Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2664: Taoism remains

, the fastest update of the peerless waste of rebirth! "You golden-haired birdman, I let you go last time. It seems that you haven't learned your lesson! That's it, then Lao Tzu will roast you and beat your teeth."

A cold and playful voice came from the thunder pool.

Ye Tian released this person last time, which seemed to be a mistake.

This person is not only ungrateful, but intensified, and invited an ancient sage to return to the void to take his life.

Where would Ye Tian ever let him go again?

"Children of the human race, you have killed so many demon clans in Chaos Xinghai, and the sins of the sky are too numerous to describe. Today, you are doomed, so apologize for your own death." Jinpeng's ancestor said, his voice was fierce.

Taking advantage of Ye Tian's nirvana and reshaping his body, he alone has great confidence in killing Ye Tianzhen, not to mention inviting a powerful helper.

Around, countless big demons and little demons were excited.

They were also dominated by Ye Tian's supreme majesty. During this period of time, they were trembling every day, walking on thin ice.

snort, snort, snort!

One hundred thousand great swords pierced through the sky, each with a length of more than a hundred feet, like a flood of dragons rushing over, bursting with dazzling golden light, sharp and unparalleled, as if it could pierce the sky, and nothing could be broken.


In the thunder pond, a phantom of the gods and demons with three heads and six arms suddenly rushed out, with a shuddering power, the body was as huge as a mountain, wearing cold armor and iron clothes, holding a large seal in his hand, with a kind of ancient wildness. breath.

It was Ye Tian's avatar of the Chaos Swallowing Devil God!

The killing energy rushed into the sky, and the aura rushing out from the clone was extremely terrifying. It was no weaker than Jinpeng's ancestor, or even stronger.

He was holding a Heaven-shattering Seal in his hand, which was formed from the golden mountain that had just condensed the Immortal Gold Holy Spirit. It seemed to have the weight of thousands of stars, oppressing the heavens and the earth, distorting the surrounding space.


With a roar of the gods and demons, the avatar of the Chaos Devouring Devil God incarnates thousands of feet tall, and takes a distance of hundreds of thousands of feet in one step. It is strong and domineering, as if it came from the ancient times of the prehistoric times. Heaven and Earth.


The Heaven-shattering Seal strikes the sky, and wherever it passes, even the stars can be crushed into powder, not to mention the sword glow.

Bang bang bang!

The 100,000 Heavenly Swords were smashed to pieces one after another, and the Heaven-shattering Seal penetrated the void, smashing the past against Jinpeng's ancestors, and everywhere they passed, the world was shattered.

It's not that the 100,000 Heavenly Sword Slaughtering Formation of Ancestor Jinpeng is not strong enough, but that the Chaos Swallowing Devil God is too terrifying, and the Heaven-shattering Seal faintly erupted with the power of a quasi-immortal soldier, blowing everything up and sweeping everything.

In the distance, all the big demons and small demons watching the battle had chills on their backs and hair straightened in their hearts. From such a long distance, everyone could really feel the terrifying killing intent.

The 100,000 Heavenly Sword was shattered, and a giant seal pushed everything horizontally.

"Impossible, your Dao Fruit is clearly in Nirvana, how can it be so powerful?" Jinpeng's ancestor was surprised.

Generally speaking, both the avatar and the real body share a piece of Dao fruit. The real body and the Dao fruit are in Nirvana. Even if the avatar can be transformed, it is impossible to exert much power, it is just a pretense.

But now, what happened was beyond the expectations of the ancestors of Jinpeng.

This avatar of the gods and demons is even a bit stronger than Ye Tian's previous peak state, which is simply unreasonable.

"How can you, a birdman, know the ability of this seat? I said that if I bake you, I will definitely bake you." Ye Tian's indifferent voice came again.

He has two Dao Fruits on his body, the Dao of this world is the Dao of this world, and as for the Dao Fruit of the previous life, that chaotic golden lotus is not affected at all.

On the contrary, in the Void Return Tribulation, the seal of the Dao Fruit of the previous life has been loosened a lot again, and more power can be drawn from it.

Therefore, the power of the Chaos Swallowing Devil God erupted at this moment, even a bit stronger than Ye Tian's previous peak state, as if he was another ancient sage who returned to the void.

The 100,000 Heavenly Sword was shattered, the void was shattered, and the Heaven-shattering Seal rushed in front of the ancestor Jinpeng.

Ancestor Jinpeng is by no means easy, the golden divine blood in his body boils, and the boundless divine power surges out like a tidal wave, and a golden Peng claw suddenly sticks out, covering the sky and the sun, sharp and cold, and slams the sky-shattering seal.


The golden roc claw and the sky-shattering seal collided, sparks scattered, the sky cracked, and even the stars were affected, and they all exploded in the sky.

The dazzling bright light shocked Xiao Han, running through the sky and the ground, like a dazzling galaxy falling, extremely dazzling.

The Golden Sacred Mountain, which was integrated with the Immortal Gold Holy Spirit Clan, was tempered in the Void Return Tribulation. The Heaven-Shattering Seal was sacrificed to an inexplicably terrifying realm, stronger than the Peng's claws of Jinpeng's ancestors.

In the earth-shattering strike, only one claw mark was left on the Seal of Earth-shattering, while the paw of Jinpeng's ancestor was trembling, making a golden stone trembling sound.

Among the electric flint flowers, Jinpeng's ancestor swiped the iron claws in a row, and shook the sky with a few blows. The sonorous sound was deafening. In the end, the two Peng claws bleed, and he was able to shoot the sky-shattering seal out, slightly better. .

In fact, everyone can see that Jinpeng's ancestor suffered a big loss in this fight.

