Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 281: Let me fight

Su Wuyao suddenly looked at Su Mengyao with a shocked face, and seemed to see that she was Xuanyin's body. She might even see her life style. In other words, there are no good seeds for this kind of cultivation. Although he received a lot of apprentices at Panlongguan, his qualifications were all average. The best-known little real man "Li Qingshan" was also beheaded by Ye Tian, ​​and now there is no one who inherits the mantle. Can't help but have an idea in his heart, can he accept an apprentice.

Su Su Mengyao was embarrassed by the eyes of the boundless real person, and stepped back involuntarily.

Ye now has his teacher Ye Tianzai. The real person without bounds is not good enough to accept the apprentice, and he also feels a strong murderous spirit, a fierce battle is coming. So with a slight smile, he looked away from Su Mengyao and looked at the sky.

Boundless Reality broke through the mystery, cultivated his spiritual power, and his consciousness became extremely acute. The reason why he suddenly came down the mountain and came here was that he felt that the disciples might be in trouble, and there was a danger of life and death. Now it seems that his feeling is true. One apprentice has died and two are injured. Just met Ye Tian unexpectedly.

There was a depressive breath from the wind and the wind filled the building, and ordinary people in Ning Xiaoyu also felt bad and began to panic.

Tonight is really a twist and turns. Ning Xiaoyu was speechless in the heart of such a good weekend. However, what she saw tonight also gave her insight. The world is not as simple as she looks, it is full of mystery.

"Xiaoyu, take your friend out of here and find a place to hide." Ye Tian said to his sister, with a dignified look.

As soon as his voice fell, Realm Without End said to him again: "Teacher, you can watch the battle, just leave it to me here. Let him stand alone, I will stop it!"

Boundless Reality is full of eagerness, eager to try. In other words, he has just broken through the mysterious realm and is thinking of trying his hand.

When Ye Yetian saw his thoughts, he said, "It's okay. But the strength of the comer may not be weak against you. You should still be careful and don't underestimate the enemy."

"More teachers remind that the disciples will do their best to fight."

At this moment, a violent yin blast came over, accompanied by a series of stinking odors, making people sick. A wave of coercion fell from the sky, and it was much stronger than when the three-eyed golden boy appeared just now, and everyone was out of breath.

At this time, only a cloud of black clouds suddenly appeared in mid-air, and the more they gathered, the sooner they covered more than half of the sky. The dark clouds rolling, like a tide, twitched up and down, and faint voices of wailing ghosts came out.

Suddenly, accompanied by a burst of insidious laughter, a skull gradually emerged from the dark clouds, with long hair floating, eyes flashing blue, it was a real person, but it looked too sinister. Hell Demon.

"Blue-eyed and black-clothed head-down division, flying head-down!" The real person in Wuya looks dignified, and the new one is terrified.

"Oh?" Ye Tian froze.

"This is the Nanyang decapitation. Doesn't the teacher know?"

"Haven't heard it before. Why, is it terrible?"

Ye Yetian was born again, merging the memory of Ye Tian here. Ye Tian used to be a hegemon. He didn't listen to the window and read only the Holy Book. There is no Nanyang descending master in his memory. That's why Ye Tian now wipes his eyes.

However, Ye Tian felt a familiar breath from the man in the midair, exactly like Su Mengyao's. He dared to conclude that Su Mengyao's raising of a little ghost was related to the man in the sky, it might be a teacher-apprentice relationship.

"There are many different methods of descending the head, including dozens or hundreds, but flying head is a more powerful one. It is cruel and bloody, not harmful, and it is extremely difficult to make."

Although the head-dropping technique is unique to Nanyang, as a practitioner, Wu Reality knows more about head-dropping techniques.

The so-called flying head landing is the head descending technique where the descending head descends on himself so that his skull can fly away from the body to enhance his skill. Cultivation of this technique is divided into seven stages in total, and each stage must last seven to seven forty-nine days for the merits to be fulfilled. And if you do n’t practice one day, or if you do n’t get any blood, you will give up your previous work, and you wo n’t even be able to practice flying.

There are two main types of flying head drop, Baihua flying head drop and dead body flying head drop. Among them, Baihua Feidujiang is the most powerful type of flying head. When the flying head strikes, it is accompanied by extremely strong blood mist and blood flowers, and the blood is diffused, so it is called Baihua Feidu landing.

Another corpse flying head is weak in strength. Whenever the skull leaves the body of the surrender, its body will continue to cool. If the skull cannot return after dawn, the head descendant will die forever. This phenomenon will not occur with the flying heads of flowers.

It is said that at least the head-falling division of the blue-eye realm has the possibility of becoming a flying head and descending.

Obviously, the head-falling division in mid-air is a blue-eyed head-falling division.

The blue-eyed realm of the Nanyang descending division is equal to the mysterious realm of the Central Plains, which is the realm that the realm of the endless world has now reached.

However, Realm of Realm has just broken through to the mysterious realm, and has not even had time to consolidate it. It is certainly not a day or two that Azanji practiced his head-dropping into the state of blue eyes. So in the realm of cultivation, Azan is above the real person without boundaries ~ ~ No wonder Ye Tian said to him that the strength of the person may not be weaker than him.

"Little old man, you have some eyesight. Now that you know it's flying down, you can't roll away quickly, there's nothing for you here." A Zanyu said to the real person, without a voice.

Then he stared fiercely at Ye Tian again, saying: "Smelly boy, you dare to kill my little six. Today, I must take your life first, and then slaughter your door." After that, he looked at Shen Hao and Zhou Yuan again. Go, "There are two of you, my little seventeen died in your hands, and you will come to the funeral together. The three of you will stay, and the rest can leave. Otherwise, I will fly down and show great power. There is no guarantee that the fish will not be caught. "

Wu Realm snorted humbly, and said, "You practice such evil techniques as flying down and descending, and you don't know how many people will be killed, are you not afraid of going to **** after death?"

"Go to hell? Oh, who knows what happened after birth. Little old man, do you really want to be my enemy? I do n’t want to kill the innocent here in the Central Plains. If you do n’t know what to do, I do n’t mind taking your life , Even ascending your gate and destroying your path. "

"Courageous! A horrible Nanyang barbara, a daredevil, dare to go wild in my Central Plains. Can you dare to report your name? I won't kill the unknown!"

"You can change your name, you can't change your last name. I am Nan Zhan, the great master who descended from the head, and kills the unknown."

The two of them even started to fight. ...

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