Rebirth of the Pampered Wife

Chapter 287 Changing the name of the group

During the few years when Zhou Yaoyao was born, Li Wanru didn't go to the company because she was busy taking care of her daughter, so she had to hand over the company's affairs to Zhou Cai.

At that time, Li's father's physical condition was deteriorating, and he couldn't handle too many affairs, and the heavy responsibility of the company fell on Zhou Cai.

Zhou Cai was proud of his spring breeze, so naturally some sycophants boasted. The attitude of arrogance and arrogance in the heart cannot be concealed, and he is also arrogant in doing things.

Soon after, Li's father died. As the sole heir, Li Wanru had a hard time.

At that time, Zhou Yaoyao was only three years old, and Li Wanru had already adapted to the rhythm of a housewife, so she couldn't return to the company to take over. And Zhou Cai coaxed Li Wanru sweetly, saying that he felt sorry for her and wanted to share it for her.

Li Wanru didn't think too much about it, they were husband and wife, and there was no competition, except for leaving some shares for Zhou Yaoyao, the rest of China Unicom under Li's father's name were all given to Zhou Cai, and finally Zhou Cai successfully sat on the chairman's chair .

Successfully achieved the position of chairman, accepting the compliments from everyone and hints from the beautiful secretary, Zhou Cai often socialized and had fun, completely forgetting that there was still a wife at home who had been guarding the living room all night.

Regarding the smell of perfume on Zhou Cai's suit or the ambiguous text messages, the people around him also reminded Li Wanru many times overtly and secretly, but Li Wanru didn't believe it at all, and still sat all night waiting for Zhou Cai to come home.

This figure sitting on the sofa, Zhou Yaoyao remembered from a very young age, this is what Li Wanru does every day.

In the midst of chatting with each other, Zhou Cai gradually gained weight, and he also had a beer belly. He was so arrogant when he spoke, and completely forgot about those days.

With the increase of age, Li Wanru stayed in the empty villa all day long, and she didn't care about dressing up. Her hair was disheveled all day long, and her expression was almost numb, she was still sitting on the sofa waiting for Zhou Cai to come home.

These years, whenever Zhou Cai was drunk, he would point at Li Wanru, berating Li Wanru with a mouthful of alcohol for not being able to live up to expectations and not being able to give birth to a son. When scolding gets excited, she will get rough on Li Wanru.

Li Wanru did not resist, and silently accepted all of Zhou Cai's accusations and beatings.

Gradually, Li Wanru's body became weaker and weaker, and she was infused with traditional Chinese medicine all day long, and the room smelled bad of herbs.

Zhou Cai became more and more bored with Li Wanru, and even asked Li Wanru to move out of her bedroom to a remote room, claiming that she could not smell the smell of herbs.

Even with such blatant dislike, Li Wanru would go downstairs to the living room to wait for Zhou Cai at night as usual.

Probably because of a guilty conscience, Zhou Cai announced to the outside world that his beloved wife was in poor health and stayed at home to recuperate from illness, and even changed the company's name to Zhou's Group.

Zhou Cai knew all that he had done. He wanted to use this method to hide the fact that he was a door-to-door son-in-law before.

Zhou Cai has always ignored the mother and daughter, but after Zhou Yaoyao grew up, Zhou Cai began to train Zhou Yaoyao, with the purpose of bringing huge benefits to the Zhou Group.

Zhou Yaoyao was very afraid of her father, worried that he would hit her like Li Wanru, so she gradually began to wear a smiling mask among the crowd.

Zhou Cai has been outsourcing to raise a mistress these years, so naturally he had the idea of ​​divorcing Li Wanru.

Although the company has changed its name, the old veterans are still there, so Zhou Cai dare not act recklessly. After all, Li Wanru was the original heir of the company. In order to gain the support of those veterans, Zhou Cai only dared to play secretly and continue to maintain this marriage.

But now that his daughter actually knew that he was the son-in-law who came to the house before, Zhou Cai's heart skipped a beat and he became nervous.

Facing Zhou Cai's constant questioning, Zhou Yaoyao said in a cold voice, "Dad, people are doing what the sky is watching. I think you understand this better than me, don't you?"

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