Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 898: Moles on the lower body

Xinting Municipal Party Committee Secretary Dou Weitao and his party rushed to Jinshan at this time, and naturally it was also a matter of building a port for Dongshan Island.

In early May, a large-scale anti-Chinese riot broke out in Jakarta, Indonesia. In mid-to-late May, Chinese capital began to flee from Indonesia in a panic.

From late June to early September, the capital of Chinese Indonesians directed to Haizhou, Huishan, Jianye and the surrounding areas was close to 3 billion U.S. dollars.

Although the International Economic Observation Organization estimates that the scale of Chinese capital evacuated from Indonesia during this period can be as high as 30 billion U.S. dollars, nearly one-tenth of the fleeing capital is concentrated and transferred to a region, which is still quite a terrifying figure. Fastest update of novel chapters

Dou Weitao, like most people in China, has no idea why Kumho can gain the trust of Indonesian Chinese businessmen, but Kumho's loyalty to Indonesian Chinese capital is indisputable.

The core difficulty in building a port on Dongshan Island is that the huge construction funds cannot be implemented. Without money, Dou Weitao could not realize his political ambitions even though he had full of his voice. When he realized that the establishment of a port on Dongshan Island could take advantage of this large withdrawal of Indonesian Chinese capital. Dongfeng, the inner excitement can be imagined.

Dou Weitao does not know when the withdrawal of Chinese capital from Indonesia will stop, and the political situation in Indonesia will not continue to be turbulent. He has been struggling between excitement and worry during this period, but he is not qualified to urge Kumho at the same time. The various aspects of Dongshan Island’s port construction are quite complicated, and all of these require Xinting City and Jiangnan Province to come forward to tackle problems in person. Of course, he is also worried that this is a cover for Kumho to release-Kumho is not without precedent. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Until the central government decided that Xu Xueping succeeded Shang Xueyi. Dou Weitao was relieved, and immediately mobilized elite troops to form the Dongshan Island Port Construction Leading Group under his direct leadership to promote related work. The Municipal Standing Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor Tao Shuyi was in charge of the specific work. No matter how hard Xinting works unilaterally, no matter how active it is, without Kumho's cooperation, there will be no rice to cook. After Kumho officially put the port of Dongshan Island on the agenda, he immediately followed up to Jinshan with pottery and calligraphy, hoping that the work on both sides could be coordinated immediately, and the actual operation stage would be quickly entered.

Lunch was arranged in the hotel where Zhang Ke was staying. In addition to Zhang Ke and Zhang Zhifei, Liang Jun also rushed from Jianye to Jinshan in the morning. The affairs of Jianye were left to others to deal with, and all his energy was devoted to this. Come on.

Zhang Ke didn't want to talk to Dou Weitao, and Liang Weifa nodded his head when he entered the shareholder Shan Iron and Steel and Dongshan Shipyard. Dou Weitao has no reason to refuse.

Once Donghai United Iron and Steel Group acquires Dongshan Iron and Steel, Xinting City’s state-owned shares in Dongshan Iron and Steel will not be completely withdrawn. Instead, it will be converted to a shareholding in Donghai United Iron and Steel. The quality of equity assets will be greatly improved. After the United Steel Group acquired Dongshan Iron and Steel, it wanted to rely on Xinting's deep-water seaport resources to develop a large-scale steel manufacturing base in Xinting. For Xinting City, it will gain a strong economic growth point.

The same is true for Yangpu Shipbuilding's acquisition of Dongshan Shipyard. As a result, the establishment of a port on Dongshan Island will directly receive strong support from the East China Sea Province.

Before the situation is complete. The exhibition of the construction of a port on Dongshan Island is not limited to port infrastructure. Only a large steel manufacturing base and a large shipbuilding manufacturing base are sufficient to support the Lingang Industrial Zone and the Port New City.

Except for Kumho Corporation. Donghai United Iron and Steel Group, Jianye Yangpu Shipbuilding Group, and Indonesia Nanyang Shipping Group will also directly participate in the port construction. Zhang Yan clearly told Dou Weitao. The business direction of Hongyuan Industrial will also be quickly adjusted to the direction of harbor engineering construction. Before the port construction project officially starts construction. How far can Hongyuan Realization be adjusted? In the final analysis, it depends on the support of Xinting City and even the Jiangnan Provincial Government. Although Hongyuan Industry has been undertaking municipal projects. However, there is not much experience in port construction. In the short term, it is necessary to realize the adjustment of the business direction. Only large-scale acquisition of related companies. Before 1998. Almost all harbor construction enterprises are state-owned enterprises. In the short term, the goal should be achieved as much as possible. It needs to be handled by the competent government department.

Dou Weitao hurriedly agreed. But I thought in my heart: Kumho always wanted to extract the greatest benefit possible from the establishment of a port on Dongshan Island. Somewhat underestimated Zhang Ke. Of course. fair enough. Merchant investment should always be profitable.

Zhang Ke doesn't care what Dou Weitao and others think. The establishment of a port on Dongshan Island is only the first step for Kumho Corporation. Finally, the blue channel is being constructed on the sea. Will participate in the investment and construction of overseas ports and logistics channels on a large scale. Naturally, Hongyuan Industrial is unable to undertake the major construction tasks of the port construction site on Dongshan Island. But it can grow up by building a port on Dongshan Island. There can be an engineering construction organization with rich experience in large-scale infrastructure construction in the industrial chain controlled by Kumho Corporation. It is absolutely profitable and harmless.

