Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2638: set foot on the ancient road

, the fastest update of the peerless waste of rebirth! Whoosh!

Seeing Ye Tian's disappearing figure, everyone on Daxi Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, they were only a thin line away from death and the destruction of the stars.

"You evil star, never come back."

The little princess of Daxi stared fiercely at her beautiful eyes, panting heavily, looking into the depths of the void, and only withdrew her gaze until the figure disappeared completely.

She couldn't believe how Ye Tian's growth could be so fast. He was simply upgrading in a spaceship while everyone else was on foot.

They used to stand on the same starting line.

When she went to Middle Saturn to play, both of them were in the divine realm. Although Ye Tian was a little more powerful than her, his power was limited.

But now, she has just proved the golden elixir, but Ye Tian has already transformed into a god, and may even be returning to the void. The gap has expanded to the sky and the earth, and she can only look up to it in her life.

"The biggest mistake I have ever made in Onishi's history may be to conquer Middle Saturn."

The little princess Daxi murmured, the brilliance in her beautiful eyes suddenly dimmed.

A girl who used to be confident, unruly, willful, and a little arrogant, was hit hard, and even a Taoist heart became unstable.

In the center of the Beichen Star Region, there is a special area, the Demon Suppression Continent.

Ye Tian used to be here, alone fighting against many young talents and powerful figures in the Beichen Star Region, sweeping all the enemies, and the battle shocked the entire Beichen Star Region.

Demon Suppression Continent suppresses a small ancient demon world. This ancient demon small world was formed by a Taoist ancient demon. Xuantian Daojun was trapped in it, and it lasted for tens of thousands of years.

But now the small world of ancient demons has been destroyed, and a demon embryo cultivated by the first blood ancestor was seized by the soul, becoming a clone of Ye Tian, ​​the chaotic swallowing demon god.

The Demon-suppressing Continent was also torn apart and became a land of ruins, floating quietly in the dark cosmic vacuum.

Even some combat weapons, magic weapons, and corpses can still be seen.

Ye Tian came here by the way, stopped for a while among the ruins, looked at the ruins, the past scenes came to his mind, as if it was just yesterday, and the battle scenes were vivid in his mind.

"Endless killing, endless expedition, this is the world of immortals!" Ye Tian sighed in his heart.

When a person has mastered a powerful force, it is impossible to live in peace.

This is the so-called, people are in the rivers and lakes, can't help themselves.

Even if you don't provoke others, but you have power, you become a thorn in the side of others, a thorn in the flesh, a stumbling block, forcing you to grow on the road of blood and bones, and if you dare to slack off, you may become someone else's chopping block. Fish, a stepping stone under your feet.


Ye Tian stepped out of the sky, crossed the starry sky, and arrived at the main star of Beichen a day later.

This is a magnificent star, so dazzling in the night sky, the tide of spiritual energy scrolls endlessly in and out of the atmosphere, full of vitality and inspiration.

Ye Tian came here because he wanted to find the God of War Academy and use the starry sky teleportation array inside to set foot on the ancient road of starry sky trial.

With the help of the starry sky teleportation array, a lot of effort can be saved.

Second, every node of the trial road is carefully selected, and there will be many opportunities for various sacred places.

From ancient times to the present, all monks who have set foot on this ancient road and come back alive have all benefited a lot, gained a lot, and cultivated diligently.

"Welcome back to God."

As soon as Ye Tian came to the main star of Beichen, a white-haired old man appeared in front of him with a smile, and he was extremely respectful.

It is the ancestor of the town demon.

The ancient Demon Suppressing Clan left after the Demon Suppressing Continent was torn apart and settled on the main star of Beichen.

The royal family of the original Beichen main star was also the ruler of the entire Beichen star field. After being suppressed by Ye Tiansheng, he was deposed. Since then, the territory of the Beichen royal family has been replaced by the Zhenmo family.

And the Demon Suppressing Ancestor, the original half-step transformation god, with the help of Ye Tian, ​​also successfully proved the Taoist transformation.

With this kind of relationship, how could the ancestor of the demon be disrespectful to Ye Tian?

"Shenjun Ye, my gods at the beginning of time have prepared delicious food to wash away the dust for the gods."

Another divine rainbow came through the air, and an immortal old man floated down in front of Ye Tian, ​​his long beard fluttered, and the purple-gold robe was automatic without wind.

It is the old headmaster of the divine religion in the beginning.

This person also proved the Taoist transformation, and is one of the only two transformation spirits in the Beichen Star Region.

Ye Tian asked the Zhenmo family to replace the Beichen royal family, just to check and balance the divine religion in the beginning, and did not want the divine religion in the beginning to dominate. This will also benefit Beichen Star Region.

Over the years, the two major sects have indeed looked down upon each other, and there have been some conflicts, but they are all petty, and they are very jealous of each other.

At this moment, the two ancestors of the gods had just met, and they were pleasant on the surface, but they were already competing in secret, and they both wanted to invite their sect as a guest.

Ye Tian once swept this star field and was the true master of Beichen Star Field.

It is also rumored that he broke through the Emperor God Mountain in the Guangxingxingyuan, and also killed the Emperor Guangming. If this is true, his combat power must have far surpassed that of the gods, and it is not a match for the Beichenxingyuan.

It would be very meaningful to invite Ye Tian to be a guest in the Hui

As a result, Ye Tian rejected their good intentions, and was about to leave, using the Starry Sky Teleportation Array of Ares Academy.

Ares Academy hides in a small world, and Ye Tian spent some effort to find it last time.

Now, he has only one divine sense, and the Ares Academy has nowhere to hide, obediently appearing in front of him.

The old dean of Ares Academy was angry, but he didn't dare to make trouble, and greeted Ye Tian with a smile.

Even all the monks of the entire Ares Academy appeared, forming a long queue, setting up a cloud ladder, and opening the middle door to welcome the most distinguished guests.

"Ye Shenjun, please stay, I have something to ask from the taichu sect, I don't know if I should talk about it?" The taichu old headmaster suddenly shouted to Ye Tian.

He has been observing secretly, and found that Ye Tian's realm is only God Transformation, not the imagined return to the void.

This made him very puzzled, how could a small deity break through the Emperor God Mountain? Kill the Emperor of Light at the level of the ancient sage returning to the void?

Are the rumors wrong?


"That's right, Ye Shenjun, this time in the starry sky trial, I teach that the goddess Shenxi has not yet returned, and I am determined to step further on the ancient road. If the goddess encounters it, please take care of it." Taichu old headmaster said with hands.

On the ancient road of trial in the starry sky, there are some nodes that can be sent back, directly to the star field where they are located.

In the blink of an eye, several years have passed, and many of the testers in the Beichen Star Region have returned, but the Goddess Shenxi has not returned. Although some testers have fallen, compared to the previous trials, the probability of surviving has been increased several times.

In Hedao Zhenxian Dojo, thanks to Ye Tian's rescue once, otherwise all the testers in the Beichen Starfield might have perished.

Ye Tian nodded, and walked away on the starry sky teleportation formation. The restrictions on it seemed to him that they did not exist.

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