Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 654: Human cannonball

Everything happened too quickly, but in a split second, a generation of Grand Master Pu Yu turned into a mist of blood, and Jin Shixun with super powers was beaten out.

It is not that they are weak, but that the other party is too strong!

Everyone was stunned, trembling, and facing Jiang Nanye was like facing a god.

Some people don't even have the courage to look directly and bow to the ground.

"You have angered me, and today I have to confess my death!" Jin Shixun said fiercely, his original handsome face sulking.

When he flew out, he hit the wall, he looked heavy, and he had a hand dripping with blood, but it didn't hurt him. This is a strong man who has awakened his super powers, even no less than Grandmaster Park Yucheng.


A violent air field erupted on his body, sweeping in all directions like a storm, and his suit was torn, exposing a strong upper body like copper cast iron, clear muscle blocks, big muscles like a dragon lying on his back, and the light shining , The muscles flash a bronze luster, giving people the ultimate sense of power.

"Is it too light for me to start? Didn't let you learn a lesson." Ye Tian also showed a murderous spirit.

This Jin Shixun repeatedly forcibly acquired Beiming Pharmaceutical, and even fiercely attacked Lin Zimo.

Jin Shixun hit a real fire, and thought he would not lose Ye Tian, ​​how can he stop?

"Jiangbei is here in Jiangbei, and it's not your turn to be a kid from Jiangnan! Ye Jin's layout in Jiangbei cannot be destroyed by anyone." He growled.

Suddenly, he lifted his arm and released the force outside the field. The body of a rich man suspended involuntarily.

"Ah, Prince Jin Shixun, don't!"

The rich man screamed again and again, making both faces pale. He just came to see the excitement, a crowd eating melon, never expected to be beaten, to become the rhythm of cannon fodder.

"Isn't he trying to be a savior? Let him come to your rescue. Hahaha!"

Jin Shixun laughed, the sinister nature was exposed without reservation.

This is a villainous tiger, and you must keep your eyes open when dealing with him. Unfortunately, a group of big brothers in Jiangbei have been blinded by their interests, so that they are now experiencing devastation.

Suddenly, Jin Shixun shook his palm, and the rich man suspended in the air flew out like a cannonball. The goal was not to run to Ye Tian, ​​but to run to Lin Zimo. He squeezed the persimmon so soft that Ye Tian was exhausted.

"you wanna die!"

Ye Tian flashed out and stopped the rich man before the rich man hit Lin Zimo. Of course, he also saved the rich man. Otherwise, if he hits the wall in such a hurry, he must not burn his body and become cannon fodder.

"Yes, yes, very agile! I still have a group of people here, and I'll see how many you can save."


Another rich man flew out and smashed into Su Mengyao.

People are like shells, and the speed is too fast. Su Mengyao has no ability of Ye Tian to catch people and intercept them. All she could do was to avoid being hit.

This time, Ye Tian did not shoot.

With a stun, the rich man was unlucky. He rubbed against Su Mengyao and hit the wall. After a fierce collision, the wall was smashed into a large pit, and a large living person was turned into blood mud, and his body collapsed. , Spread like a meatloaf on the wall.

What a terrible scene!

Seeing the lively rich are all scared. Of course, they were scared before, but they are not related, they all hang up. Now that the disaster has come on themselves, they are not calm, and ran away. Birds and beasts generally spread out.

However, an invisible force field shrouded them like a large net, and they all became a lingering concubine and could not escape.

"Prince, we are our own!"

"Jin Shixun, I am muddy, let me go!"

"Ah, Master Jiang Nanye, help! I'll wait for you to look ahead."



Jin Shixun seemed to be a monster, and only responded with a laugh.

"You lunatic, I must kill you today."

Ye Tian rushed out to Jin Shixun and made up his mind to kill the person.

"Control of the force field, imprisonment, compression!"

As I saw, a void was twisted, like a large net tied at least ten rich men together, tightly condensed into a ball.

This is a group of people!

"You want to be a savior, well, let you be enough!"


Jin Shixun said that the force field was like a landslide and tsunami. A group of people flew out, initially condensed into a ball, and suddenly dispersed, flooding the entire corridor space, with a shell-like speed and a storm-like scale.

The screams of screaming like ghosts and wolves are generally endless, and there are many voices calling for Master Ye to save his life.

However, they were disappointed. Ye Tian's lightning flashed out and avoided all of them. He didn't mean to give a helping hand and rushed straight to Jin Shixun.

"Damn, they are your compatriots, why don't you save them?"

"I and them are not relatives, why save them? Besides, killing you is the top priority!"

"It's cruel enough! But do you think you can kill me? Today, I want to end your myth of Master Jiang Nanye."

Jin Shixun flashed back abruptly ~ ~ Fly back to the banquet hall, here is his home field, there are many media can be used, unlike in the corridor just now, empty, can only be used as cannon fodder.

"You, the ability of the awakened, can you imagine? One of the worst things you have done in your life is to offend me."

The flames of anger were burning in his eyes, and a breath of horror emanated from him, and it instantly filled every corner of the hall.

He flew up and stood on a table with his body standing upright, his arms raised at a small angle, both hands spread out, forming a gravitational ball in the palm of his hand.

After a while, when Ye Tian rushed into the banquet hall, he saw a scene like a typhoon transiting, and the typhoon was raging.

Rumble ...

The gravitational ball in the palm of Jin Shixun's palm is shining, the ultimate condensate, the violent force field sweeps, sweeps everything, **** everything, tables and chairs, tableware, drinks and food, carpets, ceilings, decorations, ..., even the walls are scraped Layers of skin, everything flew up, converging in front of Jin Shixun, forming a highly compressed tornado storm, like holding a small world in the palm of your hand.

The whole world seemed to be turned upside down, rolling around.

"You see, no, this is the power of God!"

"Just tremble!"


A highly compressed tornado storm erupted suddenly, such as a dam breaking a bank, flood beasts raging out, everything passed along the way turned into powder, and rushed straight to Ye Tian.

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