Ye Jianbin arrived in Jinshan by plane from Hong Kong in the afternoon. Follow him to Jinshandi. There is also Xiang Huatao, the senior manager of Nanyang Shipping Group and the president of the Port Investment Department, and his attendants.

As a large-scale ocean transportation group, it is normal to organize and participate in the construction of port terminals on routes, and Nanyang Shipping is no exception. It has accumulated considerable experience in port and terminal investment and construction, but has not directly participated in a new large-scale deep-water seaport. Construction.

In the past, due to the impact of the Asian financial turmoil, Nanyang Shipping decided to reduce investment to overcome the current difficulties. However, after Kumho Corporation invested in its shares, Nanyang Shipping adjusted its strategy of shrinking investment in land development, in addition to absorbing Kumho Corporation’s capital injection. , And also absorbed Chinese capital who fled from Indonesia on a large scale.

For Dongshan Island to build a port, Nanyang Shipping Group naturally has to act as the main force. Of course, it is not enough for Nanyang Shipping Group to act as the main force. Ye Jianbin has been in overseas during this period and has already had contact with Singapore Port Group. Of course, he also needs the local government to make clear Singapore’s port group can decide whether to participate in the port construction project on Dongshan Island.

After Ye Jianbin, Xiang Huatao and others arrived in Jinshan, Zhang Ke took them to meet with Liang Weifa, Dou Weitao and others. The establishment of the port on Dongshan Island was officially put on the table.

Zhai Danqing soaked in cold water all morning, caught the cold, and felt top-heavy. Zhang Ke asked her to rest, but she didn't agree. A lot of information was in her mind, and Zhang Ke was used to relying on her in this respect. I spent the whole day in intense and intensive contact with people. Afterwards, Xinting Municipal Party Committee reported to the members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on the preparations for the establishment of Dongshan Island. Zhai Danqing still accompanied Zhang Ke to attend the meeting, but took some medicine in the middle, but did not rest. , Even taking medicine can't exert its effect, the uncomfortable body is not alleviated eventually. Until ten o'clock in the night, Zhang Tuo's complexion was so bad that she did not take part in the next schedule, and went back to the hotel to rest with her ahead of time. Besides, he was also tired and needed a rest.

My mind worked enthusiastically for a day. I didn’t mean that I could stop when I stopped. I felt better when I sat in the car with my face against the cool window glass. Zhai Danqing watched someone sitting on the road under the street lamp on the side of the street. There is a white cloth painted with gossip patterns on his body. There is no shortage of fortune tellers in the corners of the city. He turned his head and said to Zhang Ke:

"I haven't been shopping with you yet. Seeing how hard you have been during this period, I always want to fulfill your wishes once." Zhang Ke asked the driver to stop the car.

"Can I only get my heart out once?" Zhai Danqing turned around and smiled, "I knew I shouldn't just waste this opportunity just like this..."

"..." Zhang Ke smiled, what he wanted to say, Zhai Danqing had already got out of the car.

Not far from the hotel, Ma Hailong and the staff all got out of the car and squatted on the curb and smoked to relieve fatigue. Zhang Ke accompanied Zhai Danqing back. Walking to the fortune-telling booth, Zhai Danqing turned around and asked Zhang Ke, "Do you believe this or not?"

"What should I say?" Zhang Ke smiled. He naturally didn't believe it. It would be fun to listen to the fortune teller Hu Bye if he was bored, but he couldn't say it in front of the fortune teller.

"It's okay to listen to him." Zhai Danqing smiled, her gentle smile at this time, it is difficult to relate to her usual firm and decisive appearance.

The fortune-teller was a middle-aged handed Zhai Danqing the vest next to her and asked her to sit down. Zhang Ke squatted to the side, looking at the patterns on the canvas and some mysterious and mysterious texts. See the fortune-teller. Seriously helping Zhai Danqing look at the palm, wondering if this guy would take the opportunity to eat her tofu, listening to Zhai Danqing’s question and answer with the fortune-teller, he was very serious, and smiled and asked the fortune-teller: "How can we believe you? if?"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, it's okay for the person who lives to believe it," the fortune teller said in a sacred tone, without looking at Zhang Ke, looking at Zhai Danqing and continued, "You have a mole on your lower body. , This mole can't be seen by people who are not the closest, you said I was right?"

This is really humbling, and Zhang Ke thought to himself: Who doesn't have a few moles on his body? Said: "I also have a mole on my lower body, which can't be seen by people who are not the closest, but you mean me..."

"Don't make trouble..." Zhai Danqing turned his head and said in a soft tone.

Zhang Ke was stunned. He had never heard Zhai Danqing speak in this tone. Seeing that her face was a little pale, but she was weak and beautiful. This is rarely seen at ordinary times. Seeing that she believes in a fortune teller, she feels like that. Thinking: Could it be that she really has a mole on her lower body that the closest person can't see? Guessed where the mole was hidden, even if it was in the private part, he might not go to the public bath for others to see.

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