Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 746: Ambition

Rosh vaguely guessed that Soros might be married to Lin Feng. Everyone in Bi Huang... Huai "quotes are different, and they all have their own habits and traces to be found. Krosh has studied today's famous investors, especially Soros. For his "three-dimensional speculation" I appreciate it very much, his "three-dimensional speculation" technique is almost impossible to crack.

At present, Soros is selling the yen aggressively. If the Japanese government doesn’t care about it, the yen will plummet. Then Soros buys the yen to pay off the debt, so he can make a fortune in currency. If the Japanese government takes over the order, it will inevitably lead to a tight yen. As a result, interest rates will rise and the stock market will fall. Soros will be able to make a fortune in the stock market.

Of course, "three-dimensional speculation" is not perfect. At that time, the Hong Kong government used huge foreign exchange reserves and various forced fiscal measures to defeat Soros. But in the end, the Hong Kong Hengsheng futures index fell from a low point to a high point. Although Soros was defeated in the end, the Hong Kong government did not get it right, and it has not recovered so far.

If he wants to hurt both sides, Krosh has more ways to do it. Anyway, he is losing money from the Japanese government. And this time the Japanese government invited him to be the main trader because the Japanese government and the Rothschild family have a secret cooperation plan. This is the first cooperation between the two parties.

"Mr. Croche. So what do we do now?" Japanese Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda said worriedly.

"Watching a play!" Krosh leaned on the sofa and said indifferently.

"Watching a movie?" Noda Jiayan exclaimed, "Mr. Croche, Lin Feng, a damned Chinese, is earning a lot of wealth in our country through foreign exchange every second. How can we watch a movie!"

The emotional Noda Yoshihiko barked his teeth and claws and screamed. As the Minister of Finance of Japan, he must not allow others to eat away at Japan's wealth. What's more, the stability of the yen exchange rate will also help the US-Japan relationship.

Krosh glanced coldly at the crazy-looking Noda Kato, as if looking at an idiot.

"Mr. Krosh. Did I say something wrong?" Noda Yoshihiko froze for a moment, then asked guiltily.

"I really don't know how you are the Minister of Finance. You are as stupid as a pig. Let me ask you, how many years has the Japanese economy been weak?" Krosh asked.

"Since the bubble economy burst in 2010, there has been no recovery so far. Moreover, the o economic stimulus plans in the past ten years have cost nearly 10 trillion yen, but the results have been minimal. At present, our country's debt has reached trillion yuan. The yen is about 1 trillion US dollars, about 1,000 times the gross national product of our country. The prospect is not good!" Noda Yoshihiko said bitterly. He believed that this most outstanding young man from the Rothschild family must be very clear about these data, and he did not shy away from it.


Didn't expect you to know this. Krosh's voice was full of sarcasm, "What is the best way for Japan to revive its economy?" "

"Expanding exports. Our country's economy relies too much on exports, and Konaname's companies rely on exports to survive. Expanding exports is the easiest way to increase the economy." Noda Yoshihiko said.

"So now that Lin Feng deliberately sells the yen and suppresses the exchange rate of the yen, why do we care about him! It just helps you lower the exchange rate and improve your export competitiveness. In addition, it can weaken the competitiveness of foreign companies in disguise and expand the competitiveness of your domestic companies. Competitiveness. Look, Lin Feng is such a good person, working for the welfare of you Japan. Why are you trying to stop him!" Krosh sneered lightly.

Soros's method may be able to create gods against others, but it is not suitable for dealing with Japan. For Japan, a country that depends on exports for a living, a lower exchange rate has only advantages and no disadvantages. It's just that it was restrained by the United States before. Since the "Plaza Treaty", Japan has not dared to blatantly lower the exchange rate. This time, for Japan, it is an opportunity.

Don't think you just want to win by joining forces with Soros, you are still too young in front of me! Yi Keluoche sneered in his heart.

Noda Yoshihiko's eyes lit up when he heard this, but after thinking about it, he was worried, "Mr. Crosh, but in this way, they may at least make billions of dollars, and the United States..."

"Idiots! Idiots! No matter how much they sell the yen and suppress the exchange rate, they will earn at most two or three billion US dollars. However, the decline in the exchange rate of the yen will affect the Japanese stock market to a certain extent. But then you can make a fool of yourself by lowering interest rates." , Prohibition of lending and other means, the entire stock market rose in an all-round way on the last day. At that time, the money they made on the exchange rate was far from what they lost on the futures index." Krosh sneered.

