"Time, are you fast or slow—"

  The angle of time is always so bizarre. Inadvertently, Anves has grown to an age sufficient to be independent.

   In the magic language class, Anvis listened to the teacher's explanation, but his thoughts were wandering.

   After the tea party a few years ago, Duke Carlot called him to the castle study to talk, and then directly gave him a list.

   A large number of properties under the family were listed on the list. With a wave of his hand, the Duke allowed him to choose three properties at will to operate on his own.

  Carrot’s original words are: do what you think, don’t be afraid of failure, the family doesn’t lack this industry—

   Anvis thought about it a little bit, and chose a small and medium-sized chamber of commerce and two civilian construction factories that had just been built.

   Of course, although it is nominally given full authority to him, in fact, Anvis only needs to control the general direction, and the specific affairs are done by the people below.

   The two factories are newly built, and the assembly production lines need to be customized in the Federation of the Kingdom of Yitel.

   Anvis did one thing immediately: unsubscribed the factory's originally scheduled production line, and all changed it to a production line for constructing trains.

The Duke of    was not commenting on his choice. Because of the news of the opening of the Glory to traffic, a wave of trains has indeed emerged everywhere.

   But this also allowed many nobles to follow the trend to build train-loading factories, and competition would be fierce.

   But what the Duke didn’t know was that Anves’ purpose was not actually to earn coins, but to plan for the future.

   The family does not pay much attention to the development of the construction. The Duke specially mentioned the magic construction before, but he was only worried that it would lead to instability in the province.

   rather than worrying that the popularization of the construction will shake the dominance of the family.

   In fact, this dismissive attitude is also the epitome of the old nobles of the entire empire.

   In their opinion, even more of these ‘moving tattered metals’. For them who have the ninth rank powerhouse, it will not pose any threat.

   Due to the limitations of materials and technology, at present, the magical structure in the true sense can only exert the power of about Tier VI.

   Maybe someone can use some special techniques to forcibly create a magical structure capable of exerting power at level 7 or higher.

   But that usually uses high-level alchemy methods and a large amount of precious materials, which has lost the meaning of the structure itself, and is more inclined to normal alchemical items.

   On the surface, these destructive powers are not even as good as the construction of ordinary Tier 6 professionals. No matter how much it is, they cannot threaten Tier 9 which controls the power of the rules.

   But Anves knows that construction development is the general trend of the future.

  With the birth of several key i technologies. The construction gradually broke through this bottleneck in a special way and became a huge threat that no one could ignore.

   Knowing history well, he will never allow himself to lag behind the times in this respect. On the contrary, he has to overtake early.

  As the only large-scale structure that was classified as civilian use by the imperial royal family, the production of the structured train requires a large amount of metal raw materials and a special super-large production line.

   With these two construction factories as a cover, he can mobilize construction materials on a large scale without making others suspicious.

   When there is a need in the follow-up, as long as some modifications to the entire production line, other large-scale warfare structures can be easily produced.

   Moreover, the family territory also needs to spread the construction of trains, and of course, it is safer to hand this order to the family’s own factory.


   "Your Excellency Anvis, are you listening?"

   Anvis's magic language teacher is a Tier VI royal scholar, and his appearance is about fifty years old. The temples are white, and the hairline is very high, and recently there is a trend of getting higher and higher.

   At this time, he erased the magic words floating in the air, frowned slightly, and looked at Anves with some dissatisfaction.

   "Of course, Mr. David!"

   Anweis quickly retracted his thoughts and answered seriously.

   "Okay! So, what does [Ri~ket-en] mean in Gumanic? And give an example of its application."

   David raised his face and asked Anvis. In response to his question, a new line of magic words emerged, gleaming with faint fluorescence in the air.

  "It stands for "bite", sir, in the spell of the third-order spell "digging", it is located in the second section of the third paragraph.

In the scene where    is used as a noun, it is used to refer specifically to [Squirrel on the World Tree]. "

"…Completely correct."

  Mr. David is very confused. He always feels that Anves is taking a short run, but no matter what questions he asks, Anves can answer them likewise.

   After a long time, he gradually began to doubt his vision.

   "Maybe... true geniuses are like this? He is not in a daze, but thinking?"

   This kind of question not only has Mr. David, but almost all the mentors who are responsible for educating Anves will have this feeling.

  Slowly, when the Duke asked about his study, the tutors began to praise him, saying that Anves was a real genius.

   In the process of listening to the class, you can also have deeper thinking at the same time.

   At first, Anvis was full of question marks.

Is that right? Then I am really a genius who has never met in a thousand years!

   In the end, he reluctantly accepted this fact. At the same time that attracted the attention of the duke and his wife, he once again gained the adoration of Fiona.

   He doesn't worry that the secret of his rebirth will be discovered. Since he has passed the soul synchronization rate test, as long as he doesn't make it too ridiculous, then everything can be pushed to the talent.

  As the age grows, Anvis's daily learning content is constantly changing.

  The advanced linguistics is magic linguistics, and the language currently taught is Gumanni.

   This language has been spread since the ancient magic empire. The characters themselves contain mysterious powers. It is the most widely used magic language by mainland spellcasters.

   Anweis learned from memory that after mastering this language, there are four other languages, including high elf language, dragon language, ancient dragon language, and titan language.

   In addition, there are more items to study in the morning than music and art. In contrast, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has reduced the time to learn etiquette by half.

  History extends to the science of heritage, and the duration of the course remains the same.

   The afternoon time is no longer idle. A total of four magical materials, inscription literature, alchemy, and occult studies took up a lot of Anves' time.

  After the day's course is over, Anvis heads to the library as usual.

   Because of his diligence and the improvement of his own strength, the Duke exceptionally increased his authority.

   Now, he can read most magic books below the third level.

   In the quiet library, the thin figure of the young man looked a bit lonely. Although the book in his hand was spread out, the pages of the book had not been turned for a long time.

  'S birth is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed. He has been devising strategies to break the game all these years.

   Several years have passed since the opening of the Glory to traffic. During this short period of time, the situation in the empire did not fluctuate much.

   On the contrary, due to the construction of many magical construction factories, many people have gained income and jobs, and their lives have been thriving.

   But Anves knows very well that this is just appearance. The seeds of the new era have quietly fallen, like little sparks under the pressure of fallen leaves.

   After only a strong wind, it will ignite a raging fire and completely turn the decaying jungle of the old age into ashes.

  The memory from the first point of view of the little Anves, supplemented a lot of details that he did not understand in the game.

   Unfortunately, the memory information is limited after all, and not many key details are revealed.

   "Unfortunately, if there are more memory fragments..."

   After a long while, he sighed, closed his eyes lightly, then opened them slowly, forcing himself to focus on the book again.


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