Rebirth of the Great Entertainment Empire

Chapter 916 International Chapter (Part 2)

More than two minutes of dancing passed quickly.

It can be seen that the judges are very appreciative of Zhang Ziyi's appearance.

Seeing this, Gao Feng let out a long sigh of relief, and then showed a happy smile!

Seeing that Gao Feng really liked Zhang Ziyi, Xu Cun shook his head secretly, and then said to himself: "You can't subdue this woman, let me do it, so that you won't be bruised all over."

last life.

The reason why Zhang Ziyi was able to get into the Chinese opera was largely due to the help of Gao Feng.


Gao Feng can only be a passer-by in the life of Zhang Ziyi, the most ambitious female artist in China-a passer-by who can't even get the status of a couple!

Not long after entering the Chinese opera, Zhang Ziyi, who wanted to earn extra money, met Zhang Yimou when she participated in an advertisement selection.

Because she looks very similar to Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi left a deep impression on Zhang Yimou upon seeing her.

How deep is this impression?

A company approached Zhang Yimou to shoot an advertisement, and Zhang Yimou got Zhang Ziyi to shoot an advertisement (unfortunately, due to various reasons, this matter did not work out in the end).

Later, Zhang Yimou wanted to make a movie called "Go to BJ Immediately", and he also got Zhang Ziyi (this movie was also not made because of various reasons).

Later, when the filming of "My Father and Mother" started, Zhang Yimou got Zhang Ziyi away again.

It is not difficult to see from this that Zhang Yimou is persistent in using Zhang Ziyi.

It is not difficult to see how important a person's luck is.


Depending on luck, a person may be successful for a while, but not for a lifetime.

The reason why Zhang Ziyi can stand out as one of the four deniers is not only because of her luck, but also because she is ruthless and scheming!

Let's say it hard enough.

It is said that men should be ruthless to themselves, but when it comes to Zhang Ziyi, women should be more ruthless to themselves. It can also be said that Zhang Ziyi is a woman who refuses to admit defeat!

Zhang Ziyi's ruthlessness may be innate. When she was learning to dance, she began to be ruthless to herself-her own conditions are not as good as others, but she practiced hard and desperately. She practiced until her classmates said She is practicing stupid.

After entering Chinese opera, Zhang Ziyi is not the most beautiful in their class, nor is she the best acting in their class, and there are a few really powerful actors in their class, like Liu Ye, Yuan Quan, Qin Hailu, in In terms of performance, Zhang Ziyi really can't compare to these people - in order not to lose to these people, Zhang Ziyi often goes to Shichahai to practice performances in the middle of the night.

When filming "My Father and Mother", Zhang Ziyi's performance was not recognized by Zhang Yimou at first - because of her own acting skills, Zhang Ziyi could not pass the first scene of filming, and finally took twenty-seven consecutive filmings. Calculated. In addition, Zhang Ziyi had a lot of running scenes in "My Father and Mother". In order to satisfy Zhang Yimou, Zhang Ziyi insisted on running her own thigh into a muscle strain.

When filming "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", there were many scenes of chasing and fighting in the desert and many scenes of chasing and fighting on bamboo - Zhang Ziyi is not only not afraid of hardship and tiredness, but also not afraid of being disfigured or dying!

Besides, it's scheming enough.

"My Father and Mother" later won the Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival.

According to the usual practice, only the director is eligible to accept the film award.

(Of course, if the director does not come, someone else can take it.)

At that awards ceremony, the host invited director Zhang Yimou to come to the stage to accept the award and give a speech.


What Zhang Yimou didn't expect was that Zhang Ziyi followed her to the stage to receive the award, holding her skirt!

Seeing Zhang Ziyi following up, Zhang Yimou was puzzled: "Why are you following?"

Immediately, Zhang Yimou turned around and said, "Don't follow me."

But Zhang Ziyi pretended not to hear Zhang Yimou's words, and finally went to the stage with Zhang Yimou to accept the award.

Moreover, not only Zhang Ziyi and Zhang Yimou came to the stage to accept the award, but she also acted very close to Zhang Yimou when Zhang Yimou was speaking!

By the way, Zhang Ziyi wore a very fabric-saving bellyband that time on stage.