"As for the U.S. government, they will only put pressure on Lin Feng and others. As for you, you have a shield as big as Lin Feng in front of you. Do you need to be afraid of the blame from the U.S.!" Croche said coldly.

"Mr. Croche is brilliant!" Noda Yoshihiko suddenly realized.

Crosh smiled. this. "Let it go" is not without its weaknesses. But he didn't believe that Lin Feng and others could do it!

Subsequently, Japan followed Croche's plan and sold the yen to Soros. Suppressing the exchange rate adopts an attitude of letting things go. In one day, the exchange rate of the Japanese yen fell all the way to the dollar, and the Japanese yen fell all the way, breaking through three price levels in a row, which caused an uproar all over the world.

Since Lin Feng declared war, financial experts from various countries have speculated that Lin Feng would attack the Japanese yen and make profits through exchange rates, interest rates, and the stock market. But I didn't expect that Japan would completely liberalize the currency market and let Lin Feng attack the yen. This is beyond everyone's expectation, which means that the Japanese government is sending money to Lin Feng, giving money in vain.

Japan is crazy! All financial experts shouted.

More hot money began to pour into Japan's exchange rate market, ready to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But for Soros and Lin Feng, this matter was not so good.

"Lin Feng, it seems that this time is in trouble. If the Japanese government continues to allow the exchange rate to fall, although we can make more money in the foreign exchange market through lending, but compared to the losses on the futures index, it is not worth it I mentioned it. On the last day, the Japanese government can release relevant policies to stimulate the stock market at any time, and it can raise the stock index to more than four points on the last day.” Soros said.

Lin Feng nodded. Abby Cohen also analyzed this point with Lin Feng, and the Japanese trick was too vicious. Because there are still two days until the futures delivery period, everyone must close their positions. At that time, on the last day, if the Japanese government adopts measures such as banning lending and lowering interest rates, it will be enough to bring the stock market back to its peak in one day, causing Lin Feng and others to suffer heavy losses.

"Also, Lin, Soros, don't give up. The increase in the yen exchange rate is coerced by the United States. The government of the country will never let the Japanese exchange rate drop sharply. This is beneficial to both parties." Abby Cohen reminded.

When Lin Feng and Soros heard this, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads. If the U.S. government intervenes again behind the scenes, this time it will be completely over for me and others.

What to do?

at this time. Japanese side. Although during the day in the foreign exchange market. He lost 100 million US dollars and gave it to Lin Feng and others for nothing, but all the Japanese cabinet members were extremely excited. The fall in the exchange rate is enough to enhance the export competitiveness of Japanese companies. As for Lin Feng and others, lowering the interest rate can solve the problem. Of course, with regard to the United States' blame for the sharp drop in the yen exchange rate, as Krosh said, it is possible to make a god to lift Lin Feng out, so that the US government can take care of Lin Feng's troubles.

Japanese politicians are full of excitement and excitement for this time they can severely defeat Lin Feng, and they can also "play tricks" on the US government in a small way. After all, Japan has always been controlled by the United States, both economically and politically. Especially economically, the "Plaza Peace Treaty" put Japan on the path of economic collapse. What makes the Japanese most worried about it is that the Mitsubishi consortium bought "Rockefeller Center" at the end of the 1990s for US dollars. This is something that Japan is proud of and proud of.

However, with the signing of the "Plaza Peace Treaty", the Japanese stock market plummeted. Only a few years later, the Rockefeller Foundation redeemed it at a price less than half of the original price. It can be said that Japan was completely tricked by the United States in this matter. This makes the Japanese with small chicken stomachs always hard to let go. This time, being able to demand the US government in a small way will naturally make many Japanese politicians happy.

Krosh separated the celebrating crowd and returned to the room alone to look at the night sky. This time the family cooperated with the Japanese government. It is hoped that through cooperation with Japan, the family glory can be revived. Since World War II, Rothschild has declined. Although it is still strong, it is far from the glory of being called the "Sixth Empire".

And over the years. Rothschild's ancestor and will is to restore the past glory of the family, and at the same time to avenge the engulfment of the Rothschild family property. The opponents are the Rockefeller family and the Morgan family.