It was just one Heaven-shattering Seal, which made both of his claws bleed.

Over there, the Chaos Swallowing Devil God clone is holding the Chaos Immortal Armament and has already fought with King Shura.

King Shura of Shura Hall held a blood spear and rushed to the Thunder Pond again, but was stopped by the Chaos Swallowing Devil God.


The blood-colored hall is actually a great avenue artifact, with divine light and ten thousand paths, intertwined with countless blood-colored divine chains, protecting King Shura in the middle, thousands of runes shining, like King Shura's heroic and tall body, exuding a The indescribable air-conditioning machine is like a king who has walked out of hell.


He opened his mouth and stepped out of the Asura Hall.

In that hall, thousands of blood-colored divine chains swept through, turning into a sea of ​​blood, and swept away toward the void.

Boom boom boom!

The sea of ​​blood is incomparably vast, dyeing a star field red, and countless divine chains are intertwined in it, like a star blood beast, which wants to swallow Ye Tian and the thunder pool around him.

"If you are willing to hand over all the magical powers and secrets on your body, the immortal soldiers and the gods will hand in hand, and accept the restraint of the primordial spirit of the deity, the deity can not only spare you from dying, but even seal you as an Asura general, and enjoy my Asura Hall. Glory." King Shura opened his mouth and made a condition.

Although they are both ancient sages of returning to the virtual world, how can the strength of King Shura be comparable to that of the ancestors of Jinpeng?

The Asura Hall under his feet is a supreme artifact.

If you look closely, you will find that it is made of piles of white bones.

Every white bone contains extremely tyrannical Dao marks, which are the bones of the gods, or the bones of returning to the void. They are not divine gold, but are better than divine gold.

In the dazzling blood light, various visions emerged, including mountains of corpses and seas of blood, battles between gods and demons, and howlings of thousands of ghosts...


Ye Tian responded to him with a sword glow that pierced the sky.

The Chaos Swallowing Devil God held the Chaos Immortal Soldier and slashed out with a sword.

A sword beam was extremely bright, as if it could split the universe of the ten directions in half.

At this moment, in everyone's field of vision, there is only this sword glow across the sky, and the rest are never seen again.

In the light of the sword, the Chaos Swallowing Devil God held the Immortal Armament, as if fused with the Immortal Armament.

A chaotic golden lotus sprouts in the body of the Chaos Swallowing Devil God, like taking root and sprouting, growing rapidly. Every time the chaotic golden lotus grows, the power of the chaotic swallowing devil increases by one point, as if it were endless.

The endless sea of ​​blood evolved from the Asura Hall was split open at once, and the dazzling sword light, with the potential to smash the galaxy, went straight to the Asura Hall.

"court death!"

King Shura came out with his spear, and the blood-colored spear body swept out the blood-colored killing light in the sky. hole.

But it was useless at all, the power of the Immortal Armament swept everything and wiped away all the spears.

In an instant, King Shura's body trembled violently, and a bloodstain burst out from the tiger's mouth.

"Damn, this is not your power. What the **** is this? How could you have two Dao Fruits in you?" King Shura finally noticed something was wrong.

"What? Two Dao Fruits?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, like falling into a fog, not knowing why.

As we all know, a person can only have one Dao Fruit, and it is impossible to have two Dao Fruit.

"I know, you are reincarnated and rebuilt, and you have retained the fruit of the previous life. It must be so, no wonder you are so young and powerful." King Shura is indeed King Shura, his vision is very wide, and suddenly thought of a possibility .

"In your past life, was it a Hedao? Damn it!"

Think of this next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

, How dare King Asura dare to fight, even the Asura Hall is not needed, and he will be scurrying when he turns around.

He Dao Zhenxian, what kind of concept is that?

However, he wanted to escape, it was too late!

The Chaos Immortal Soldiers came, and the Shura Temple instinctively burst out with hundreds of millions of blood The blood light even condensed into a blood-colored heavenly saber, smashing the might of Huashan with force, trying to fight against the Chaos Immortal Soldiers. .


As a result, not a single finger was able to support it, and the blood-colored hall was shattered.

In the next second, the Asura Hall was first split into two halves by a volley, and then shattered into the air. Numerous corpses turned into dust, as if a galaxy cloud suddenly burst into a tyrannical cosmic storm.

King Shura retreated violently, and the whole person rushed to a hundred thousand zhang away in an instant, and he was able to avoid a disaster. Although there was still a bloodstain on his body, he still managed to get his life back.

Fortunately, the Shura Temple bought him a little time, allowing him to escape.

Thinking that this person may be a reincarnation of a true immortal of the Tao, and give him a hundred more courage, he will not dare to offend his brows.

Immediately, he took out a blood-colored talisman in his hand, smashed it violently, and a void passage appeared, connecting a distant direction.

However, just as he took a step, he was about to teleport away.

The body suddenly stiffened.

A sword energy proliferated in his body like a fission. It was only one at the beginning, but after an instant, it turned into ten million, and then hundreds of millions.

"No, this is impossible, I am the Ancient Sage Returning to the Void, who can kill me?" King Shura roared loudly.

However, between the electric flint flowers, he still made a wise decision of a strong man to break his wrist, abandoning his physical body, his primordial spirit fled, and rushed into the void passage.

"It's useless, the power of the immortal soldier, how can you compete with a mortal body? This flying immortal sword contains the supreme meaning of swordsmanship. Reincarnation, even after the six reincarnation baptism, the sword intent will still follow. If you are reborn ten times, you will kill you ten times, if you are reborn a hundred times, you will kill you a hundred times!" Ye Tian said coldly.

Hearing this, everyone's body shivered.

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