Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 289 Final Exam!

1994, June 1st.

Today is the first day of exam week.

In the early morning, Harry carefully put aside Astoria, who was naked and got into Harry's clothes.

Summer is here and Astoria has a bad habit.

She always kicked off all the clothes on her body in a daze in the middle of the night, then buried her head in Harry's jacket, pressed against Harry, and then arched forward like a bug.

For comfort, Harry wore pajamas that were loose-fitting.

Astoria was so petite, she could almost poke her head out of Harry's clothes, with skin-to-skin contact inside, like Siamese twins.

Every day she would use her two little squabs to wake Harry up, making Harry miserable and happy.

Astoria was too young, she had hardly changed from two years ago, and Harry couldn't do anything about her.


After waking up, Helena is cooking a rich and delicious breakfast.

What she is wearing is no longer her classic long dress that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, but clothes full of modern flavor - maid outfit.

Harry had been thinking about it ever since he saw the maid at Diana's.

A maid shall have a son of a maid.

So he strongly asked Helena to change her attire.

Helena couldn't resist, so she had to agree to Harry's shameless request aggrieved.

Of course, Harry didn't agree with the standard maid outfits. He asked Helena to wear the kind of maid outfits in a certain film and television in a small island country, the super super short ones full of eroticism.

Helena is a soul body, and her clothes are part of her soul, so she can change as she likes.

As soon as Harry walked into the living room, he saw Helena bending over, arranging the plates of a nutritious breakfast.

She doesn't know how charming she is, especially she has unparalleled beauty, she is humming a song with a happy face at the moment.

Harry is in puberty,

I just came from Astoria, where I can only watch but not eat, and I was full of evil, and I saw Helena's bulging figure again.

Feel a flame rising in your heart.

Helena sensed something was wrong from Harry's aggressive gaze, she quickly stood up straight, bit her lip, and gently pulled down the short skirt behind with her small hand, but unfortunately the other side turned up again. up.

But not only did this not extinguish Harry's flame, but the weak appearance was even more attractive, making people want to ravage her.

Harry moved closer to her, and Helena stepped back quickly.

Holding a tray across his chest in his hand, he said timidly, "No, no, no..."

"I am a ghost, and you are a human being. If you approach me, you will burn me, especially if you have an energy that makes me painful..."

Harry didn't say anything, and sat down on the sofa.

Helena breathed a sigh of relief, and then she got back to work.

"I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of this." Harry's annoyed voice sounded.

"What?" Helena raised her head and asked in confusion.

But he was stunned.

She looked at Harry in shock: " do you..."

Harry was still leaning quietly on the sofa, but there was another Harry whose body exuded white light standing in front of her.

Harry looked at Helena with a smile on his face, and said, "I just want my soul to come out, or not."

Helena had a premonition that something was wrong, she put down the plate in her hand and was about to escape through the wall.

However, how could she be Harry's opponent, Harry reached out and grabbed her.

At the moment when soul and body touched, Harry couldn't help shivering.

Harry wanted to sing loudly: This is the feeling of boiling sheep~~~

He doesn't know what it's like to be ecstatic after taking du, but compared to his current feeling, it's less than one in a million.

And Helena was even more unbearable. Almost instantly, her legs went limp and she was held in Harry's arms.

Helena's eyes were blurred: "What's the matter?"

Harry put his arms around Helena, leaned over and kissed her.

Spiritual fusion.

Helena refused, "Don't... um..."

"Ah... um... I'm so hot... um, it's melting... so hot..."

Harry chuckled, "As long as it's not broken."

His hands pinched Helena's body back and forth at the same time, and every time he pinched, Helena would make an extremely suppressed moan, like the meowing of a kitten.

They didn't notice that there was a shimmer of light on the two of them.

After a long time, Harry reluctantly let go of Helena. Seven Eight Chinese first release 7*8zw. m.7*8zw.

Tears flowed down Helena's eyes, and she whispered, "You... beast, even ghosts..."

Harry's soul returned to its original position, overlapped with his body, and stood up, as if he was still recalling the feeling just now. Qiba Chinese is the fastest^Mobile terminal: https:/78zw./

Seeing Helena crying, he was very happy, picked up a fork and forked a slice of fried ham that was soft and smooth, stuffed it into his mouth, and explained to himself like this: "Today is Children's Day, who Isn't it a child? All mistakes should be forgiven."

Helena is furious.

"Helena, did Harry bully you again?" Zhang Qiu came out of the bedroom, and saw a lot of transparent tears streaming down Helena's feet.

"I'm fine." Helena wiped her tears and said firmly, those tears melted into her body again.

"Zhang Qiu, come and have a meal, there will be an exam later, you have to perform well." Helena encouraged Zhang Qiu pitifully.

"Ah..." Zhang Qiu wanted to complain for Helena, but for some reason, since Helena always looked at Harry quietly, she felt that she seemed to be... enjoying it?


In the morning, the third-grade students took the Transfiguration class first.

Principal McGonagall asked a lot of questions, but the last one was the hardest, asking to turn a dead thing into a living thing, a teapot into a turtle.

Coming out of the examination room of the Transfiguration class, the students were listless and pale.

This is the first exam, so they start to fear the next exam. If it is so difficult, then they have to retake it.

Hermione was also worried: "Harry, for the turtle question, I originally wanted to become a three-stringed giant hawk-beaked mud turtle, but I made a mistake and turned into a donut turtle. Will Professor McGonagall fail me? .”

The students behind who were discussing their grades vomited blood.

What are you? Some of their tortoise tails still look like spouts, some can still emit steam, and some still have teapot patterns on their shells... This is called failure.

Harry said: "I don't know either. I also transformed a picture of going up the river during the Qingming Festival on the turtle's back. I don't know if Professor McGonagall thinks that my Transfiguration still needs to be improved."

A group of wizards behind: "Σ( ̄□ ̄||)..."

In the afternoon, it was the Charms exam.

Sure enough, as Zhang Qiu said, Professor Flitwick's test was the happiness spell.

Hermione easily took the top spot.

After dinner, the students hurried back to the common room.

They don't have time to rest, but they want to seize the last night to review more subjects for tomorrow's exam, protection of magical animals, potions, and astronomy.


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