There is a joke in the United States that the Democratic Party belongs to the Morgan family, while the Republican Party belongs to the Rockefeller family.

But the world has forgotten that Rockefeller and Morgan once belonged to Rothschild.

Yi Keluosh hammered the wall with his fist angrily.

No matter how much time it takes and how much it costs, he must make Rothschild once again the first family of Quanyuan and control the lifeline of global finance.

This aid to Japan is just the first attempt made by the Rothschild family. It is within Krosh's plan to let the yen depreciate. Increasing the contradictions and frictions between Japan and the United States, Rothschild slowly profited from it. And the ultimate target is the former "traitor"

Rockefeller and Morgan.

Originally, this plan was very difficult. Although the Japanese government is not reconciled to the downturn of the Japanese economy, lowering the exchange rate is the simplest and most direct way to revive the Japanese economy. After all, Japanese products are top-notch in the world. But if you want to raise the exchange rate, the US government will never agree. Crosh didn't know what method he was going to use to persuade the Japanese government, but unexpectedly, Lin Feng and others came forward and actively suppressed the exchange rate of the yen. This is simply pie in the sky.

If the exchange rate of the yen is allowed to plummet, the interests of the United States will definitely be damaged, and Japanese products will hit the US market wantonly. This is what the US government does not want to see. If the U.S. government intervenes, Lin Feng and the others will be as insignificant as an ant, ready to be trampled to death at any time. Although Rothschild also lost the power to fish in troubled waters, he was able to gain the favor of the Japanese government, which will help in future calculations.

If the U.S. government does not come forward, it would be best for Crosh and Rothschild. As for Lin Feng, he also has a way to kill him.

Lin Feng. Let's see how you deal with this time! Crosh had a faint, haughty smile. Before contacting Lin Feng, he also hoped to pull this rocket-like rising financial star into the chariot of the Rothschild family to deal with Rockefeller and Morgan together. It's a pity that Lin Feng didn't know how to compliment, so he refused.

Lin Feng and the others also had a headache in every possible way. No one expected that the Japanese government would completely abandon the exchange rate of the yen and allow themselves and others to suppress it and profit from it. But I and others have locked up a huge amount of tens of billions of dollars in the futures index market, which is terrible. The Japanese government was damaged in the foreign exchange market, but it was able to win back in the futures index. After striking out himself and others. No matter how stable the foreign exchange market is, and Japan regrets the heavy losses this time, it will slowly raise the exchange rate in order to enhance the competitiveness of export companies in Japan and other countries. In the end, he and the others became living Lei Feng.

"Lin Feng. The only way is to continue to suppress and completely defeat Japan's ability to bear in the foreign exchange market. In this way, Japan must rescue the market." Soros has never been the kind of overly conservative person.

Although Japan's strategy of letting it go is extremely vicious. But it also has its deadly side. Now Japan is tantamount to fully exposing itself to the guns of global financial speculators. If within two days, global financial speculators completely smash Japan's foreign exchange market, and earn profits that Japan cannot afford. The Japanese economy completely collapsed. Of course, it must be before the US government responds.

"Lin. Ao hours, at most hours, the United States will intervene. We only have" hours! "Abby Cohen said after calm calculation.

"En. Now it depends on our financial resources. Let's contact the major financial groups to attract more people to play this game." Soros said.

Everyone nodded. Now it depends on whether it is the tip of the spear of oneself and others, or Japan's shield is thicker.

at this time. On the other hand, due to the sharp drop in Japan's exchange rate, Izumi Soichiro, who was happy with the sharp increase in the competitiveness of export companies, appeared in Erisa Kazama's villa.

"Go in and check it carefully for me, and tell me if it's safe," Koizumi ordered.

"Yes." A group of bodyguards entered Erisa Kazama's villa with various instruments.

Seeing this group of wolf-like bodyguards step by step in their own home, not letting go of any blind spots, Erisa Kazama secretly thought she was lucky. Fortunately, Lin Feng did not agree with her plan, otherwise there would be trouble this time. But she had another plan.

Ten minutes later, ten bodyguards gave Koizumi Toichiro a safe signal. Koizumi Toichiro entered Kazama Erisa's villa with proud steps.

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