Rebirth of the Pampered Wife

Chapter 961 Thank you father-in-law for the compliment

The so-called life is half fireworks and half happiness.

The lights of thousands of houses are not as bright as the fireworks of a small family. There are two people in one house, three meals and four seasons. It seems ordinary, but it is also joyful.

Her life is probably like this.

With Nanzi, a new cat and a goldfish added to the family, life is getting better and better.

Days like this were something I never dared to hope for in my previous life.

Now immersed in such days, Mu Nansheng feels that such a plain life is quite good.

Slowly putting on Mu Nansheng's apron, Gu Jingchen raised his head slightly and noticed Mu Nansheng's dazed look.

Suddenly smelling something strange, Gu Jingchen frowned and reminded: "The food seems to be burnt."

Suddenly coming back to his senses, Mu Nansheng was in a hurry, and quickly turned to a small fire and added some water.

Fortunately, he was rescued in time, otherwise the braised chicken legs that Nan Zai ordered to eat would have been burnt.

After sighing, Mu Nansheng patted his forehead, slightly annoyed.

"Are you distracted?"

Gu Jingchen curled his lips slightly and took the wooden shovel from Mu Nansheng's hand in a calm tone.


In response, Mu Nansheng felt a little guilty.

Glancing at Mu Nansheng who had his head lowered, Gu Jingchen laughed dumbly.

After putting it on the plate, in order to make up for his sloppiness, Mu Nansheng took the initiative and said, "I'll fry the vegetables."

"Let me do it."

Gu Jingchen shook his head: "The dress is so beautiful, are you willing to let her get oiled up?"

"That's not true."

Mu Nansheng pursed her lips: "Didn't you help me put on my apron? It's okay."

"Stay away."

Gu Jingchen looked back and said, "Just wait for the meal."

"Oh well."

Mu Nansheng no longer forced himself and smiled: "Then I will stay with you."


Nodding softly, Gu Jingchen skillfully stir-fried the vegetables, adding salt and light soy sauce in an orderly manner.

Although he was wearing formal attire, there was no sense of disobedience. Instead, he felt a sense of abstinence.

With an idea, Mu Nansheng pulled out her phone and recorded the moment with a click.

The range hood was a bit loud, so Gu Jingchen naturally didn't notice that he was being secretly photographed.

After seeing the finished film, Mu Nansheng decisively posted it to Moments.

[Boss Gu cooks the food himself, and I am responsible for supervising the work! 】

Not long after, the likes and comments on Moments started flooding in.

Gu Yiwei: Ouch, sister-in-law, I’m going home for dinner right now!

Mrs. Gu: Don’t let him get burned.

Brother: Is this taking advantage of my brother-in-law again?

Mu Nansheng replied with an eye-roll emoji.

Lin Yiran: Not bad, he is very good at controlling his husband.

Lu Shi: I want to eat...

He Hao: The CEO’s wife is so powerful! Want to eat +1



The comment section was flooded with comments.

Mu Nansheng was a little unable to respond, and was laughing so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

His eyes lit up and he noticed the comments below. Mu Nansheng quickly handed the phone to Gu Jingchen.

"Jingchen, look, look, look!"

"What's wrong?"

Putting the vegetables on the plate, Gu Jingchen turned around and said, "What other entertainment industry gossip has been reported?"

"That's not it."

Approaching with a smile, Mu Nansheng raised his head: "Look, my dad praised you."

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Gu Jingchen glanced down.

Seeing his father-in-law's comments, Gu Jingchen's mouth twitched.

Dad: My son-in-law has done well, let’s keep up the good work.

Gu Jingchen:…………

"How about it?"

Mu Nansheng chuckled: "How does it feel to be praised by my dad? After all, my dad has always been so serious, and it is rare to see him praise others."

Sighing softly, Gu Jingchen shook his head helplessly: "You, you, you secretly filmed me again!"

Sticking out his tongue, Mu Nansheng poked his arm: "It's not important, just answer me!"


Gu Jingchen replied lazily: "Thank you, father-in-law, for the compliment."

"I'll reply to him right away."

With a happy smile, Mu Nansheng picked up the plate after replying: "Let me help you."

"Be careful, don't burn it."

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