Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 531: Thunderstorm

"Should it be almost?"

Outside of the enchantment, Taixuzi's eyes were bright and bright, and she had been waiting for an hour, and she was impatient.

He is a sacred heavenly martial saint, an old monster who has lived for almost two hundred years. The Taiyin Shenlei is almost Xiaocheng, but he is afraid of a twenty-year-old boy. Rumors are not enough to make people laugh. Yet.

Moreover, he could clearly feel that Ye Tian's breath in the enchantment was much weaker. The heartbeat sounded like a sky drum, rumbling, and now it seemed like a broken drum was hammering, weak and dull.

I was so embarrassed that he repeated his old tricks and had to catch Ye Tian Lian Yao again.

Situ's wind is not blocked this time. He feels like Taixuzi. Ye Tian's life gas machine has mostly disappeared, he is lingering, he is about to die, and he can no longer toss any storm.

Wu Taixuzi just manifested a giant purple electric thunderbolt, plunged into the enchantment, and sudden mutation occurred.


It seems that someone broke the shocking sky, and the sky was so clear that there wasn't even a cloud, a big opening suddenly opened, and a thick sky thunder fell from it.

The entire sky was illuminated during the leap time, glowing and dazzling.

This is a real sky-high thunder. The thunder is huge and earth-shattering. It's far from the thunder in a large array.

This is the power of nature and the embodiment of the will of the heavens and the earth. How can human beings compare?

I heard a loud bang, like a dragon-like lightning that struck above the enchantment, and the indestructible enchantment dome was suddenly burst out of a large cave. The sky mine split into the large cave, facing the central thunder pond. direction.

Wu Taixuzi and Situ Feng were all too close to the enchantment, all of them were shocked.

Suddenly, the enchantment was boiling, and Lei Guang was billions of feet away, as if the tsunami was swept out in all directions, and the entire enchantment was suddenly burst.

Rumble ...

The sky is shaking, the sky is shaking, and the endless thunderclouds are condensing into a huge thunder sea, just shrouded in the sky directly above the mountain behind the wind and thunder valley. The roar of thunder is endless. There was a raging fire, and one side of Tianyu was burned and collapsed.

Rumble ...

Lei Guang together, each one is like a dragon rising into the sky, thick and horrible, connecting the sky and the ground, tearing the void, coming straight to the direction of the thunder pool.

At this moment, hundreds of disciples gathered here in the central hall of Fenglei Valley and the large square at the entrance, looking directly at the direction of Houshan. They were all stunned. Although the Thunder slashed at Houshan, they also felt a sense of suffocation and could not breathe.

"How come all these days of thunder suddenly? It's terrible!" Some disciples were shocked.

"What happened in Houshan, why is thunder and lightning always hacking there? Has anyone done anything wrong?" Some disciples humor.

"Will it be the Jiuxiao Shenlei triggered by the Thunder Thunder?" Some disciples speculated.

"It's possible. I heard that our thunderbolt in Fengleigu could besiege the immortals, powerful and unmatched, and it might be able to seduce Jiuxiao Shenlei. Bacheng was trapped in the secular world. , Being hacked. "

Uh ...

The elder Zhang Junshan was cut off one arm by Ye Tian, ​​and was blown out with a punch. His bones were broken. I don't know how many. He was originally healing, and was suddenly startled by the huge movement coming from Houshan, and dragged the broken body out to take a look.

Suddenly his eyes were still skeptical.

He knows the thunderbolt of Jioushan naturally, and he can't move Jiuxiao Shenlei.

Thunder is Tianwei. If you want to draw down and use it for yourself, at least you need the level of Jin Dan and master the rules of Thunder.

"Is the Taiyin ancestor's Taiyin God Thunder broke through? Is this the ancestor in the Taiyin God's Thunder?" He said to himself.

Taiyin Shenlei is a kind of supreme thunderbolt. Few thunders have practiced these magical powers for thousands of years. There are only a few words about this thunderbolt. Therefore, Zhang Junshan didn't know what kind of power might erupt from this raid, so he made such a guess.

In addition, there is another possibility, but he firmly denied it, because it was too trivial and impossible.

"I heard that there is a peerless immortal in Xianmen. When breaking through Jindan, there will be thunder and calamity, quenching the body, quenching Jindan, and reborn. That child is just a little martial art now. How can it be so easy to break through the immortal? .Take a step back and say 10,000 steps, it is he who breaks through the immortals, and he has never heard of the human immortal breaking through the immortals, which can lead to the disaster. "

"Yes, it must be, it must be the Taiyin ancestor's Taiyin God Lei Gong method has made another breakthrough, and he is using Taiyin Godly Thunder to fight with small beasts! As long as the ancestor Taiyin God Lei Dacheng is successful, he will have the power of battlefield fairy. After going through this disaster, I ca n’t stop Daxing from teaching. This is the general trend! "

Zhang Junshan's eyes were firm and speculative.

At this time, behind the mountain of wind and thunder, Situ Feng and Taixuzi hid in a cave, staring straight out, shocking.

Above the valley, the black clouds were thick, and the thunder sea was tumbling, almost falling into the valley.

The Leihai is endless and dazzling, with millions of purple electricity and hundreds of thousands of thunder, like a galaxy pouring down from the sky for nine days, intertwined with a large column of thunder, such as thunder dragons rising through the sky and breaking down continuously.

Bang, Bang, ...

I have already smashed seven or forty-nine large thunders, and Lei Hai in the sky is still looking enough, and the thunder is surging and surging, I do n’t know when it will be.

"Old ancestor, is that little beast really crossing the robbery? He is just a Wu Sheng now, and he has never heard of what Wu Sheng is going to cross. This is too bullshit!" Situ Feng shouted unbelievably .

"I'm just guessing. There seems to be no other explanation besides this explanation."

"Is it because he is the body of the sun?"

也许 "Maybe, the body of the sun is the body of the gods, not the same."

"I heard Lei Jie baptism ~ ~ rare since ancient times, if he can carry it, it will have many benefits for future practice and benefit a lot!" Situ Feng lamented.

"He is my great medicine, and he will die!" Taixuzi's voice was stubborn, his eyes firm.

His body was faint, his bone joints were crackling, and a purple electric lightning ball condensed and formed at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The thunder ball is about the size of a soccer ball, and it is extremely hot. It is like a ball of lightning.

This is the Taiyin thunder ball, a magical power of the Taiyin **** thunder. A thunder can seal a big lake and freeze three thousand feet.

Bang, Bang, ...

Da Lei chopped one after another, and each one could easily split a mountain into flying ash. Eventually we split the 981 and finally stopped.

可怕 What a terrible thunderbolt is even on par with Ye Tianqian's Jindan calamity.

Of course, Jin Dan's robbery is more prosperous, and one thunder can top the nine thunder here.

This is the case for He, the calamity he is crossing is still very horrible, surpassing the previous life, because his calamity in the past life only dropped seven hundred forty-nine Tianlei.

"Mad, Bai was split by thunder, but he didn't break the innate."

In the thunderous sea intertwined above the thunder pond, Ye Tianduan sat on the thunder seal and burst into anger.

Such a powerful thunderbolt, he thought he would break through the innate, and as a result, he was in a state of agility, not even complete, but only in the agile period.


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