Rebirth of the Evil Life

Happy New Year’s Eve to everyone! (Referring to the clock group: 113,809,696. Sending red envelopes

The unexpected silence of the United States has made the situation around the world even more difficult. Because, after Somalia announced the success of its nuclear test and condemned the United States, it blocked the Suez Canal!

Yes, Somalia dispatched warships to block the Suez Canal! As for the reason: During the occupation of Somalia, no ships are allowed to pass through the Suez Canal.

This reason is nonsense and fucked up, but it is justified!

At this moment, the whole of Europe, no, most of the countries in the whole world are going to curse.

There are three major water lifelines in this world: the Strait of Malacca, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Suez Canal!

The Strait of Malacca is the lifeline of water trade throughout Asia.

The Strait of Hormuz is the oil lifeline for the entire Gulf region. Without this lifeline, oil from the Gulf region cannot be transported to countries around the world, and the world may suffer from oil shortages.

Suez Canal: All of Europe relies on the Suez Canal to transport various materials. This is an indispensable lifeline.

But now, the Strait of Malacca is blocked by Lin Feng's shipwreck tactic. The entire Asian economy is suddenly a little out of whack. Without this strait, the entire Asian trade would have to take a long circuit from Indonesia, which would take tens of thousands of more nautical miles.

Now Somalia blocks the Suez Canal again, yes! Europe is also paralyzed. Without the Suez Canal, all European cargo ships would have to circle around Africa. That's even further! This goes right back to the Age of Discovery!

At that time, everyone was trading around Africa!

Now, the Europeans are really worried!

You Somalis can't be so unreasonable! Lin Feng is the spiritual leader of your country and the benefactor of your country. I am a distinguished guest from your country. Anywhere will do. No one is allowed. But it is the United States that is arresting Lin Feng, not Europe! You blocked the Suez Canal. What do you mean? How can you vent your anger on others like this? This is so unreasonable!

But what makes the EU take a stand is that Somalia has nuclear bombs! When a country has nuclear bombs, you have to be careful. If there were no nuclear bombs and Somalia acted like this, the EU would go straight to war! Isn't it? Such a small country dares to block Europe's lifeline. you wanna die!

But, nuclear bomb! Makes everything different!

"Look, his people are crazy! Then look, how crazy his people can be!" Taylor Mellon was extremely satisfied.

Lin Feng has been

Traveling around the world, I made many friends. And when he is in danger, how many friends will help him? This is naturally Lin Feng's trump card. Taylor Mellon wanted to see clearly how many trump cards Lin Feng had in his hand.

As for the "Tesla Notes", in Taylor Mellon's opinion, these are not counted. Only old Morgan and the others would care so much. That ‘Tesla Notes’ thing. They are all products of an era that clearly surpasses Earth's technology, and I want to research them. Too difficult. And even if it is researched, it may not be available for civilian use.

For example, the 'radio' they control sounds wonderful. It can make power transmission no longer dependent on wires, save resources and overcome space. But the power attenuation is too serious. This makes this technology useless. Of course, Lin Feng's solar energy technology is a supplement.

But as far as Taylor Mellon is concerned, for the time being, it doesn't mean much. Solar energy is also limited. Although it is a good idea to conduct solar energy from space to the ground. But there are also many technical difficulties to be solved. For example, manufacturing such huge solar panels is a problem. Second, transport it to space and put it back together. Even if Lin Feng has a "gravity magnetic field" that can overcome these, you will have to overcome all kinds of space junk when you send it to space. Moreover, how will an object that is too huge be affected by the earth's gravity in space is also a problem. .

There are so many issues that need to be addressed. Therefore, Taylor Mellon never valued the ‘Tesla Notes’. He values ​​practical things more!

Somalia actually has nuclear bombs! So will it also have ballistic missile technology? Japan has it! Of course, apart from Somalia, which other country is under Lin Feng's control?

How many cards does this amazing Chinese have yet to reveal?

Aeolus Fleet! somalia! The two gentlemen shook their heads.

"Xiao Lin, he is so hidden! And this nuclear bomb was probably given to him by that Japanese woman!" The two gentlemen exclaimed.

"Besides her, there is no one else! I never thought that when Xiaolin was messing around in Japan, he would get such a big help!"

"But is it really good? That woman is extremely ambitious. Is it really good for Xiao Lin if she behaves like this?"

"Hey! I have to leave it to fate! But, do you think the United States will release Lin Feng?"

