Thanks, fellow daoist 2333616, this chapter is updated for you. I wish fellow Taoists 2333616 a good mood every day! ! !

I got up at 3:30 in the morning to code, I haven't worked so hard for a long time...

"Brother Cun... I got into trouble, woo..." Wen Bixia cried on the other end of the phone.

"What's going on?" Xu Cun asked quickly.

Hearing Xu Cun's question, Wen Bixia continued to cry: "Woo... I... I speculate in real estate... I speculate in real estate... I lost... I lost more than 100 million..."

Following Wen Bixia's crying, Xu Cun knew the whole story.

turn out to be……

Wen Bixia pooled 12 million Hong Kong dollars to buy uncompleted properties and speculate.

Based on the prices of those buildings when Wen Bixia bought them, the total value of these buildings exceeds 150 million Hong Kong dollars.

Nominally speaking, this 150 million Hong Kong dollar building should be considered owned by Wen Bixia—but the actual owner of these buildings is not Wen Bixia.

After buying the unplanned properties of these buildings, Wen Bixia began to repay the interest on the loans of these buildings to the actual owners of these buildings on a regular basis—about two million Hong Kong dollars a month.

(This 'loan interest' is very complicated - there are not only bank interest, but also interest fees, management fees and other fees charged by middlemen, developers and others.)

Later, the property market turned cold, and Wen Bixia's hoarded buildings could not be sold.

Under such circumstances, Wen Bixia chose to wait and see—so, while paying the 'loan interest', she hoped that the property price would go up.

In this way, Wen Bixia repaid the "loan interest" for eight months in a row - probably paid more than fifteen million Hong Kong dollars to the actual owners of these buildings.


Since mid-July, property prices in Xiangjiang have plummeted all the way—the buildings that Wen Bixia hoarded have dropped from a market value of 150 million Hong Kong dollars to a market value of just over 90 million Hong Kong dollars.

Wen Bixia was physically and mentally exhausted after eight months of real estate speculation—she couldn't stand this kind of suffering anymore.

Therefore, Wen Bixia didn't want to continue the speculation.

If you are an ordinary person, if you want to quit, you will quit-the big deal, don't spend the money you have already invested in buying uncompleted properties.

But Wen Bixia, who is a public figure, can't do it—the actual owners of those buildings heard that Wen Bixia didn't want to play anymore, so they gathered together to discuss it, and then gave Wen Bixia four choices:

1. Continuing with the current situation, those buildings are still nominally owned by Wen Bixia, and Wen Bixia continues to pay the actual owners of those buildings about two million Hong Kong dollars in "loan interest" every month.

2. Wen Bixia spent 150 million Hong Kong dollars to buy those buildings, and those buildings belonged to Wen Bixia.

3. Wen Bixia took out 60 million Hong Kong dollars to make up for the price difference of those buildings so far, and those buildings have nothing to do with Wen Bixia.

4. If Wen Bixia dares to be like other real estate speculators, don’t buy unplanned properties and forcefully withdraw. The actual owners of those buildings will unite to sue Wen Bixia for breach of contract and expose this matter to the media for the people of Xiangjiang to judge .

This matter is actually not complicated at all—it is that the actual owners of those buildings jointly exploited Wen Bixia's weakness of being a public figure for fear of negative news for self-protection or other purposes to force Wen Bixia to take responsibility for her previous investment. in the end.

Was Wen Bixia right in this matter?

No! There must be a contract between Wen Bixia and the actual owners of those buildings. To be fair, Wen Bixia should be responsible for her previous investment to the end.

Of course, in the current general environment, if Wen Bixia was not a public figure, she would have quit if she forcibly quit. a victim.

With Xu Cun's experience, this matter was easily sorted out - the only thing Xu Cun couldn't figure out was, where did Wen Bixia's 27 million Hong Kong dollars come from?

Xu Cun knew Wen Bixia's character very well, and knew that Wen Bixia was not a money saver at all—Xu Cun even dared to be sure that Wen Bixia's savings had never exceeded one million.

Even if the 3 million Hong Kong dollars that Xu saved for Wen Bixia's business were deducted, at least 23 million Hong Kong dollars of the 27 million Hong Kong dollars were money of unknown origin.

It's not that Xu Cun never asked Wen Bixia where the 23 million Hong Kong dollars came from, but Wen Bixia didn't answer.

Now, the deadline given to Wen Bixia by the actual owners of those buildings has come. Therefore, Wen Bixia, who could no longer hold back, told Xu Cun about this.

Time is running out - if the actual owners of those buildings do break the news to the media, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, Xu Cun no longer pressed Wen Bixia where did he get more than 23 million Hong Kong dollars for speculation?

Hang up Wen Bixia's phone call.

Zhao Yazhi, who had been staying with Zhong Chuhong in Xu Cun's office until Xu Cun got off work, asked Xu Cun, "What happened to Ah Xia?"

"No big deal." Xu Cun replied.

Then, Xu Cun picked up the phone and broadcast the call of Wang Xuejie, General Manager of the Legal Department of DreamWorks.

After all, DreamWorks is an entertainment company, and it often faces some legal issues. Therefore, Xu Cun established the legal department two years ago.

Since DreamWorks may face transnational legal affairs, Xu Cun invited Wang Xuejie, a well-known Chinese lawyer in the United States, to be the general manager of the legal department.

Wang Xuejie is not only well-known, but also has an extraordinary background-she graduated from Columbia University and later obtained a doctorate in law. She is the president of Zhonghua Law Firm and holds licenses in New York, New Jersey and federal courts. Legal advisor and executive director of the American Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Legal advisor and vice chairman of the American International Product Safety Association, chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, legal advisor of the American Hubei Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In addition, many years later, she will also be the head of the Obama Chinese campaign group.


Although Wang Xuejie is the general manager of the legal department of DreamWorks, she does not work at DreamWorks herself. There are only four senior lawyers from Zhonghua Law Firm working in DreamWorks. Wang Xuejie himself has been living in the United States. Only when necessary, Wang Xuejie will appear as the general manager of the legal department of DreamWorks. But even so, Xu Cun has to pay Wang Xuejie a salary of 10 million Hong Kong dollars every year, and this does not include the salary of the four senior lawyers of Zhonghua Law Firm who work in DreamWorks—this shows that Wang Xuejie How high is his worth and how big is his shelf.

As Xu Cun, it is naturally impossible to directly talk to the four senior lawyers of Zhonghua Lawyers in DreamWorks. Therefore, Xu Cun called Wang Xuejie directly and asked her to deal with Wen Bixia's matter.

After hanging up Wang Xuejie's phone call, Xu Cun looked at Zhao Yazhi and Zhong Chuhong, and asked, "Do you know where Ah Xia's money came from?"

Hearing Xu Cun's question, Zhao Yazhi and Zhong Chuhong chose to avoid Xu Cun's gaze by coincidence, and remained silent - obviously, they knew where Wen Bixia's money came from.

Xu Cun is so talented!

Seeing the expressions of Zhao Yazhi and Zhong Chuhong, Xu Cun guessed that Wen Bixia borrowed money from other people in eight or nine out of ten.

After having this guess, Xu Cun couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief - Xu Cun was afraid that Wen Bixia's money came from other men. To be more prepared, Xu Cun is not afraid that Wen Bixia will lose money, but he is afraid that Wen Bixia will cuckold himself.

Immediately, Xu Cun thought: "We have to control these women, they dare to unite and do such a big thing without telling me..."


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