Seeing Wei Dongqiang and Lin Bing disappearing in the night, Zhai Danqing sighed slightly. Zhang Ke is not the kind of hero who "successfully prospers and perishes against him". He can even tolerate other people's hostile attitudes, but he wants the other side to do things. Don't lose heart, otherwise Zhang Ke won't step on it stingly.

"Wei Dongqiang doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Teacher Xiao Cui is enough to cause headaches," Du Fei said. The best way is to show Dongda’s interests in the cooperation, so that 30% or more of the shares can be negotiated," Du Fei turned his head and asked. Zhang Ke, "Dongda Creative Domain will reflect the rights and interests of Dongda, and Dongda Nature will find ways to cram people into it. I am afraid that the people sent by the school will not agree. We are all aware of those who are mixed in the administrative organs. Most of the human spirits are of what kind of virtue, internal friction, and the ability to fight for power are not weaker than others, and they are not capable of doing things. I discuss with Meng Le and discuss it. At present, Lao Qin is more in line with our intentions, and we can get along with everyone. Well, there won’t be any running-in or running-in problems. The key question before is how to bring Lao Qin out? Lao Qin is a teacher in the courtyard, and he can’t be ranked in the school, so why is it his turn for a good thing? , Since you can assist us with 10 million funds for training, can’t the funds be linked to Lao Qin’s name this time?

"You have decided," Zhang Ke agreed swiftly and swiftly. "In short, this ten million yuan fund is just to fund your training. Don't misappropriate it for me. *****"

"Lifting Lao Qin to the upper position is also helping you. I think Wei Dongqiang looks at Lao Qin Fei and Huang Tengda, and his heart must be mixed with all kinds of flavors, is it even more uncomfortable?" Du Fei said with a smile.

"It's a good thing. Why do you feel so ulterior motive when you say this?" Zhang Ke laughed and said to Zhai Danqing again. "Sister Zhai, you can cooperate with Du Fei and others to do some things. You are all familiar with the people here."

At present, it is necessary to get the support of Tunghai University and the faculty of Tunghai University to run a training institution that promotes the overall industry of Zhang Ke's so-called "industry-university-research". Otherwise, even if Zhang Ke has a good personal relationship, it is impossible to directly assist Dongda Chuangyu with 10 million funds in the name of the company.

Du Fei only approached Qin Gang the next day to talk about the hope that he could participate in the fundraising of Dongda Chuangyu on behalf of Dongda, and formally assume management positions in Dongda Chuangyu in the future. ===After all, Du Fei, Meng Le and others still have to keep their students' duties, and they don't have the time and energy to devote themselves to the daily management of Dongda Chuangyu. Only one Ling Xiaoyan is not three heads and six hips that can take care of everything.

For Qin Gang, he still participates in management on behalf of Dongda University in name. He will not be separated from Dongda's establishment. As the company's management, he is naturally very different from staying in the courtyard to do student work. Such a good thing. Qin Gang will not refuse. Management positions in school-owned enterprises or joint ventures have always been good jobs for people to compete for breakthroughs. However, he could not jump out and recommend himself when Du Fei and Meng Le were looking for the school, and it was impossible for Du Fei and Meng Le to directly designate candidates for the school.

Qin Gang expressed his doubts, Du Fei smiled and told him: "Oak Tree Garden's ten million yuan of funds can be regarded as sponsorship that you have pulled out. Carrying this banner, what reason does the school have for not letting you out?"

After adjusting his salary at the end of last year, Qin Gang’s monthly salary was only 462 yuan. These department-level personnel can still receive job allowances ranging from 6,000, 8,000, and 10,000 by the end of the year, except occasionally. Received some small gifts from the parents of students, which is basically all the income for a year. Hearing the number reported by Du Fei, Qin Gang was dizzy. I pondered for a moment. Then he said, "The ten million sponsorship fund was just heard from you last night, no matter what the name is. There will be no ideas on Oak Park?"

"Probably not," Du Fei said with a smile, "it is the same thing, to achieve as many goals as possible, it is also the style of Oak Park. My energy and ability with Meng Le are limited, and I deal with the school. I may not be seen by others, so I thought about pulling Lao Qin into your group. Unless Lao Qin, you think we are a bunch of fart kids playing house games and it’s not worth participating, then say another thing..."

Qin Gang laughed, wondering how he qualified to suspect that someone had played family games? Although he was involved in representing the school, this opportunity was completely given to him by Du Fei and the others. In exchange for someone else's status as a teacher and student, Qin Gang did not have too many psychological barriers. They were mixed together, and they didn't consciously act as an instructor. I immediately agreed and said: "It is said that this matter can only be negotiated with the school. I think it is better to breathe with Dean Cui in advance. *****"

Qin Gang rushed to the hospital office on a bicycle and happened to block Cui Guoheng in the office.