"It's hard to say this! The unusual silence of the United States now is really weird! Are they really not afraid that Lin Feng will release a nuclear bomb? The Fengshen fleet has ballistic missile technology!"

"Then Somalia should also have ballistic missile technology! To be honest, I am not afraid of the Fengshen Fleet now, but I am afraid of Somalia. Somalia is in Africa, and there are too many warlords in Africa. It would be really scary if Somalia messed up. As long as there is one If a nuclear bomb falls into the hands of those warlords or terrorist organizations, it will be a disaster for the whole world!”

"I think this is what the whole world is worried about! After this incident, I don't know how the world will deal with the Fengshen Fleet and the problem of Somalia!"

The two gentlemen were worried. They are thinking longer term. Because Lin Feng was caught, these hidden strengths were exposed. This terrifying strength will naturally attract restrictions from all countries in the world. This is the trouble!

"You think, if the United States really doesn't release people, to what extent will the nuclear war expand?" Mr. Xi asked after a long silence.

This problem is not only a problem for Mr. Xi, but also a problem for all heads of state in the world. What if the United States doesn’t release him? Will the Fengshen fleet release a nuclear bomb and really attack the White House?

Will a world nuclear war break out?

To be honest, Mr. Wen doesn't know. Domestic think tanks have also analyzed this issue for a long time, but the result is that they don’t know! Of course, it’s not that I don’t know. Of course everything is possible.

Think tank analysis will naturally give a probability of launching a nuclear bomb and a probability of not launching it. And the result is not optimistic! The ‘Wind God Fleet’ are all fanatical believers. The reason why these people gather under Lin Feng’s command is not for money!

Although Lin Feng also gave him a lot of money, for them, money was never their concern. They follow Lin Feng for one thing: faith!

Mr. Xi naturally knows the answer given by the think tank. If the United States does not release people, then the worst thing will happen. The United States will definitely retaliate! Now, what everyone is worried about is who will the US retaliate against?

The Fengshen fleet will inevitably be destroyed! There is no doubt about this! So who will be next? The United States, which has eaten one or more nuclear bombs, will not be willing to deal with the Fengshen fleet. Destroying the Fengshen fleet will never satisfy the United States.

So who else will be next? That's a problem. Somalia? Who else? Libya? possible! The Americans who are offended will deal with all their opponents at once!

Lin Feng's people were the first to provoke, so the United States will definitely get rid of all Lin Feng's vassal forces, but what about Japan? Will the United States take care of it all? This country is completely controlled by the Lin Feng woman.

If so, the war will inevitably continue to expand! What about China? Will the United States be willing to fight? In other words, will the United States force China to sign more unequal treaties? Occupy more interests in trade between the two countries?

This matter is really hard to say! If nuclear war expands, it will be the end of the world!

"Perhaps, we can only wait now! Things are already out of our control!" Mr. Wen sighed looking up to the sky.

"I mean, if the United States takes action against Lin Feng, will we take action at any time?" Mr. Xi took a deep breath and finally asked a question, which should not be asked now.

However, his feelings for Lin Feng surpassed others. At least, among the many gentlemen, he had more than just expectations for Lin Feng. He never wanted anything to happen to Lin Feng.

Mr. Wen was silent.

"Your question, I think, is also what Western countries want to know. Should we take action at any time?" Mr. Wen frowned. "If we take action, it will be the Third World War. If we don't take action, we can only watch. Lin Feng was wiped out by the United States, and as a result, we may sign some unequal trade contracts. After all, if the United States is wrong this time, Lin Feng’s people cannot drop nuclear bombs!

"But emotionally speaking, he is Chinese and is the hope of us Chinese! He has done so much for the country, but we cannot protect him. I will feel guilty! The people will also be dissatisfied! The people will complain, abuse, and Stab our spines!" Mr. Xi became excited, "We have endured it for so many years, are we going to endure it this time?"

"But you have to know that if you don't bear it this time, it will be a world war and the end of the world!" Mr. Wen also became serious. He could see that Mr. Xi was not joking, but serious.

"World war, so what! He doesn't deserve to die! We must protect him! The country must protect him! If it can't even protect its own citizens, what's the use of this country!" Mr. Xi stood up, emotional , face flushed.

"But 1.3 billion people will die because of this!" Mr. Wen controlled his emotions and said calmly.

"Then let 1.3 billion people vote! Let the Chinese people make their own choices!" Mr. Xi slammed his fist on the coffee table. (Rebirth of the Monster’s Life..6262341)--(Rebirth of the Monster’s Life)

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