Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 106 Spain is conserving energy

"We should pay more attention to education, Les. Now, please list the key universities in Spain. Well, it will be based on the top 50 rankings of "International Connections"" "International Connections" ranked second The current World University Rankings came out yesterday. Alfonso is interested in the ranking of this issue. And Lais, the Minister of Culture and Education, happened to be here, so she couldn't help but ask.

As the Minister of Education and Culture, Lais is of course very familiar with this.

“In addition to four signature universities including the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Barcelona, ​​the University of Salamanca and the University of Granada, which are ranked in the top 20, there are also 21 University of Varossia in the top 50. , 25 University of Seville, 30 University of Alcalá, 31 University of Valladolid, 32 University of Murcia, 37 University of Zaragoza, 40 University of Western Australia, 43 New Zealand State College, 48 University of Pas, 50 University of Wellington. In addition, our Spanish Royal Academy, Spanish Imperial Army Academy, Spanish Imperial Naval Academy, etc. are not included. Of course, if they are ranked, these companies will definitely be at the forefront when ranked by professionalism. ."

"Well, that's right. Although in terms of top schools, we are still far behind the UK, and even slightly behind Germany. But if we look at it later, we have full potential to continue to invest more in it. , in tomorrow’s fiscal budget, I will ask Chavez to move closer to you in terms of key expenditures.”


"Yes, but I hope the money will be used effectively."

"Ensure strict control"

"That's good, go out and work for our beautiful minister"

Les looked at Alfonso angrily, and then left.

Alfonso found it funny. Since last year, the annual university rankings of "International Connection" have been based on comprehensive strength rankings to measure the comprehensive strength of each university, and majors like the Royal College are aristocratic or elite. Of course, the formal training academies have been distinguished, and the Navy and Army Academy itself is not public. It is very difficult to rank. After all, we don’t want to have the Internet to query the information in the future. At this time, the information requires a lot of manpower and material resources. The resources were carried out. For the media at this time, it was absolutely unaffordable at that time.

The reason why "International Wired" and "Time" magazines have been able to develop so fast in recent years is superficially due to the success of investment and expansion, but only he knows how much money Spain has invested in these two media over the years. If the capital comes in, according to Alfonso's rough estimate, this number will definitely exceed 5 million US dollars. Don't underestimate this number. Just think about it, an Audi car now only costs 1,500 pesetas, and a Ford car in the United States is half that price, about $1,000. The annual salary of an ordinary American worker is about this amount. As you can imagine, US$5 million is a huge amount of money.

Fortunately, it was not in vain. Now these two media have become the dominant players in the media industry. The other "El Madrid", "The Times", "Le Figaro", "The New York Times", etc. are now just the top newspaper giants in their respective countries. Compared with the two, they are not fair in terms of fairness. It has been easily broken by the former. Perhaps, after a while, the efforts made on them will bear fruit and be recouped a hundredfold.

Don't believe it, the power of media's public opinion is even more destructive than the function of cannonballs in Alfonso's opinion.

Let’s take a look at how two positive and negative media reported the same thing in different ways.

When the government caught a corrupt official and recovered a huge amount of xx million yuan in stolen money,

Negative media: This shows that the supervision mechanism has loopholes and should be reflected on.

Positive media: The supervisory department discovered the problem in time, saved huge losses for the country, and achieved remarkable results.

When coal mines repeatedly collapse and explode,

Negative media: Officials from Zheng Fu’s safety supervision department resigned.

Positive media: The accident attracted great attention from the leader of the safety supervision department. He angrily scolded his subordinates and personally issued instructions that the relevant personnel must be held legally responsible!

When citizens and police encounter vicious desperadoes,

Negative media: Citizens are reminded to report the incident promptly to avoid conflicts with gangsters.

Positive media: We call on citizens to act bravely and fight the gangsters for their lives. Only when everyone joins in can social security be fundamentally improved.

When the area under his jurisdiction was destitute, the villagers were hungry and cold, and could not afford to see a doctor,

Negative media: The approval rating of the officials in charge has dropped seriously, and the people are strongly dissatisfied.

Positive media: The officials in charge have outstanding political achievements and personally go to the countryside to "send warmth" to the farmers. The farmers burst into tears of gratitude and shouted long live. They affectionately called these officials good public servants, guides, caring people, and parents.

When negative media programs are all about big things and new things, they are ranked first.

In the positive media, whoever has the most official position will be ranked first. Some leaders’ big words will always be ranked in the headlines of the day.

When there are good and bad things in negative media programs,

The good news is all in the positive media; if there is bad news, it is in the international headlines in the last few minutes.

Environmental issues in negative media programs are always serious, even though the rivers in their country look clear,

Positive media always report good news and reach a new level when reporting on environmental governance, even though the rivers in their country are black and smelly.

Negative media programs do not emphasize the importance of education and medical care all day long, but there are not many people who cannot afford to go to school or see a doctor;

The positive media attaches great importance to education, medical reform, and the clampdown on arbitrary charges, and they are bearing fruit every day, but there are still so many people who cannot afford to go to school or see a doctor.

