindest, and funniest Alfonso XIII. Do you think he deserves this trophy the most? I think it should be no." Alfonso didn't wait for others. He answered himself but gave an answer that surprised everyone.

"However, please allow me to finish my speech first, and then I will explain why he is not the most deserving person for this award."

As Alfonso's serious expression appeared, the audience laughed for a long time before stopping.

Approaching the microphone, Alfonso said seriously: "I am very surprised and honored that I have received this honor. It's an accident." Alfonso's serious expression matched his sudden deterioration, which made him pause for a full three seconds. Seconds later, laughter filled the concert hall again. Not everyone would like this atmosphere, including some old people in the organizers who have always viewed the Nobel Prize with seriousness and solemnity. They could not accept this kind of atmosphere. The atmosphere of the Nobel Prize speech was hilarious. However, fortunately, they also knew that they could not stop Alfonso from speaking and cause public outrage.

The expression on his face remained unchanged, and he said: "Such an award is not only an affirmation of the achievements of some of my personal work, but also includes the efforts and will of many other parties. In this way An award not only inspires me to work harder, but also brings a very exciting signal to the world. We all hope to build a better world." Alfonso said deeply without saying any more funny words.

"I know that throughout history, the Nobel Peace Prize is not only awarded to a certain person because of his certain efforts. The Nobel Peace Prize is an honor for all countries and the world. It is a signal of peace for people of all countries. The Nobel Peace Prize is not just about inspiring a certain country or a certain citizen. Therefore, for me personally, receiving such an award, I hope to promote world peace and promote world peace. Peaceful coexistence among countries in the world can keep the flames of war away from people and allow people to live in a peaceful environment." Those old people who had some opinions about Alfonso have now changed their views. Alfonso's speech, Xian It seems to definitely meet their required standards.

"At the same time, I also hope that people from all over the world can peacefully expand relations between countries. At the same time, territorial issues are also a challenge we must face. Current territorial issues are threatening confrontation between many countries. In the face of How should this problem be solved? There are still certain differences among countries, especially with regard to the different interests of each country.

For the sake of peace, I hope that we can give up some of our own interests of each country and start from the overall situation and see a complete picture of the situation. "

Looking at the people who were listening to his speech quietly, Alfonso's heart jumped and he said: "Since there are so many things happening in this society, it is obvious that in terms of system, our countries have not carried out their own affairs very well. The same is true for us in Spain. Over the years, Spain's economy has been developing rapidly, but it has not achieved any good results in foreign relations, especially in coordinating relations between countries. It has even participated in conflicts because of this. For this reason, Spain has even aroused hostility from other countries, and we won’t say who it is. I only hope that our world can live in more peace and be better.”

Just when everyone thought he was about to end, he spoke again. “After my careful research, I found that the world may need an organization, an organization that can restrain all countries. For example, there is a good example, which is the alliance of Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

If we establish such an alliance in the world, will the world be easier to manage? If all countries join this alliance, can the disputes then be avoided? Another advantage is that when small countries are also in this alliance, they will become more respected by the member states in the alliance? Of course it will. I think if this alliance really appears, then everyone will see a different world. Let’s not talk about it anymore. From now on, I am not the most deserving reason for winning the award. I will say it now.”

The third update, I will compensate you for the wrong update sent today tomorrow. In The Storm Above the Nobel Prize (Part 2), I will first control the word count to the point where I don’t charge money, and then I will fill in the 3,000 word count in a modified way, so that I can make it up to everyone. Hehe, once again, please forgive me for my mistakes, I'm sorry... (To be continued.

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