Rebirth of the Great Entertainment Empire

Chapter 182 Don't give up on a bad wife

If you can't worry about the future, how can the author write a book for you with peace of mind?

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Twenty-nine nights.

Xu Cun came to Xujiaban's resident to celebrate the new year with a group of people from the mainland.

After drinking for three rounds, Xu Cun put one arm around Zhang Yimou's neck and the other around Chen Kai's waist, and said with his tongue out, "You can't abandon a poor wife... If someday let me did it!" I'm sorry about your wives... When the time comes, don't say I don't recognize...don't recognize you two students..."

As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change!

Drunk Xu Cun is still that lecherous bastard!

He warned Zhang Yimou and Chen Kai to live up to their first wives, but in fact they had no good intentions—his real intention was that you should live well with your first wives, and I will take care of Gong Li and Chen Hong for you.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Hearing Xu Cun warn Zhang Yimou and Chen Kai not to lose his wife, Li Jianqun, who was drinking soda in the corner, choked!

Seeing that Li Jianqun was choking, a young woman named Ma Min who was sitting next to Li Jianqun hurriedly asked, "Miss Jianqun, are you alright?"

Li Jianqun waved his hands, and said in his mouth, "I'm fine, I'm just in a hurry." But he thought in his heart: "You, who has been with several partners at the same time, still have the nerve to warn others to live up to their wives?"

Since Xu Cun appeared, Li Jianqun's attention has been focused on Xu Cun.

To be precise, ever since Xu Cun kissed Li Jianqun, Xu Cun's figure broke into Li Jianqun's heart arbitrarily, and took root in it, no matter how hard Li Jianqun was chased away, he couldn't get rid of it.

Now, Li Jianqun actually doesn't dislike the students from Nortel calling her "Master's Wife". Sometimes she even looks forward to hearing them call her "Master's Wife".

Although Li Jianqun had never been in a relationship, she was an adult of twenty-three or fourteen years old. As soon as Li Jianqun found out about her abnormality, Li Jianqun vaguely guessed that she might be in love with Xu Cun.

At first, Li Jianqun was very resistant to this—she didn't want to be one of Xu Cun's targets.


This kind of thing is often the case, the more you resist, the deeper you sink...

"...Sister Jianqun, have you told your brother-in-law about my stay in DreamWorks?" Ma Min asked Li Jianqun hesitantly when Li Jianqun was fine.

Ma Min is one of the few fashion designers who came from the mainland without being turned back.

The reason why Ma Min was not sent back was that Ma Min was very conspicuous and did not listen to Li Jianqun like other fashion designers from the Mainland.

Therefore, she was protected by Li Jianqun.

What outsiders don't know is that as soon as he arrived in Xiangjiang, an international metropolis, Ma Min made up his mind to stay in this city. When she learned that the lowest apprentice fashion designer in DreamWorks also had a salary of two or three thousand Hong Kong dollars a month, her determination became even stronger.

Ma Min knows that it is not easy for her to stay in DreamWorks as a mainlander, especially since her clothing design level is not very high.

Therefore, the smart Ma Min began to seek out Li Jianqun, who had a big backer.

It is rare for a smart person to make friends with another person without success—after a few months, Ma Min recognized Li Jianqun as his sister.

A few days ago, Ma Min told Li Jianqun very euphemistically that she wanted to stay in DreamWorks.

In the past few months, Li Jianqun has been taken care of and maintained by Ma Min. Therefore, facing Ma Min's request, Li Jianqun was really embarrassed to refuse.

For Ma Min's stay in DreamWorks, Li Jianqun first approached Liu Xun and then Zhang Shuping.

Strictly speaking, Liu Xun is not a member of DreamWorks. Therefore, with regard to the personnel issues of DreamWorks, he was naturally helpless.

Zhang Shuping told Li Jianqun euphemistically: Ma Min is from the mainland, he dare not make decisions. But if Xu Cun agrees with Ma Min entering DreamWorks, he is willing to accept Ma Min as an apprentice.

From Zhang Shuping's point of view, based on the relationship between Li Jianqun and Xu Cun, this trivial matter is a matter of one sentence, but Zhang Shuping can therefore take less responsibility.

What Zhang Shuping never expected was that it was this seemingly simple sentence that stumped Li Jianqun.

Facing Ma Min's questioning, Li Jianqun said vaguely: "He is too busy."

Ma Min looked at Xu Cun, who was close at hand, and did not continue this topic, but said with envy: "I heard that my brother-in-law earned 100 to 200 million yuan just by relying on "ET". The building made another 100 to 200 million RMB, brother-in-law is really capable!"

Li Jianqun had also heard of what Ma Min said. In addition, during the recent period, Li Jianqun also paid attention to Xu Cun's experience of making a fortune.

Knowing how Xu Cun came from nothing and then became a rich man now, Li Jianqun couldn't help feeling a little admiration for Xu Cun!



The originally chaotic factory building became quiet.

Immediately afterwards, a desolate, melodious and dreamlike tune sounded.

This song seems to come from ancient times, passing through hundreds of millions of years to reach today. Clear and misty, very penetrating, in the continuous melody, there are distant memories and bitter nostalgia. The low and low places are like deep valleys, slightly sluggish; the high places are like mountains and flowing clouds, flying and long.

This song brought a great shock to Li Jianqun, who is quite artistic!

Li Jianqun subconsciously looked at the source of the music!

It turned out that the sound came from a ceramic musical instrument in the hands of Xu Cun who was sitting opposite Hu Weili.

Li Jianqun, who has a lot of historical background, knows this musical instrument and knows that it is called Xun, and it has a history of more than 3,000 years.

"He can also blow the xun!" Li Jianqun said to himself in surprise.

"Is there anything else he can't do?" Immediately, Li Jianqun murmured again.




Li Jianqun did not expect such a beautiful Divine Comedy in the world!


The song came to a sudden stop before it was over—it turned out that Xu Cun, the performer of the Divine Comedy, was so drunk that he passed out at this time.

The sudden break of a good song makes many people who love music have a feeling that the other half suddenly disappears out of thin air in the middle of the papa papa.

Hu Weili, a master of music, kept tugging at Xu Cun, and said anxiously: "Xiao Xu, wake up! Wake up..." He really wanted Xu Cun to wake up now and finish playing this divine comedy!


Not long after.

Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige and Tian Zhuangzhuang came to Li Jianqun together.

Zhang Yimou said: "Madam, Teacher Xu drank too much, what should I do?"

Li Jianqun thought to himself: "How do I know what to do?"

Seeing that Li Jianqun didn't speak, Tian Zhuang suggested: "Why don't you send Mr. Xu to the hotel where your wife is staying?"

The meaning of Zhang Yimou and others is obvious-they want Li Jianqun to take care of Xu Cun.

Ma Min heard the meaning of Zhang Yimou and others.

Therefore, Ma Min, who wanted Li Jianqun to take this opportunity to speak for him, helped Zhang Yimou and others persuade Li Jianqun: "The year before last, there was a person in our regiment who was drunk and left unattended, and he was stuck to death by what he vomited. My brother-in-law was so drunk. It’s so powerful, it really needs a caring person to take care of it.”

Frightened by Ma Min, Li Jianqun, who didn't want anything to happen to Xu Cun, acquiesced in the fact that Zhang Yimou and others sent Xu Cun to his residence.


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