Rebirth of the Great Entertainment Empire

Chapter 507 Soviet Female Agent


Soviet Embassy in the United States.

(Because the United States and the Soviet Union are still in the midst of the Cold War, the embassy has only its location but no name.)

Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze was watching the live broadcast of the Oscars ceremony, while listening to his son Peter Shevardnadze report information about Xu Cun:

"Xu Cun, twenty-six and a half years old, is now from Xiangjiang, originally from Heilongjiang, China, and his ancestral home is Jiangsu, China. He traveled to Xiangjiang in 1977, and made his first money by writing novels and making movies that year. One In 1980, he made a desperate move and used all his wealth to make the film "ET", which is currently the world's box office champion, and thus won the title of "World's No. 1 Director". He really rose during the Xiangjiang stock market crash in 1982. During this period, he obtained billions of Hong Kong dollars by sneak attacking the British-owned Land Group. Since then, his net worth has exploded, and the reason has not yet been ascertained. His biggest move was the acquisition of British International Bank last year Standard Chartered Bank, and relocated it to Xiangjiang. Now, he owns four multinational groups, DreamWorks Group, Huangtu Land, Baye Bank, and Standard Chartered Bank. Its subsidiaries are DreamWorks TV Network, DreamWorks Films, and DreamWorks Video Games... ...Herkys Energy... None of these four multinational groups are listed companies at present, so our intelligence personnel cannot find out their exact market value. We can only conservatively estimate that each of these four multinational groups has a market value of more than tens of billions of dollars .In addition, the equity distribution of these four multinational groups is unclear, and it is also unclear whether Xu Cun has personally borrowed."

Meanwhile, in the Dorothy Chandler Hall in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Three famous movie stars in Hollywood, who are also the three hosts of this year's Oscars ceremony, Chevy Chase, Goldie Hawn, and Paul Hogan joked with each other:

"I like the five best directors nominated by the jury this year, especially this Asian director, oh God, I love him to death!"

"Okay, Goldie, let me state first, I don't mean to argue with you, but I really really really like Director Joffe, and I'm his loyal fan!"

"Oh, don't any of us support American directors? Directors Stone, Lynch, and Allen are all the pride of our American people!"

"Oh, Paul, you've already said all the best director nominations this time!"

"I'm sorry, Goldie, I didn't mean it. If this is the case, please ask Chevy to announce their names again."

"Well, I announce that the nominees for Best Director at the fifty-ninth Academy Awards are Oliver Stone, Platoon...David Lynch, Blue Velvet...Woody Allen, "Sister Hannah"...Roland Joffe, "Fighting Fire"...Xu Cun, "The Matrix"!"

Each time Chevy Chase announces the name of a director, the lights stay on for a moment.

Every director who is illuminated by the light will greet the camera in his own way.

When it was Xu Cun's turn, Xu Cun waved to the camera with a smile on his face.

Watching Xu Cun waving his hands on TV, Edward Shevardnadze flicked the ash on the cigarette in his hand, and said: "From the point of view of intelligence, this Xu Cun does have the strength to invest in our Soviet Union. The most rare thing is that he He is very famous in the world, if he can come to our Soviet Union to invest, the publicity effect will be far better than others, and it will help our Soviet Union attract foreign investment.”

Peter Shevardnadze said: "Moreover, this guy also wants to do our Soviet oil business. This is also a rare opportunity to improve our Soviet Union's chaotic upstream mining."

Edward Shevardnadze took a puff of the cigarette in his hand, then frowned and said: "At this stage, the oil price is really too low. Even if the oil recovery technology is pushed to the extreme, there is not much profit, and the oil price is likely to rise again." It’s been a long time. This Xu Cun is a standard businessman. If he has no interest, he probably won’t come to invest in our Soviet Union.”

Peter Shevardnadze said with a wry smile: "Oil prices are not the most troublesome thing. After all, you can bet on future oil price rises. The most troublesome thing is the attitude of the Americans. That guy has already said that if the Americans disagree, he will Don’t come to invest in our Soviet Union.”

Edward Shevardnadze took a deep puff of a cigarette, and then said: "This is not Xu Cun's business alone. If this problem cannot be solved, it is empty talk to attract foreign investment to activate our Soviet economy. .Well...I will call the general secretary to study this matter."

Peter Shevardnadze reminded Edward Shevardnadze: "This matter must not be ambiguous. The guy's connections in the United States are deep-rooted, especially the relationship with the Bush vice president's family, so we are here. You can never lie to him about this.”

Edward Shevardnadze wiped out the cigarette butt in his hand, and then said to Peter Shevardnadze: "No matter what, you have to get along well with this Xu Cun. In the future, he may help you more than you Bigger than imagined."

Peter Shevardnadze nodded, "I see, Father."

Edward Shevardnadze said to his son: "Those who achieve great things don't have to stick to the form, as long as they can achieve their goals. Of course, there is still a bottom line." After a pause, Edward Shevardnadze asked Peter Shevardnadze: "What shortcomings or hobbies does this Xu Cun have?"

Peter Shevardnadze laughed: "Lust, extreme lust! This time he came to the United States to participate in this Oscar ceremony, and this guy brought more than 20 women for fun!"

He took out another cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it slowly. After taking a puff, Edward Shevardnadze said: "Then send a report to the KGB and ask them to send a sexy swallow to approach this Xu Cun .”

Peter Shevardnadze shook his head and said: "I'm afraid not, this guy has a sexual cleanliness that is common in orientals, and it is very serious, even a little sick. He would rather have those girls who haven't grown up than those... ...In short, our experienced female agents of the Soviet Union may not even be able to get close to him."

Edward Shevardnadze said: "When you send this report to the KGB, add all the information you know, and they will find a way to solve it."

Peter Shevardnadze nodded and didn't speak anymore - because the winner of this year's Oscar for Best Director is already going to be announced on TV...


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