Because of this incident, Zhang Ziyi became famous all at once.

How Zhang Ziyi calmed down Zhang Yimou's anger, no one knows, everyone only knows that after that, Zhang Ziyi is still Zhang Yimou's favorite girl, and Zhang Yimou also recommended Zhang Ziyi to Li An, let Zhang Ziyi has the opportunity to play the role of Yu Jiaolong in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".


At first, Li An didn't like Zhang Ziyi, thinking that Zhang Ziyi didn't fit the Yu Jiaolong in his heart.


After all, Zhang Yimou has face.

Therefore, Li An let Zhang Ziyi try to play the role of Yu Jiaolong, and at the same time auditioned to select the Yu Jiaolong in his mind.

Under such circumstances, the average person would have retreated a long time ago—you know, this kind of pressure is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.

But Zhang Ziyi didn't. Not only did she not retreat, but she also showed herself very actively—for example, she practiced sword in the corridor in the middle of the night when Li An was there.

In addition, she was cruel enough to herself, and filmed enough to kill her.

In the end, Zhang Ziyi not only got Li An's approval, Li An also made Yu Jiaolong, who was originally only a relatively important supporting role, one of the protagonists abruptly!

After the filming of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", although Zhang Ziyi is very popular, she is far from the famous international chapter.

At this moment, Zhang Ziyi got another chance—Cheng Long wanted to find a Chinese actress who was a little famous in the world to play a female killer in "Rush Hour 2". Several side characters.

At that time, although Zhang Ziyi was not an international chapter, but with her reputation, she should not have played such a secondary role.

But Zhang Ziyi not only played this role, but as a role, every time "Rush Hour 2" is promoted, Zhang Ziyi must be there to interact with Cheng Long intimately.

Therefore, after Zhang Yimou, the outside world stirred up the scandal between Zhang Ziyi and Cheng Long.

Because of these scandals, Zhang Ziyi quickly became an international chapter.

While breaking into the international market, Zhang Ziyi is still managing her domestic contacts.

It happened that when Zhang Yimou was filming "Hero", there was a lack of maids for Liang Chaowei and Zhang Manyu.


This role is sorry for the name of the international chapter.

But Zhang Ziyi just acted, making Zhang Yimou owe her a favor.

Later, in order to repay Zhang Ziyi's favor, Zhang Yimou specially opened another big production for Zhang Ziyi-"House of Flying Daggers".

In the movie "Ambush from Ten Daggers", both Andy Lau and Jin Chengwu became supporting roles of Zhang Ziyi, and Zhang Ziyi became the only starring role in the movie "Ambush from Ten Daggers".

Since then, Zhang Ziyi has been in full swing, firmly becoming one of the four dan double ice, and, in the international arena, the fame of the other five cannot compare with her.


Zhang Ziyi's ambitions don't stop there.

Now that she is famous, Zhang Ziyi wants to be the boss and make a lot of money.

So, after patching things together, Zhang Ziyi personally acted as a producer and opened the first film she invested in - "Perfect".

In the movie "Perfect", Zhang Ziyi not only played the leading role herself, but also recruited Fan Kuang, who was comparable to her in fame and wisdom at the time, to play the leading role.

Two tigers cannot fit in one mountain, Zhang Ziyi and Fan Kuang will inevitably compete for beauty on and off the screen!

As soon as she started fighting, Zhang Ziyi found out that she really couldn't fight against Fan Cunningham—in terms of appearance, Zhang Ziyi was actually the best, while Fan Cunningham was the best, which made Zhang Ziyi even more aggrieved Yes, she is not even taller than Fan Kuang. During the promotion of "Perfect", Zhang Ziyi fought several times, but Fan Kuang got the upper hand.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Ziyi ignored the "sisterhood" between her and Fan Kuang, and resolutely prevented Fan from participating in the promotion, and came out to kill the donkey to ensure that she would not become a celebrity while making money. Stepping stones of C.

Gao Feng is the kind of person who is particularly scheming at first glance, how could he be able to hold down Zhang Ziyi, a jade dragon?

Therefore, for Jiang Yujiaolong and Zhang Ziyi, let the powerful and experienced Xu Daguan do it.


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