Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 121 The website needs to be grand

The time bomb of tower defense games may explode at any time, but Lin Feng has done his best, and now he can only listen to fate.

"Boss Lin, Net Shield has been successfully developed, please take a look." Early in the morning, as soon as Lin Feng arrived at the company, Li Yuan called, his tone full of excitement.

Hearing this news, Lin Feng was also extremely excited. In this way, "Second World" bid farewell to the dilemma of relying on other companies' firewalls for a living. Although there may be some problems with the newly developed "Network Shield", all source codes have absolute autonomy, so there is no need to worry that there will be backdoors left in it and people will use them.

After rushing to Netshield Network Security Company, Li Yuan directed a group of technicians to test excitedly, clenched his hands and stared at the screen without moving.

"How is it?" Lin Feng glanced at the screen, but with Lin Feng's computer skills, he couldn't see why, so he asked directly.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin, look, our 'Net Shield' can detect and kill almost all viruses and Trojan horse programs on the market, even unknown viruses, 'Net Shield' can also analyze and kill them." Li Yuan said proudly Say.

"Uh, but how do I think this interface is so similar to Ruixin?" Lin Feng thinks that this interface is similar to Ruixing's anti-virus software.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin, I've been busy debugging the internal code these days, so I've been lazy and directly applied Ruixin's on the interface." Li Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment. Li Yuan was originally Ruixin's technical director, so he naturally did whatever he was familiar with.

"Well, is there any problem with the core program now?" Lin Feng asked.

"There is no problem, just change the interface, and it can be released for sale." Li Yuan said affirmatively.

"Well, let's replace the interface first, and then install the 'Net Shield' for our own company first, and then go public." Lin Feng was overjoyed. Finally there is good news.

"Yes. But Mr. Lin, I have a heartfelt request." Li Yuan nodded in agreement, and then said, "Wang Hai from the security department is also proficient in network security and protection. Let me see, can he be transferred here?"

"Wang Hai?" Lin Feng was stunned for a while, and after thinking for a while, he finally remembered that when Li Zhiyou was blocked in Xujiahui Square, he broke through with the high-frequency transmitter modified by Wang Hai. It is said that he once hacked into the US military network.

"Okay, I'll talk to Wang Meng later. Of course, it depends on what Wang Hai wants." Lin Feng nodded in agreement, and turned to talk to Wang Meng.

Wang Meng asked Wang Hai what he meant, and Wang Hai was indeed more interested in high technology such as computers, so he immediately agreed. Lin Feng also gave Wang Hai the position of deputy director of the technical department.

"Ha, Brother Hai, you're finally here. I don't want to waste you as an expert." Seeing Wang Hai coming, Li Yuan was very happy. Both of them are particularly interested in computer networks, so the two have a close personal relationship and often exchange ideas, so Li Yuan also knows that Wang Hai has real talents and practical learning. However, Li Yuan is good at network protection, while Wang Hai is good at network intrusion, and their specialties are slightly different.

"Xiao Yuan, have you added the plug-in I told you about last time to the main program of 'Net Shield'?" Wang Hai asked suddenly.

Li Yuan suddenly looked strange, looked around, and whispered, "Brother Hai, we are a network security company, aiming to protect users' computer security, not to catch hackers."

"The best defense is offense. As long as those hackers can be caught, Trojan horses and intrusions will naturally disappear." Wang Hai firmly said. Wang Haijun was born, but he is not a stereotyped soldier in the traditional sense. He has his own opinions in doing things, and he has always believed that the best way to reduce evil is to nip evil in the bud.

Of course, his personality is also the reason why he can't tolerate the army. But the group of people brought by Wang Meng were all like this. Although they are all passionate soldiers, they are too passionate to be tolerated by the army.

The two had a dispute.

It turned out that Wang Hai gave Li Yuan a small software before, which is a seamless plug-in and can be perfectly added to the main program of "Net Shield". This program was named "Stinger" by Wang Hai,

It means that no matter who wants to attack the host computer with this program installed, it will be stabbed severely, and it is extremely poisonous. This small program can quickly find the real IP address of the attacker through layers of shells.

However, this small software is just like the name, it is only used for attack, not for defense. Therefore, Li Yuan felt that adding this software was superfluous. For ordinary users, they don't need this software at all. But for some people, if this software is added to "Net Shield", it may be used by people with intentions, which will definitely bring disaster to the company.

In the end, the two were at a stalemate on this issue, so they had to hand over the issue to Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng listened to it, he found Wang Meng's "Stinger" small software very interesting, so he immediately asked Li Yuan to add it to the main program of "Net Shield". It is installed on the company's server host. As for the "Net Shield" protection software that is on the market, the "Stinger" plug-in is not added. Otherwise, there will definitely be a big mess.

After Lin Feng made a decision, the two of them had no opinion. Feel free to test the software.

