Rebirth Of The Noble Mage Behind The Scenes

Vol 3 Chapter 230: The Dilemma of the Chamber of Commerce and the Returning Girl

"Is that so..." Xing nodded silently after receiving the answer from Gray Mist.

"What's the matter, why do you suddenly care about my plan? You are not your usual character." He glanced at Xing suspiciously, and Gray Fog asked with some doubts.

"Or, will my plan affect who or what you care about?"

"No...whatever you want to do, it has nothing to do with me, and I will not interfere with your plans." Xing shook his head in denial, gently pulling down the wide hood of his cloak.

"Forget it, it's up to you." Gray Mist withdrew his hand silently behind his back. According to the results of his prediction, everything [Xing] said was indeed the truth, and she would not interfere with his plan.

Although he was a little curious about what happened to Xing, he wasn't going to get to the bottom of it. After all, everyone has some secrets that only belong to them.

His current goal is to break through the ninth order as soon as possible, as long as it does not hinder him, then he will not take the initiative to explore the secret of the star.

.......Intel Kingdom Federation, the headquarters of the Black Ring Chamber of Commerce.

"Your Excellency Raphael, it's an emergency! Recently, the major kingdoms suddenly sent people to seal down the branch of our Black Ring Chamber of Commerce! They said that they suspected that we had colluded with the resistance organization [Truth Circle]!" In the magnificent office of the person in charge , the sweaty vice-chairman Gafferman was reporting the situation to Anvis, who was sitting safely behind his desk.

As he said that, he took out a handkerchief from time to time and wiped the sweat on his forehead and mustache.

He couldn't help but be nervous. No matter how large the Black Ring Chamber of Commerce was, it was still just a chamber of commerce force. Now that many kingdoms were suddenly charged with such a big charge of collusion with [Circle of Truth], anyone would panic.

"At present, due to this slander, our business has been forced to stagnate by more than 80%, and the daily net loss exceeds 100,000 gold coins..."

"Don't be nervous, I know about this matter, go on, I will handle this matter!" After patiently listening to Gafferman's report, Anvis nodded and sent Gafferman, who was uneasy in his heart, out of the room.

In fact, when the overlapping area gradually expanded and the strength of the contacts suddenly became stronger collectively, Anvis knew that the Black Ring Chamber of Commerce would face today's situation sooner or later.

Originally, those contacts were only stronger than ordinary people, and were not qualified to attract the attention of the top officials of the Federation, but now it is different.

The Black Ring Chamber of Commerce, which has absorbed a large number of 'contacts', is now like a beast that has been fed and fat and can be sold.

Even with the eighth-order prophet 'Mirror' as the backstage, due to its weak power, it is still inevitable to face temptation from the top.

At the same time, as an eighth-order prophet, Anvis also noticed the traces of Gray Mist and other high-level prophets behind this incident.

In other words, the essence of this incident was a cross-air confrontation between him and other prophets. As for the reason for colluding with the resistance organization [Truth Circle], it is actually a false accusation, and even the major kingdoms themselves may not take it seriously.

After all, if this reason is thrown on the heads of any force, in fact, it is impossible to prove your innocence. If you say that you colluded, you are colluding.

Although he actually colluded, Anvis can be sure that the parliament can't have any substantive evidence for this, just to find a reason to test it.

Otherwise, many kingdoms will not only be sealed, but directly wiped out the branch of the Black Ring Chamber of Commerce.

Although the current situation is equally critical, Anvis has already been prepared. In the next period of time, Anvis, as Raphael, the head of the Black Ring Chamber of Commerce, visited the high-level officials of the major kingdoms in charge of this matter with gifts to understand their demands.

From their mouths, Anvis also figured out the situation of each kingdom branch. Some kingdoms just want to get enough benefits from it, and some kingdoms want to incorporate the 'contacts' found by the Black Ring Chamber of Commerce.

In this regard, Anvis has his own response. If he wants to make a profit, Anvis doesn't mind returning to normal business by sending money, anyway, gold coins are just a number to him.

For those who want to include those 'contacts', Anvis also meets their requirements. Anyway, the real seed members absorbed by the chamber of commerce have long been secretly transported to various safe places by him to cultivate, waiting for the future child of destiny.

As for the forces of the Black Ring Chamber of Commerce who have too much appetite and try to directly annex him, Anvis also welcomes them, because they are the negative examples he uses to kill chickens and warn monkeys.

Due to the ability to partially control the Web of Destiny, as an eighth-order peak forecaster, the destructive power is actually quite amazing, and the attack method is hard to guard against.

If it is not necessary, even the ninth-order is generally reluctant to provoke high-level prophets. Everything has been steadily evolving over time.

In this incident, the Black Ring Chamber of Commerce lost some of its branch offices, but on the contrary, Anvis also established interest connections with the high-level officials of many kingdoms.

Of course, this has a lot to do with Anvis' multiple shots from the air, destroying two cross-kingdom-level forces, and severely damaging an eighth-order prophet.

However, when time traveled to the Radiant Moon, Anvis was on the main body of the Pamir Academy, and received a letter from Claire after a long time.

The content of the letter is very simple, just say hello, and then attach a time and place, hoping to ask him to meet.

While reading the letter, Anvis seemed to see the blond half-elf girl smiling in front of her eyes.

Anvis was also a little curious about what the girl would gain from her journey to explore the city of origin [Yainna].

In particular, when the inheritance information he had previously obtained in the Dreamland Inheritance Land, the final weapon of the Star Civilization, also existed in the case of [Yinna].

 …. 2465 years of the glorious calendar, the 18th day of the glorious month. At nine o'clock in the morning, Anvis went to the unnamed field outside the imperial capital as scheduled.

In a sea of ​​bellflowers blooming with white flowers, Anvis finally saw Claire, whom he had not seen for a long time.

She is still the same as she used to be, with blue eyes like a clear ocean, pure golden hair shining in the sun, white and pointed ears shaking from time to time, and a sense of freedom and dream is shrouded around her. breath.

"Anvis, this way—" When seeing Anvis' figure appear, the half-elf girl's slightly cold expression suddenly turned away, revealing a bright smile like moonlight.

Wearing a brown traveler's cape and a slender silver-gray one-handed sword hanging from her waist, she stood up from the big rock sitting under her and waved to Anvis.

At the same time, several people around her also stood up.

"Is that the friend you're waiting for?" Seeing Claire's joyful expression, a young traveler in leather armor said something Along the way, he had never seen a girl Such a beautiful smile.

"They are the traveler friends I met on the road. Because the destination is the capital, they go together." When Anvis came closer, Claire took the initiative to introduce.

"Hello, everyone." Walking closer, Anvis glanced at the companions beside the girl, smiled and said hello, the voice sounded in the heart of the half-elf girl.

'Are you with them? These people don't even reach the fourth rank, wouldn't it be too cruel to choose them as your companions?

' Hearing Anvis' voice transmission, Claire rolled his eyes slightly. 'It's just a trip, not to explore the ruins, and the time is not long, so it won't be too dangerous.

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