Alfonso has no so-called position. The reason why he is willing to accept such an unreasonable report is because he feels the power of the media. He can report an event in different directions, just like a person crying, some are happy, some are happy and some are sad. In short, it is like when a thousand people are eating the same food. There may be a thousand ways to describe the taste. One person can tell the truth, and hundreds of people can tell the truth. Whether the media conveys fiction or truth depends on the controller's ideas being imposed on people, and his thoughts are spread with purpose.

Alfonso still remembers that "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu said in the "Ji Chapter" when discussing military public opinion wars: "One is the Tao." "The Tao makes the people agree with their superiors, so they can die with them and live with them. And not be afraid of danger." A few words, but they point out the importance of gaining public recognition in political and public opinion.

For example, regarding the Syrian issue in the future, in order to remove Syrian President Assad Bashar from power, the West also urgently needs the support of public opinion from all parties to form a joint force. However, the firm support of the majority of Syrian people for Bashar and the weak strength of the opposition have made it difficult for the West. If people who care about politics pay more attention at this time, they will find out.

During that time, there seemed to be more and more rumors and false news reported on the Syrian issue. In the war of public opinion, developing countries like Syria are at an absolute disadvantage. Western countries such as the United States, France, and Britain control the right to speak in the media, and the media is powerful, creating many difficulties for the Syrian government.

Those in high positions in Syria, in particular, are plagued by rumours. Among them are all kinds of news about Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his wife, which is dizzying. First, the British "Guardian" exposed private emails provided by the Syrian opposition and said to be the Assad couple. The content of the email shows that Syria’s first family has been basically unaffected by the intensifying crisis and is still enjoying a luxurious life. Asma, the president’s wife, likes to shop online for luxury goods such as jewelry. As for President Bashar himself, the so-called emails exposed by the Syrian opposition show that Bashar listened to Iran's suggestions on how to deal with terrorist activities. In addition, in his private life, emails show the admiration of multiple women for Bashar, and one of the women even attached a photo wearing only underwear. In response, Syrian official media responded that these emails were a conspiracy by the opposition and aimed at destroying Assad's perfect image in the minds of the Syrian people.

In addition to the president and his wife, senior Syrian officials are also suffering from rumors. Colonel Ammar is the commander of the security forces in Raqqa, Syria. Most recently, he was busy appearing on Syrian state television to prove that he had not "defected" and criticized the Western media for false news. Amar's move was indeed a bit forced. The colonel said in a television interview that when he was working as usual in his office, he suddenly saw the news of his "defection" reported by Al Jazeera. "I am shocked by those reports that confuse right and wrong." He said that such inaccurate reports have become the laughing stock of Dhaka residents.

A Chinese diplomat talked about this issue. Western countries have tried their best to demonize Bashar's image. In Western reports, Bashar is positioned as a dictator, authoritarian, and dictator. He has lost the support of the people and has become a dictator. A lonely man; the Syrian official is portrayed as a government that suppresses the people and kills innocent civilians. From time to time, many American and European media simultaneously broadcast footage of the "tragic deaths" of 47 women and children in Homs provided by the opposition. Some people claiming to be from Homs accused the government of "massacre". In response, the Syrian state television aired the bloody photos that night without hesitation and interviewed many local residents of Homs, telling the story of "militants committing cruel crimes against innocent civilians." \u003c"'s new tactics, although the Syrian government kept high-profile refutation of videos and reports that were inconsistent with the facts, it could not stop the rumors from flying around the world. The New York Times asserted at the time that "Syria has lost the war to control the news." , because "the number of videos about Syria uploaded by citizen journalists on Facebook has reached 40,000."

"It is recognized by the outside world that the current voice of world public opinion is in the hands of the Western world." Alfonso remembered reading an exclusive interview in which the Chinese Ambassador to Egypt An Huihou spoke in detail on TV about the terrifying power of the media. , Western public opinion creation can unknowingly guide the development of the entire international situation. For example, Western public opinion was the first to define the political and social turmoil in the Arab world as the "Arab Chun" or "Arab Revolution." As a result, world public opinion quickly accepted this view.

When the Libyan war began, Western public opinion first reported the news that Gaddafi had massacred Libyan people, leading the outside world to believe that Gaddafi had committed "heinous crimes." But the final result proved that this news was a fiction; during the battle to capture the capital in the later stages of the Libyan war, the Libyan opposition deliberately released Gaddafi. "The eldest son surrendered, the second son was captured alive, and the third son was killed." fake news in an attempt to dismantle Gaddafi's troops defending the city.

He remembered that An Huihou said at that time that the West has a very strong ability and strength to control public opinion. In addition to using the media, it also creates public opinion through some national experts who support Western practices and views. Faced with this kind of public opinion war, developing countries often suffer a lot. As some analysts pointed out: "Both sides know that before the military decision point comes, whoever wins the public opinion war is likely to gain survival and support."

At that time, Alfonso understood this and felt frustrated when he saw the media all day long, because he felt that in many daily life, he had been unable to help but accept the strong Western views. Precisely because he knows how terrifying the other party is, as a Western leader, he decided to take the lead in mastering this weapon that has the commanding heights of public opinion before other powerful countries are familiar with this power. By then, only Spain will have the right to speak. It’s just for bullying other countries.

Second update. \u003cdd\u003e

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