"..." Cui Guoheng took a breath when he heard Qin Gang said that Oak Tree Park would fund 10 million yuan for Du Fei and Meng Le to set up training institutions for their creative companies. "Kumho is really rich."

Kumho's wealth is one thing. No matter how wealthy a company is, it is not so generous that it will disperse its wealth at will and don't take 10 million funds seriously. Du Fei and Kumho's relationship is really close. Cui Guoheng remembered the words of his old classmate, Wenfu, who asked him to guess Zhang Ke's identity. As the secretary-general of the provincial government, Wenfu naturally knew many secrets that outsiders didn’t know, and he didn’t need to play mystery. It seemed that the most critical link was On the head of this student Zhang Ke. I remembered that when I arrived at the hospital in the morning and saw Zhang Xuan entering the library with a book, I really didn't see anything special-it was a headache.

"Du Fei and they hope that I can come forward to plan this matter. I always feel that it is not appropriate for me to take charge of this matter, so I came to Dean Cui for your advice. \\" Qin Gang said.

"This is a good thing," Cui Guoheng said, regardless of the sincerity in Qin Gang's words, he was able to come over and say that he still puts him Cui Guoheng in his eyes, he is also happy with the beauty of the sex, and said, "You have to be bold and bear it down. The work of the Youth League Committee and the grade level can burden others, and the yard will definitely support can go directly to the principal’s office to report this."

The principal Li Hongming is a person who is more keen to invest. In recent years, he has transferred hundreds of millions of funds from his school account to invest in companies. It is famous for the appreciation of school assets. How effective are these investments and how many assets have been transferred? The private account is nothing more than that. The senior executives of the company who are entrusted with important tasks are either directly the school leaders personally and part-time, or they are the confidants or relatives of the school leaders. In any case, cooperation such as Chuangyu that allows the school to hold shares in the name of Dongda only, and the scale of investment is tens of millions, will be very much in favor of the principal Li Hongming.

Thinking about this, Cui Guoheng was a little envious of Qin Gang. If he could retain his position as the dean and manage a part-time organization with assets of tens of millions, he would be very willing.

Cui Guoheng asked again: "During the winter vacation, the effect of the computer network training class organized by Du Fei and Meng Le is okay?"

"Fortunately, Chuangyu was the first to hold computer network training courses in Jianye. In addition to the two scheduled training courses, it also opened night courses. In addition to those students who only have time during holidays, many training courses are available. The trainees in need are all participating in the work and trying to improve their own company staff. This gave birth to the idea of ​​establishing a specialized computer network training institution." Qin Gang said.

"Then in three or four months, will the investment in the Internet cafe be recovered?" Cui Guoheng asked.

"Originally planned to recover the investment in six months, but Jianye has a lot of private investment seeing the successful business model of Chuangyu Internet cafes and intends to join the chain of Chuangyu Internet cafes. At present, four of them have negotiated the terms of cooperation. Chuangyu only sells integrated Internet cafe management. One set of the system costs 100,000, plus the franchise fee of nearly one million, and the initial investment can be recovered in about a month. Du Fei and Meng Le both have very keen business skills If you force them to sit in the classroom and read, you really feel wronged. Dean Cui, you often say that training should be based on your aptitude. I can only understand the meaning of this sentence now. For students like Du Fei and Meng Le, being more relaxed is more conducive to their success..."

“You’re not just talking about the talents of young people. A few years ago, Dongda came out with Xie Jiannan. The scenery is boundless, and there should be new characters.” Cui Guoheng knew that Qin Gang was helping Du Fei and Meng Le to speak kind words, if they were dull. These students are treated according to school rules and disciplines. These students are not qualified and good students. If they are viewed from the ultimate goal of cultivating talents, they should be the models of contemporary college students. As education, students should not be obsessed with rules and deprived of them. Their innate creativity is unfortunately easy to understand in China. Cui Guoheng can only "indulge" these students. However, Zhang Ke can arouse his interest more than Du Fei, Meng Le and others. Asked Qin Gang, "This student, Zhang Ke, seems to be quieter?"

"Yes, it seems that he is a little dismissive of the creation of the domain. He doesn't participate in the creation of the domain. However, Du Fei and Meng Le still respect his opinions." Qin Gang said.

When Qin Gang talked about the word "dismissive", Cui Guoheng had a thought: If he dismissed Chuangyu's tens of millions of investment, how big his mind should be? At this time, it seems that there is no longer any need to question the abilities of these hairy boys.

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