One of the five companions of the young men who came from this carriage looked like an employee of the same company, but there were two sturdy men with round waists and powerful abilities in it. (

Except for the thin girl, everyone else is not like an ordinary company white-collar worker. Her eyes are very heavy. They stare fiercely and fiercely. It is the provocative look that is common on the street. It seems that their people are being bullied. You must find it back for the holidays. If it is really a company employee, it is probably a company like demolition, debt collection, or loan sharking. Fastest update of novel chapters

The aisles in the carriage were narrow. The two security assistants who followed Fu Jun and Zhang Ke were all military-born, not tall, neatly dressed in suits, and they couldn’t see how strong their bodies were, but they were blocked in the aisle. Li stared at the group of people with a cold expression, making them afraid to approach easily.

It’s a pity that there are only six people, and I’m not afraid of them being so many and powerful. I really want to start. These six people are not enough for Fu Jun and the others to warm up. Besides, whoever has nothing to do is to fight in the soft sleeper box. Nowhere to slip. Zhang Ke sat at the small table in the aisle leisurely. Tang and Li Xinyu were neatly dressed at this time and wanted to poke their heads out to see what was happening. Zhang Ke waved their hands to let them go back to the box. Don't just watch the excitement.

"If you hit someone, don’t you think it’s something you haven’t given birth?" A tall and strong young man walked out and reached out to push the security assistant who was blocking him. Before his hand touched the person’s shoulder, he gave it to someone. The fire light stone grabbed his wrist and gave it away. He fell back a few steps and hit the person behind and almost sat on the ground. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Now young people, long and short, clearly realized that it was accidental that they had to stop the movement just now, and it was not that they suffered without paying attention. There are so many people here that they can't play a role in front of the people of the professional association.

The short young man was still a little unwilling, and yelled: "Damn, don't think that you will dare to be aggressive on the train in a second..." People stood behind and dared not come forward.

Zhang Ke beckoned to Fu Jun, and said, "Call the police, let the police take care of it, and you can't stay without sleeping with them."

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" At this time, a female flight attendant and two male police officers walked from the other side of the aisle and walked between the two piles of people. The previous movement was a bit smaller, and four or five men moved aggressively from other carriages. When arriving in the soft sleeper compartment, the flight attendant naturally couldn't pretend to be ignorant. He called the two police officers together before daring to come over. The older police officer stared at the people on both sides sternly, "I'm not sleeping so late, so what are you doing?"

"We just got in the car, and one of them sneaked into our car to steal something, caught us and bite, and entangled with our accomplices to beat others. We were only angry and found someone to ask for justice..." Short youth gave Fu Jun and the others blocked their sight, and couldn't point to Zhang Ke who was sitting behind, they just raised the swollen face that had been punched to Zhang Ke for the police to see.

Zhang Ke stood up. Fu Jun and the others retreated into the box in good time without blocking Zhang Ke's vision. Zhang Ke stared at the short youth. He asked in a flat tone: "Why don't you call the police?"

"Why don't you call the police? They went in to steal and beat people. Why didn't you call the police?" The policeman also stared suspiciously at the short youth.

"I..." The short youth asked this sentence hard to explain.

Zhang Ke ignored him. Said to Fu Jun: "You explain to Comrade the police. I'll go in and take a rest."

"He went into the box to steal things and hit people on the ground. How can he leave?" the elder young man yelled. "It hurts when he kicked my stomach..." He was about to rush over to grab Zhang Ke.

Fu Jun stood up and grabbed his shoulder to prevent him from moving, pushed him back a few steps, took out his ID and showed it to the police, and said, "This is our work permit-when our company's VIP got on the train from Beijing. They sat in the No. 12 box. They got on the train from Qingdao Station. They were also box No. 12. After they got on the train, they harassed our company's VIPs in words and deeds. The company's VIPs also patiently moved to other boxes to rest, just saluting in Rong. At that time, they obstructed in every possible way, and there were some physical conflicts-did I tell you about the specific situation in the cabin, so that it would not affect the rest of the other passengers in the carriage?"

Seeing Fu Junliang’s ID, the elder young man calmed down the tight-faced policeman’s face, and told the young man angrily: "You also show the work permit to the policeman..."

Fu Jun ignored the documents and collected them. The older policeman took the work permit handed over by the young man, looked through it, and his face became cold, and he reprimanded: "Soft-sleeping boxes often receive disturbed complaints from single female passengers. It's you black sheep! You all went to the restaurant to explain the situation with me."

Zhang Ke smiled with the police officer, believing that the police officer and the flight attendant would have a deep impression of Li Xinyu, who was so bright, and pushed Tang's head into the box together.

