The investigation of SDIC companies in various provinces and municipalities is drawing to a close. The closer it comes to an end, the more frightening the data that can be found out. The GDI alone has a gap of nearly 10 billion in total. Hundreds of window trust companies can't imagine how big loopholes will be hidden in the dark.

Several central leaders including Zhao Jidong, the deputy prime minister in charge of financial and economic work, were shocked and sweated by this result. At this time, no one was confident that the financial turmoil was still far away.

The central government's opinion is to continue the audit and inventory work, and the Ministry of Finance, the Audit Bureau and other ministries and commissions set up an inventory team. Vice Premier Zhao Jidong personally took command and asked Xu Xueping to be his deputy in the past to be responsible for the audit and inventory work. Fastest update of novel chapters

Leading the audit and inventory team to go to various provinces and cities to dig into the roots is not a good job, but after all, it is out to do some practical work. Of course, this is not the ideal result that Zhang Ke hopes to see. Instead of coming out to preside over the inventory work, it is better to wait quietly for a year, thinking that Xu Xueping is only eager to come out and do some practical work, and with his bright personality, You can't do things that please both sides.

The night sky in the early morning seemed to be illuminated by light blue silk. After talking on the phone, Zhang Ke asked Fu Wei to park in the parking lot in front of the Second Entrance Building of Normal University. He and Fu Jun sat in the car and smoked for a while before returning to the house. inside. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

After Gaoqiu, the weather in Jianye is no longer so hot and difficult.

The first phase of the Oak Park Venture Park is nearing completion. On August 30, the Oak Park Venture Capital Center held an unveiling ceremony in the park. Guo Songyan and Liu Zhicheng were also invited to participate. Li Yuanhu, Luo Jun and other provinces and cities attended the ceremony. lead.

I can’t see any shadow of Lai Fung Printing and Dyeing Factory four months ago. Luo Jun pointed to the bleaching and dyeing factory next door and introduced to Guo Songyan and Liu Zhicheng: There is no difference. To say that there is a difference, it may be more rudimentary... After some time, the factory area will also be transformed into a park with the same specifications as here."

Before coming over, Zhang Ke deliberately arranged for the team to pass through the bleaching and dyeing factory that had not yet been fully renovated. The bleaching and dyeing factory was carrying out a cable trench project, which made it even more dilapidated.

Comparing the two, the new park after the reconstruction is quite a modern garden. The leaves of the red oak trees in the park are showing their reddish colors after the early autumn. The walls on both sides of the main road are painted with various stone veneers. The patterns of these weird shapes make the rows of tall and large houses no longer monotonous; there is also a shallow stream paved with pebbles in the park that draws clear currents from Yangui Lake and surrounds it. In the corners of the house where you don't often notice, there is often a border of green bamboo hidden, and a large area of ​​grass covers the undulating open space of the hills and ridges.

The interior of the original rudimentary factory building has also been refurbished, and basic hardware such as network optical fiber should be complete. Only enterprises entering the park will be creative to create the working environment.

"Are you sure you won't use it for exhibition halls and other purposes?" Guo Songyan asked jokingly with some surprise. He really couldn't imagine that a private company would invest in an incubator. He also invested in the construction of the park at no cost. "Beijing Zhongguancun has set up a business incubator. I visited the construction of the park early in the morning... Oh, let alone the domestic incubator park. In the Asian region, I have not seen the infrastructure Comparable to the incubation park here..."

"It's just that the hardware construction is relatively good, and it wants to become an incubation park with excellent indicators in all aspects. It is too far to go..." Zhang Ke said with a smile. The success of Oak Park does not depend on the How much investment is invested in the construction of hardware facilities, and the construction of a soft environment such as preferential policies, technical support, financing services, and entrepreneurial guidance is the key.

The pollution sources on the banks of Yangui Lake were completely eliminated three months ago, and it will take years for Yangui Lake to rely on its own pollution capacity to restore the balance of the ecological system. In order to cooperate with the construction of the park. Jianye Municipal Engineering Company invested ten million to carry out a three-month dredging treatment on the lake area northeast of Yangui Lake, but it made the nearshore lake clear for a while.

After leaving the Lifeng Factory Park of Pioneer Park, walk west along the newly built stone revetment by Yangui Lake this summer. Standing in the dense shade of the red oak tree, he pointed to the busy construction site covering an area of ​​500 acres on the east side.

The reconstruction of the bleaching and dyeing plant in the east is the second phase of the Pioneer Park, but Oakland’s plan to invest in Jianye is focused on two national laboratories for microelectronics based alcohol technology and mobile communication technology located on the west side of the Pioneer Park, and one including materials. Analysis, integrated circuit design and development support the development of integrated service centers for microelectronics technology and software in the Mainland. The investment amount of these two laboratories and one service center alone will exceed 100 million US dollars.

