Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 755 Acquisition! Acquisition!

Chapter 755 Acquisition! Acquisition!

Sega's hardware development department was sold to Lin Feng for $100 million!

When this explosive news flashed before everyone's eyes, the industry was full of exclamations. Especially for the Japanese game industry, and even Japan as a whole, this is an emotionally and rationally unacceptable fact.

In this financial war, Japan suffered heavy losses. Originally hoped to temporarily abandon the foreign exchange market to crack Soros's "three-dimensional speculation" in order to achieve the purpose of earning back all losses in the futures market. Therefore, the Japanese government suffered heavy losses in the foreign exchange market. Under speculation, the Japanese government lost more than 18 billion US dollars in vain.

Although this loss was painful, it was within the acceptable range of the Japanese authorities. But to the surprise of the Japanese authorities, due to Koizumi's critical illness, the Nikkei fell to 5,300 points on the last day of delivery, a full drop of 2,350 points. The Japanese government bought a total of 15 million futures indexes, and the loss was astonishingly high at more than 33 billion U.S. dollars. Together with the loss of more than 18 billion US dollars in the foreign exchange market, and the loss of other heavyweights, the Japanese government lost a total of more than 54 billion US dollars this time. Its foreign exchange reserves of more than 600 billion yuan fell by 10% in an instant. This deficit undoubtedly caused the Japanese government a lot of pain.

Especially this time I lost face. Lin Feng declared war on the Japanese government in front of the global news media, but in the end it was Lin Feng himself who won and the Japanese government lost, which made the Japanese government lose face. The major international media often ridiculed the Japanese authorities. They actually poured out the power of a country and lost to an individual, and it was a complete failure.

These international remarks have made Japan extremely useless and aggrieved. But what Lin Feng won was aboveboard, everything was in line with financial laws and within the scope of financial permission, and the Japanese side could not say anything more. But now, Lin Feng is using the money he earned from the Japanese stock market to buy Japanese companies, which is unacceptable to everyone in Japan.

What's more, Lin Feng made money by attacking the Japanese stock market, but now he has bought the hardware development department of Sega, a Japanese national enterprise, which is really unacceptable to the Japanese.

Japan's largest "Asahi Shimbun" denounced it-this is naked banditry. After earning countless money from our country through despicable, dirty, and shameless means, the hard-earned money of our citizens is used to take advantage of our country. Taking advantage of the situation where the company's market value has shrunk sharply, this behavior is shameful! It's an act of robbery!

Japanese media from all walks of life attacked for a while, and even many media called on "Sega" to immediately terminate the peace agreement with Lin Feng and take back the hardware development department. Although the hardware of "Sega" has been eliminated by the market, all walks of life in Japan do not want to be acquired by a Chinese.

However, compared to the anger and unwillingness of all walks of life in Japan for Lin Feng's acquisition of Sega's hardware development department,

There is applause in China.

Review of "Video Game Software", the largest electronic game magazine in China - Lin Feng's acquisition of Sega's hardware development department is a victory for domestic game companies. Although Sega's hardware technology is relatively behind Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft's next-generation consoles, it is enough to fill the gap in the country without consoles. And I believe that with the technology owned by Lin Feng (referring to the "amd" chip and "" display chip technology of "Second World"", he will catch up.

Many domestic netizens also burst into jubilation.

Netizen "Kill Ganglang" - haha, with the acquisition of Sega's hardware development department, we Chinese will also have our own game console, and this is purchased with Japanese money. Good job Lin Feng! This is called "Take the other's way, and give it back to the other body."

Netizen "One Leaf Mengde" - the former Sega gave us too many memories, and now it will be reborn in Lin Feng's hands. We look forward to, and hope that this time, Lin Feng can enter the Japanese game market like Microsoft's "x", proving that China People can not only make games, but also game consoles.

Sega's acquisition not only caused an uproar in the media, but for many Japanese game companies, it was also a major event that could change their company's course in the future. You know, Microsoft launched x on November 15, 2001, which changed the pattern of home game consoles in the world.

Back then, it was the era of three kingdoms, Nintendo, Sony, and Sega. The mainframes of the three companies were all in the limelight for a while, and together they dominated the pattern of home game consoles in the world. Other game consoles such as "Panasonic" and "Panasonic" were all short-lived and did not pose any threat to the three companies.