"What is the difference between Fu Jun's work permit? Why did the police see his work permit look like a chameleon?" Tang Dou


"Haha," Zhang Ke smiled crookedly, "it is a little bit different." I thought that Li Xinyu also didn't want to cause trouble to cause domestic media attention, otherwise, as her heir to Li Jianxi, she directly complained to the police for harassment, and the domestic opposition The attitude of the foreign guests, the two boys must be trimmed.

As for the work permits produced by Fu Jun, it is of course different from the work permits or work cards that ordinary companies give employees and are only limited in the company's area.

There are no private bodyguards in the legal sense in China. In 1998, a formal security company could only be a unit directly under the public security organ.

Many of Kumho’s laboratories and factories are of special nature, and the level of security work is not lowered because the registered capital is privately owned. In particular, the Microchip and Experimental Park are still very important to the domestic electronics industry, and they are not available for the time being. The replacement status belongs to the key security unit registered with the Ministry of Public Security. In fact, the security department set up by Kumho for security affairs is under the direct guidance of the Provincial Public Security Department. The specific persons in charge of key security affairs must be coordinated by the Provincial Public Security Department. The certificates held by Fu Jun and others are Donghae Province. It was issued by the Public Security Department—of course, it was a little bit public and private. This time, one of the two security assistants who accompanied him was a working policeman.

Borrowing an in-service policeman is also for the convenience of dealing with some special situations. For example, the driver of Ye Jianbin borrowed directly from the security bureau directly under the armed police force. Otherwise, his car would be intercepted by the patrol officer in the field, and the military license on the car would be provoked instead. trouble. Like Yan Wenjie of Horizon Construction, the accompanying drivers and bodyguards also have the status of active military or serving police. These are all types of wealth or special status.

Zhang Ke has his own principles and limits in doing things, but don't expect him to be "clear" without any fish. To be honest, Zhang Ke didn’t want to use his privileges to desperately press people who are slightly disrespectful in words and deeds into a mud pit—that would be too arrogant. Let Fu Jun come forward to deal with it, and hope that young people of all ages can understand the current affairs and retreat. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Ke asked Li Xinyu doubtfully: "By the way, why didn't you bring bodyguards by your side?"

Li Xinyu tilted her head slightly, avoiding Zhang Ke's eyes, and said in a low voice, "I said that I decided to take the train back to the construction temporarily. Who knows that these things will happen to will cause you trouble."

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Ke moved in his heart, thinking that Li Xinyu might have guessed that he would take a train back to Jianshe after receiving a text message from him, and then deliberately changed to a train. Before that, I met her in the coffee shop of Wangfujing Hotel. Sitting there alone, does she also think there will be a chance to meet herself there?

Thinking that Li Xinyu met an employee of the Beijing company on the plane to Beijing, she might think she would take the Wangfujing Hotel for her when she knew it. Zhang Ke thought to herself: If it weren’t for my uncle, they happened to be staying at the Wangfujing Hotel. Will you change hotels on purpose?

Maybe, it's not impossible. Thinking about this, Zhang Ke was a little guilty, especially when Tang was still here, his face turned away, and said: "Go to bed, I will be built at 7 o'clock in the morning. I don't have a few hours to sleep well." The bed sheet on her was changed, and she didn't know where she changed. The inquirer glanced at her, but gave Tang an embarrassed look. Tang also just glared at him and didn't drive him out again.

Tang and Li Xinyu slept in the lower bunk, Zhang Ke could only sleep in the upper Turn off the light, listening to Tang and Li Xinyu **** underneath, thinking of two wearing close-fitting, even half-naked The beautiful body is right below, and Zhang Ke is really sad when he thinks of the sudden interruption of the beautiful sex. He wants to sleep quietly while lying on the bed, but the lower body is so hard and uncomfortable that he can only live next to him.

After sleeping in a daze for most of the night, the twilight light came in from the window of the car, and Zhang Ke could no longer fall asleep. He turned over, sat on Tang's bedside, turned on the wall lamp, and prepared.

Li Xinyu, who was on the other side of the bed, had a bad sleeping appearance. Most of the thin white was dragged to the ground. The lower body was lying on his back, but the upper body was lying on his back. With a small waist as the axis, the whole person seemed to be twisted by ninety degrees. , Wearing lavender bodysuits, exaggerated and seductively presented her **** curves: slender figure, slender waist, wide and plump buttocks, her **** pressed against her chest, extruding a perfect semicircle from the side She didn’t wear a bra in her underwear, her head was full and black and shiny, and she looked like shiny silk in the early morning light, her exposed face had a beautiful and pure temperament, and her tender red lips tempted people to take a bite. The look of Tian Ran falling asleep was particularly moving.

"It's so beautiful--it's not hard to imagine why your men are so lustful!"

Hearing Tang's soft emotion, Zhang Ke was startled, and looked back, not knowing when Tang woke up, lying on his side and looking at Li Xinyu who was sleeping on the opposite side.

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