Rebirth Of The Noble Mage Behind The Scenes

Vol 3 Chapter 115: Absorb and control

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Reflected on the bright and clean mirror is a young man with a silver-white translucent body. A mass of dark ink-like existence hangs from his waist.

But the face of the young man surprised Anvis. It was not the face of his current body, but the appearance of his former Blue Star body.

"How? Did you see it? They are different from us. In this crazy world, only those of us who are still awake are our true companions."

Looking at Anvis' actions, Desseus of Despair spoke calmly.

She was not surprised that Anvis looked at her actions, or in her opinion, it was not surprising that Anvis made any unbelievable actions when he came into contact with the real world.

"Then, what should I do if I want to go back to... in a dream?

After looking around for a week, Anvis, who had obtained a lot of information, looked at Desius of Despair and began to ask how to return.

"Close your eyes, imagine the leaves that cover your eyes falling, and then open your eyes again."

Desseus explained succinctly, according to her statement, Anvis tried it, and then everything in sight returned to normal.

"Lord Man in the Mirror, are you alright?"

Seeing the reappearance of Anvis' figure, Lilith of Lust hurriedly probed him to see if he had been affected by Destheus of Madness.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Anvis waved his hand, but he was thinking about the world he just saw in that special state.

Dysseus believed that the whole world was in madness, while Black Abyss believed that only Dysseus himself was in madness.

For both views, Anvis is noncommittal.

Like a sculpture with an irregular shape, when viewed from different angles, all you can see is the shape of one side.

The world looks different from different angles.

Maybe Lyseus is crazy, maybe the world is crazy, but that doesn't matter, it's just a different angle.

In Anvis' view, the biggest gain this time is actually the new perspective provided by Lysius.

As we all know, mentally ill people always see more.

"I can feel that you seem to be affected by a part of your mental state by Destheus of Madness, and this effect is almost irreversible. You'd better stay away from him."

Heiyuan shook his head. Since Anvis just disappeared suddenly and then reappeared, he had a disgusting feeling similar to that of Dysius.

After this short episode, Anvis and others turned their attention to the large number of rule fragments left after the death of the Nightmare Spirit King.

As the strongest in the inheritance land, the authority fragments left by the Nightmare Spirit King include all the fragments from the first to the ninety-eighth, only the last two golden authority fragments are missing.

In this regard, Anvis unceremoniously absorbed these fragments of authority and became the new strongest nightmare spirit. The remaining fragments of authority are left to the four nightmares to choose.

However, after becoming the new King of Nightmare Spirits, Anvis also realized the plight of the former King of Nightmare Spirits.

Powerful power brings more powerful consumption, and what the Nightmare Spirit King needs to consume is very special. He needs to absorb the fear of many dream creatures to maintain his existence.

For Anvis, although he didn't have to worry about the issue of fear of authority, it was replaced by the loss of control of the dark side of the dream.

As most of the dark side aggregates in the entire inheritance land, the death of the King of Nightmare Spirits triggered a chain reaction.

Without the support, these dark sides have returned to the inheritance world, which has begun to cause the mutation of the entire inheritance world.

Now, Anvis has two choices, either to gather these dark and negative qualities in himself, at the cost of possibly affecting his own consciousness. Either let them fuse on their own, and then regroup a new Nightmare King.

Of course, the new King of Nightmare Spirits will be far weaker than the previous King of Nightmare Spirits because he has no authority.

Soon, Anvis made a decision. He wanted to try to accept these dark sides, reassemble his form, and inherit the passive identity of [Nightmare Spirit King].


"Where did Mr. White Rabbit go?"

In the dream castle, Fiona looked at Kate and Fia who were ignorant, and her big lake blue eyes were a little gloomy.

Since the previous moment when the King of Nightmare Spirits was repelled, the White Rabbit suddenly ran away and disappeared completely.

She has tried to find it, but she has searched the whole world and there is no trace of the white rabbit.

As the White Rabbit left, the girl instinctively felt that something important to her had left her.

When the White Rabbit is by her side, she will feel at ease inexplicably.

Fiona suddenly realized that this white rabbit she was very familiar with seemed to have unknowingly occupied a very important place in her heart.

But when the girl was thinking about the white rabbit, she suddenly felt that those evil and strange existences seemed to have entered this world again.

Originally, White Rabbit was always in charge of this work, but as her authority increased, she could sense their presence herself.

With the passage of time, this world has officially become part of the land of inheritance, and as the queen of dreams, she has also become a tester in the land of inheritance, but she is still inseparable from this world connect.

Because the Nightmare King was repelled, she successfully passed her first exclusive trial mission and received a large number of Inheritance Land Authority Fragments as rewards.

Now, her strength has far surpassed her previous state.

Moreover, she also has a feeling that through the world of "Fiona's Adventures in Wonderland" fused with the land of inheritance, she seems to be able to mobilize some special rule powers that other testers cannot mobilize.

After realizing that the enemy appeared, it was too late to continue to try new abilities. Fiona immediately began to act, and the rule shield reappeared, covering the city and avoiding the enemy's attack.

Although the White Rabbit has disappeared, she has mastered the ability to sense this abnormality and approach the world.

On the other side, the white rabbit Anvis, whom the girl was thinking about, just returned to this world with the Four Nightmares.

He thought his return was low-key, but it was actually discovered by Fiona.

"Yes, after I leave, you will continue with your previous offensive actions. Don't let those testers see any problems. The main thing is to ensure your own safety..."

While assigning tasks to the Four Nightmares, Anvis sorted out the next plan.

After becoming the strongest nightmare spirit, he is now trying to find a way to completely control the inheritance land in the shortest possible time.

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