However, under the strategy of "Microsoft" to lose money and smash the market, "x" has made a bloody way out, and even squeezed out "", and Nintendo's, Sony's ps2 are collectively known as the three major consoles of the world today.

Today, with Lin Feng's joining, with Lin Feng's success in the online game industry, his ambition, and the financial support that is no less than the "Microsoft" empire (Lin Feng earned US$17.9 billion), all major Japanese companies feel Lin Feng didn't do it well this time. Especially since the money is all from Japan, thinking about it will make Japan hurt.

Sony, the company that triggered the financial war in Japan this time, was also the company that was attacked by Lin Feng. Naturally, it hated Lin Feng to the bone, and declared war publicly at the first time - if Lin Feng wanted to enter the home game console market, our company's ps2 It will definitely be crushed to pieces. You know, in the home game console market, more money can't solve the problem.

Nintendo President Satoshi Iwata also responded to Lin Feng’s acquisition in an interview with reporters—I’m not boasting, and if you want to gain a foothold in the home game console market, you can’t solve it with money. Microsoft's "x" can gain a foothold, in addition to Microsoft's large amount of money, it also depends on Microsoft's own game development team. As for Lin Feng's "Second World", it's just an online game. If Lin Feng really wants to enter the stand-alone game market, I welcome it very much, but I can guarantee that Lin Feng will definitely fail miserably.

Regarding the declaration of war between the two companies, Lin Feng smiled lightly, but immediately held a press conference, and announced in a high-profile manner at the press conference——I have acquired Sega’s hardware development department this time with only one purpose, to bring the best games to the world players, creating a brand new game world for all players around the world. As for the words of Sony and Nintendo, I will not comment. I only have one thing to say-that is, I, Lin Feng, do things.

Lin Feng's words completely ignited the global home game console market. In response to Lin Feng's high-profile declaration, Sony immediately announced to the outside world the plan to develop the PS3, the follow-up model of PS2, and Nintendo also announced its next-generation console. Such a plan, and Microsoft also timely announced plans to develop the next-generation model "x360".

Although the three companies did not communicate with each other, they began to jointly kill Lin Feng in a tacit understanding. After all, Lin Feng's "Second World" is too successful, and now Lin Feng has such a strong fund, which is really frightening.

For the actions of the three companies, Lin Feng also made a clear and strong response. Immediately, Lin Feng established a company named "Second Game" in his own name, with a registered capital of 10 billion US dollars, and it was in cash. He announced that "Second Game" would make every effort to create the next generation of game consoles , becoming the king of the new generation of home game consoles.

Faced with Lin Feng's newly established "Second Game", many game companies have only one thought - too rich. $10 billion in liquidity, that's a lot of money. It is richer than the "Microsoft" game development department, the "Sony" game development department, and the "Nintendo" game development department. Although money does not necessarily solve everything, it is really worrying and scary to have so much money.

Of course, this also made many Japanese companies hate it even more. After all, what Lin Feng burned was money from the Japanese stock market.

However, for the newly established "Second Game" company with an investment of 10 billion US dollars, it is ambitious to enter the home console market, and Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony are shopping for the home console market. The media of various countries, especially the relatively neutral media, do not agree look good. Because, the success of a console is not only the function, but also the support of the game manufacturer. At present, it is difficult for the "Second Game" to be supported by Japanese game manufacturers. If only relying on the support of "Second World" games under Lin Feng, there are too few types of games, and it is impossible to support the sales of game consoles. .

Many "enthusiastic" media even suggested that Lin Feng take the initiative to repair with Japanese game companies, such as Nintendo, Square Enix and other game software companies, in order to seek the next generation of their "Second Game" in the future. Launch the game on the console.

Just when the outside world was worried about it, and even put forward various suggestions, Lin Feng took action again, and once again launched an acquisition offensive against Japanese game companies with an extremely strong and domineering attitude, in order to make up for the "second game" being criticized by the outside world Just empty shells, the predicament of having nothing but money.

This game software company is nothing but the cap company that developed the famous "Resident Evil" series in the entire game industry.

cap, established in 1979. Originally known as "i.r.m." when it was established, it was an electrical retailer. It changed its name to "cap" in 1983 and has since become a game software company. The games developed under it, such as "Street Fighter", "Rockman", "Onimusha", "Resident Evil" and so on, are well-known games with billions of players around the world.

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