Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 198 The Kneeling Hippogriff!

Chapter 198 The Kneeling Hippogriff!

Hermione looked at them condescendingly: "The divination class is just a mess, it's completely random guessing."

The aura of a female school bully can suppress all school scumbags.

Naturally Ron and Lavender Brown bowed her head.

But today they dared to refute, Ron said: "Professor Trelawney said that you don't have the halo in the field of divination. You are too arrogant, but you just don't want to admit it!"

Hermione said angrily: "If learning divination well means I have to pretend to see the omen of death in a pile of tea leaves, then I won't study it anymore! Compared with my arithmetic and divination class, that homework is simply a pile of Rubbish!"

She grabbed her schoolbag and left angrily.

Ron and Lavender Brown actually had a little pleasure, and of course there was more fear.

That's what Harry saw when he came in.

He smiled and walked over to Hermione.

Hermione was munching on a pie, propping up a book of arithmetic and divination.

Harry sat down, the fork twirling in his hand, and he said casually: "Poor Mr. Weasley and Mr. Brown, they don't know yet, when talking about others, their lives have been shortened to less than 25 years old... ..."

Hermione said: "Compared to Trelawney, I think you look like a magic stick now..."

God stick? Hermione didn't know that Harry had used Dark Magic on them again.

What a tragic fate.

Harry said, "How is it, how does it feel to learn Arithmancy?"

"How do you know..." Hermione asked in surprise. Hermione had been by Harry's side during the two classes in the morning.

"Oh, I forgot, you know about the Time-Turner..."


After lunch, Harry came outside the castle.

They go to their first Care of Fantastic Creatures class.

The rain has stopped, and the pure blue sky in the morning has disappeared, turning into a refreshing light gray color, and the green grass under my feet is wet and elastic to step on.

Go down the grassy slope towards Hagrid's hut by the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

When she saw the figure in front of her, Hermione frowned and said, "You have to go to class with the Slytherin students."

Malfoy was talking to Crabbe and Goyle with gusto, making them both grin and giggle.

Hermione said, "I bet they're talking about messing around in Hagrid's class."

"Yeah, it's really stubborn," said Harry.

Hagrid stood at the door of the hut, waiting for the students. He had on his moleskin overcoat, and Fang the Hound stood at his feet, eager to go.

When the students approached, he shouted: "Today I found something good to show you! Is everyone here? Okay, come with me!"

"He won't take us into the Forbidden Forest, will he?" Hermione watched them marching towards the black Forbidden Forest.

Fortunately, Hagrid walked around the edge of the woods, and five minutes later, they came to the outside of a small paddock.

There was nothing in the paddock.

"Now, open your monster book first, and I'll bring over the magical creatures from today's class."

"How do I open this book?" Malfoy said in a drawn-out tone.

Everyone looked at Hagrid holding the bound monster books for help.

Only Harry and Hermione's big book lay obediently in their hands.

Hagrid was not completely disappointed at last.

"Just stroke its back, and it won't bite, it's very quiet." Hagrid took a book from someone next to him and did it again.

The book just didn't move.

Malfoy, the brat, started to play tricks again. He sneered and said, "It seems that we are so stupid, so we only need to touch it."

Hagrid said uneasily, "I... I thought it was funny.


Malfoy said: "It's really funny, my finger was almost bitten off."

Harry said softly: "Malfoy, if you can talk, talk more."

Malfoy fell silent for a moment.

Hagrid said, "Wait here first, I'll bring the magical creature over..."

After a while, a dozen animals came trotting towards them.

They have the body, hind legs and tail of a horse, but the front legs, wings and head of an eagle.

Their sharp, grim beaks are the color of steel, and their large, bright eyes are orange.

The eagle claws on their front legs were 20 centimeters long, and they looked timid, and the students all backed away a little.

Around each monster's neck was a thick leather collar, fastened by a long chain.

All the chains were in Hagrid's large hands, and he followed the monsters slowly into the paddock.

"Go, over there!" he yelled, dangling the chains, urging the monsters toward the fence where the class stood, and Hagrid chained them to the fence.

Hagrid said, "It's a hippogriff, and it's pretty, isn't it?"

Indeed, without the dread of seeing the half-horse, half-bird monster for the first time, one can start admiring the hippogriff's glistening fur.

Gradually transitioning from feathers to fur, none of these monsters are the same color.

Stormy grays, bronzes, pink blotches, shimmering reddish browns and inky blacks.

Colorful, bright and showy.

Hagrid said: "Our first class is to learn about the habits of the Hippogriff and how to get close to it."

"About the Hippogriff, you know they're very proud," said Hagrid. "The Hippogriff loses his temper very easily. You must not provoke it, or you may die."

Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle gathered together and whispered, with smirks, looking at Hagrid and the Hippogriff beside him from time to time, pointing, and thinking about something bad.

Harry laughed too.

Hagrid said: "Later, you go to it and bow. If it bows to you, you can get close to it and touch it."

"If it doesn't bow, it means it doesn't like you very much, you should leave quickly, those claws will hurt people."

"If you touch it and it is very happy, then congratulations, you can even ride it and fly into the sky."

Hearing this, many people's eyes lit up, and their fears became less.

Flying in the sky must be a completely different feeling from a broomstick.

Hagrid looked at the students expectantly, and said, "Who wants to try first?"

So the students took another step back.

Although what Hagrid said was very attractive, he was unwilling to try it first. What if it was dangerous?

So the unmoved Harry and Hermione stand out.

Hagrid said pleadingly, "Nobody?"

Anyone who saw this expression seemed to have done something heinous.

In the end, of course, Harry stepped forward.

Hagrid unchained and collared a hippogriff and pulled it up to Harry.

The others held their breaths. The hippogriff was a fat winged animal, a few heads taller than Harry, with the eagle's head turning, fierce eyes, hooves raised and lowered.

Hagrid said from a distance, "Harry, don't panic, don't blink, or the Hippogriff won't believe you."

"Harry, you can try bowing..."

Harry smiled faintly, bowed, hehe...

But before Harry could threaten them, the one in front of Harry, and the dozen or so monsters still tied to the fence behind him, seemed to smell a terrifying aura.

The legs covered with dense scales bent, and they all knelt down towards Harry.

Hagrid: "..."

Hermione: "..."

Harry was stunned for a moment, and then he was relieved. It seemed to be the breath of dragons and basilisks left on him.

The others looked at Hagrid foolishly, saying they were proud.

What's the matter with all kneeling down?

Hagrid said, "Er... ah... this... I think Harry can ride it."

Harry turned and backed away, saying, "That's unnecessary."

The others rushed up excitedly, but Hagrid hurriedly stopped them, and said loudly, "Don't worry, come one by one, don't think that everyone can be like Harry, be careful of their claws..."


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