Not long after Li Yuan and Wang Hai left, Bao Jianfeng, the CEO of "" under Lin Feng, rushed over again with a bitter look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

"" has been running very well, especially after the launch of the perfect attendance award after signing the contract, the number of registered authors has exploded. In just over a month, the number of registered authors has exceeded 60,000, and the number of uploaded novels has exceeded 100,000. Stimulated by excellent works, the number of people has exceeded 10 million, and the daily hit rate has exceeded 100 million. It seems that it has become the leader of China's online literature circle. This also made other literary websites look at the horrible click-through rate of "" and sigh with endless resentment.

"Mr. Lin, I have two questions. First, the starting point is developing too fast, especially the reward system that you can get the perfect attendance award after signing the contract, which has greatly stimulated the author's enthusiasm for creation, and a large number of excellent works have emerged, such as "Zichuan" ", "Mercenary World", "Legend of Little Soldier", etc., but there are too many good works, should we continue to sign contracts now?" Bao Jianfeng is both happy and worried about the prosperity of "" now.

"Didn't I say that as long as it is a good work, we will sign a contract. What we want now is to attract popularity and establish a brand image." Lin Feng said with a frown.

"Well, the key is that there are too many good works. We have already signed more than 500 works. If we continue to sign contracts, I am afraid that there will be at least a thousand works. At that time, I am afraid that the monthly attendance award will be all..." Bao Jianfeng did not say the rest, this It's also what worries him.

Lin Feng's system of getting full attendance awards after signing a contract, while greatly stimulating the author's creative passion and desire, also brought a heavy financial burden to """, and now it is losing millions of dollars a month. Moreover, as the popularity of the website increases, the number of registered authors increases, and excellent works continue to emerge, I am afraid that this financial burden will become even heavier. At this time, "" has no profitable items at all.

Regarding Bao Jianfeng's concerns, Lin Feng shook his head secretly. Obviously, he has not really understood the future development potential of Internet literature, and he still doesn't know what he is looking at.

"Continue to sign, as long as it is a good work, we will sign." In order to strengthen Bao Jianfeng's confidence, Lin Feng gave Bao Jianfeng a bottom line, "I invested 10 million last time, and I will inject another 40 million. One thing is, "" must become the best online literature site in China, and I want authors to know that I do not run this site to squeeze their hard-earned writing money, I just provide them with a platform to showcase their talents."

Bao Jianfeng nodded and continued.

"The second problem is that there are too many hotlinks from other websites, and all the works we contracted are hotlinked. How can we solve this copyright problem?" Bao Jianfeng said helplessly.

Bao Jianfeng also sent a letter to warn those hotlinking websites, but none of the websites removed the works signed by Qidian from the website after receiving the letter, which made Bao Jianfeng very helpless. If you sue, there are thousands of hotlinked websites, big or small, how to sue? This cost too much money, but I don't want to sue, but the work I signed is wantonly stolen by other websites, and I feel unwilling.

This problem is indeed very difficult, and the problem of piracy is really a normal thing in China. Although the country has clear laws and regulations, it is too difficult to prohibit them. There are many reasons for this, but Lin Feng decided to crack down on piracy, otherwise all his future plans will be hindered. Moreover, he spends his own money, but let other websites enjoy it, which makes Lin Feng feel unwilling.

"Don't worry about that. I am appointing a team of lawyers to collect evidence during this time. When the evidence is collected, I will sue all the websites." Lin Feng slammed the table down hard.

Bao Jianfeng was naturally relieved when he heard this, but he was still not optimistic about the final results of this matter, and could only hope for good results.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, the number of page views is too large now, and the server is already quite tight. We need to add a few more servers." Bao Jianfeng suddenly remembered that many readers and authors have complained about the difficulty of logging in, especially during the peak hours at night. Overload load, resulting in serious delays in login for authors and readers, or no response at all.

"Increase servers. A server doesn't cost much. We can't be petty in this area, and we can't save money in this area. We must ensure that the servers of "" are unimpeded at any time." Lin Feng said.

On this point, Bao Jianfeng strongly agrees. It is really annoying to have difficulty logging in every peak period. Why should the website care about such a small amount of money!

"By the way, people from my network shield network security company will go to your place to replace the network protection software in a few days, and you can coordinate it then."


After settling this matter, Lin Feng glanced at an invitation from the auction house that was delivered on the table. This is an invitation card sent by one of the most famous auction houses in Shanghai. Generally, only the dignitaries with a reputation in Shanghai are invited. Lin Feng didn't expect that he would also get this invitation letter, which surprised Lin Feng, but also made him a little more proud, which showed that his achievements had been recognized by some people in Shanghai.

Now that there are invitations, let's go and have a look, see what is being auctioned, and meet the rich and powerful in Shanghai.

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