The land on the west side has been leveled, and the engineering team has been on the construction site and started laying the foundation.

The main building of the three laboratories will stand on the bank of Yangui Lake. In order to prevent the scenery of Yangui Lake from being abrupt due to high-rise buildings, the elevation of the building farthest from the lake will not exceed 24 meters. The two buildings near the lake are less than 16 meters away. From the design drawings, they are all traditional pavilions. If you hide some dense and tall bamboo trees, you can blend with the scenery of Yangui Lake.

At present, we can only imagine the magnificent scale of this research base in the future. Guo Songyan is very excited. As a Chinese, he is very happy to see that the mainland enterprises can have such a great spirit.

Liu Zhicheng has been taciturn in the past few days in Jianye. Seeing Kumho's magnificent vision of technological expansion, his eyes flashed, and more often he chose to be silent.

A company that could only produce DVD players before has to invest in a microelectronics basic laboratory, which is absolutely thriving in terms of technological expansion.

The investment of a few hundred million in the early stage is just a pavement, and the future research funding needs are more like a terrorist sponge that can only **** up seawater. Kumho holds four billion in his hand, and it may not be able to bear fruit. Fortunately, Kumho holds a digital mobile phone production license in the mainland.

Of course, Liu Zhicheng will not know the more technical secrets of Kumho. He can only analyze what he sees from a professional perspective.

After the production of integrated circuits was divided into four distinct industrial clusters in the mid-1980s, TSMC’s investment in wafer manufacturing technology research in recent years has cost hundreds of millions of dollars each year. This is mainly concentrated in Research on the pre-process of wafer manufacturing.

Of course, Liu Zhicheng still admires Kumho’s ambition and determination in technological expansion.

From admiration to admiration, Liu Zhicheng knew in his heart how much political risk he would bear if he rashly moved the project to the mainland.

Investment and construction of factories in Malaysia and investment and construction of factories in the Mainland are concepts.

Since last year, the relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait has been in a stalemate. Not to mention core technologies such as wafer manufacturing, the Taiwan authorities and even non-core electronic information technologies have flowed into the mainland.

If Liu Zhicheng brings a complete wafer manufacturing technical team to the mainland, he will not only face the complete breakdown of the relationship with his original owner, TSMC, but also fear that he will not be able to set foot on Taiwan again until the easing of cross-strait relations.

It is true that Liu Zhicheng does not support cross-strait reunification, but if he wants him to take such a big political risk personally, he should not be allowed to fail to think deeply. From the time of contact in Hong Kong to the two days when he arrived at Jianye in the name of inspection business, Liu Zhicheng has never let go.

Of course, Kumho is investing in the construction of an integrated circuit chip packaging and testing factory in Haizhou with technology imported from German Instrument. This does not have to be the problem of the back-end process of wafer production. The new strategy and Kumho Oak conceived for the construction of the Ye City Digital Corridor The park plans to invest heavily in scientific research in Jianye and the technical resources formed by more than 30 colleges and universities in Jianye. Regardless of political factors, the conditions for investment and construction of factories in Jianye are indeed better than those in Kuala Lumpur.

Guo Songyan has relatively few worries The Malaysian authorities are still struggling to cope with the current financial turmoil, and can no longer take care of the investment projects of the fab. In addition to Liu Zhicheng's factors, Guo Songyan is somewhat worried that Singapore will suspend its previous intention and no longer transfer part of the wafer manufacturing technology to the project.

At this time, we can only talk about some topics about laboratory construction.

"The key to making the first step for the laboratory is to be able to recruit outstanding scientific researchers," Zhang Ke said with a smile, "Kumho's Hong Kong company is preparing to spread a big net in Southeast Asia, and I hope Mr. Liu will introduce it by then. Several people have joined Kumho......"

"Uh..." Liu Zhicheng replied. Even if he wants to abandon the wafer investment project, those engineers who have left TSMC must help arrange the way out to be worthy of others. Since Kumho has invested such a large amount of money in technology research, The salary is not necessarily bad. Even if some people are not suitable for research, the factories in the Kumho system also need a large number of senior engineers and technicians.

Zhang Ke saw the hesitation in Liu Zhicheng's heart, and planned to rush to get the engineers and technicians in his hands when he was hesitant; the economies of Southeast Asian countries and Taiwan will further deteriorate, at least let Liu Zhicheng and his men Of engineers have not many other options after leaving TSMC.

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