Rebirth of the Burning Era

Vol 2 Chapter 342: Old acquaintance?

Liang Yifei ordered more cars this time. Even in the Sheng family's business, it was not a small order. After placing the order and paying the deposit, the other party was ready to ship it. Liang Yifei himself did not spend too much time on it. Now, focus on business.

Take the land and build the factory!

In theory, health care products and beverages are the same type of products. Whether it is production lines, workers, factories, or even storage, they are basically the same number of ways. Therefore, switching from health care products to beverages, or vice versa, is a It's a very easy transition, and even the workers don't need to be retrained.

However, Liang Yifei is not going to stop the health care products and use the resources of the health care products to invest in the production of Red Bull. It is still the same sentence. Although the fat meat of the health care products is a bit rotten, it is full of oil and water. Two years is not a problem, let it go now, it's a pity.

Moreover, health care products are destined to stink in the future. If they are made together with beverages, they will be produced by a factory. In the future, if health care products stink, the reputation of beverages will also be ruined, and it will not be worth it.

Therefore, it is necessary to build a new factory and operate it separately and independently.

In terms of land, Liang Yifei has it in his hands. The land acquired by the second factory last time is amazingly large. One second factory cannot be used up at all. It is planned to build a staff dormitory. At present, it is just a plan, and there is no shadow. Even if the dormitory is built in the future , it doesn't take up much space.

Just that one piece is more than enough to build three factories.

However, in view of the current development of policies and forms, and the real estate is showing signs of gradually heating up, Liang Yifei decided to take advantage of the fact that the current land is not expensive. As long as he can find a reason, he can acquire more land if he can. This thing is also an investment. But the rate of return is quite high.

The mainland's land policy has undergone a series of changes. The land is always state-owned, but the right to use it has been changing. From liberation to the early years of reform and opening up, only the state and collectives can use the land, and other individuals, in any way, can use the land. It is impossible to obtain land ownership and use rights, so the use of land in the name of individuals is a major illegal act. Even in the joint production contract responsibility system, farmers are essentially renting collective land, and as for commercial land, they are not. possible;

With the gradual deepening of the reform, the state and collectives have begun to allocate land to some enterprises that need useful land, including private, joint-venture, and foreign-funded enterprises; at this time, the ownership of land is still owned by the state, but the right to use is in the enterprise, and during this time The policy of allocating land is not clear. After allocating, whether to build a factory, build a house, or do anything else, or do nothing, it all depends on how the local government and the enterprise communicate, and the nature of the land is not clear;

The method of acquiring land is also very informal, some are directly allocated by the local government, some are given very low rents, and some are replaced;

In 1994, the state issued relevant documents, which, for the first time in the legal sense, recognized the right to use land by enterprises and private individuals, which is also the legal basis for the development of the real estate market.

At the same time, it is stipulated that the land can be sold in the form of bidding, auction and listing.

However, in practice, because the current housing is mainly funded by units to build houses, factories are still introduced in cooperation with the local government, and policy land is given, so the form of obtaining land through bidding, auction and listing is not very common.

Of course, this has its comparative advantages: the price of land is cheap, and even a large piece of land depends on the relationship between the principal and the local government, personal connections and communication skills and other competent factors; but it also buried many hidden dangers in property rights. For example, for the Rose Garden project in the capital, due to land disputes with local villages and towns, the land certificate has not been obtained, which has led to the unfinished end of the huge villa group to a certain extent.

Liang Yifei bought the land this time, and was going to go through the serious land bidding, auction and listing process. Since the real estate has not yet become popular, although the national tax and land tax are separated, the land has not yet become an important fiscal revenue of the local government, and the price is not high.

Rao is so, the vast majority of bosses are still unwilling to spend hundreds of thousands or millions of small money to buy a piece of land, and are more accustomed to using the traditional way of going through the relationship, through the back door, and playing side **** to get the land.

The land is really not expensive. I went to the Land and Resources Bureau for a walk and found a few new pieces of land. One of them is 122 mu, which is especially suitable for factories and industrial land. The price is terrifyingly cheap, 3,51 mu.

122 acres, less than 400,000.

The only downside is that it is too far away. It is about ten kilometers away from the Second Ring Road, and next to it is the Liyuan Reservoir, the largest drinking water reservoir in Binhai City.

At present, Binhai is considered a prosperous area within the first ring road, and is considered an urban area within the second ring road. Outside the second ring road, it is somewhat remote. Five kilometers away from the second ring road, it is basically a rural area. This location can be said to be a rural area. rural areas, well-deserved remote mountainous areas.

No one would go there to get land. The price may not sound high, but compared with the surrounding area, it is already expensive: the surrounding mountains and forests can be contracted, a small hill, dozens of acres of land, only a few hundred dollars a year.

In addition, there are two residential land, relatively speaking, the price is relatively high.

One piece is on the edge of the West Second Ring Road, out of the Second Ring Road, but there is a main road on the side. The straight-line distance from the Second Ring Road is about three kilometers. It is 160 acres of land in the original local town, and it is also a rural area. , but the city is developing too fast, and it is obviously inappropriate to farm on the edge of the Second Ring Road, so it was expropriated and changed.

It will be more expensive here, with a total price of 1.3 million;

There is another one in the old city, on the edge of the North First Ring Road, 86 acres, a dormitory area for the employees of a closed old factory. The location is very good, and the price is not expensive, only 960,000. The problem is that there is a condition that the enterprise that needs to acquire the land shall be responsible for the demolition and resettlement on its own.

Liang Yifei thought about it, now that the land is too cheap, and for his own money, which is a Mercedes-Benz, he won't do anything with it. After a few years, it will continue to rise. And take down the residential land outside the Second Ring Road.

However, just by looking at the inaccuracy of the text information released by the bureau, it is still necessary to go to the field to investigate, for example, the industrial land, what is the condition of it, if it is wetland or on the mountain, then it will be great fun to take it down If the local villagers have not moved out, it will be a hassle.

At present, the bidding and auction of land in Binhai City is linked to the national land, but most of the money is allocated to the provincial finance department, so there is a lot of work handover with the finance department. Liang Yifei had a lot of face in the provincial finance department because of the enterprise reform. I could also find someone to talk to here, and chatted with a director surnamed Zhou about the situation. Director Zhou went out and called a staff member to come in.

"Xiao Yuan, this is Boss Liang. You take them to the field for inspection. If there is no problem, come back and go through the formalities. We have gone to tender for these pieces of land, and their qualifications are no problem."

Director Zhou treated this young Xiao Yuan very politely, not like his superiors and subordinates, as if he was talking to his juniors.

"Hello, Boss Liang, my name is Yuan Xinran, you can just call me Xiao Yuan." Xiao Yuan extended his hand to Liang Yifei generously.

Yuan Xinran?

Liang Yifei was stunned for a moment, stood there in a complacent manner, and did not stretch out his hand, staring straight at the young girl with dimples in front of her, who was left in the sea.

"Boss Liang?" Seeing that Liang Yifei was in a daze, Director Zhou called out softly from the side.

"Oh, hello Ms. Yuan, I'm sorry to trouble you." Liang Yifei politely shook hands with the other party.

Very soft hands.

Exactly the same as the previous life.

When Liang Yifei heard the name, and then saw this very young girl, his heart skipped a beat.

Know this man!

Strictly speaking, it is a previous life acquaintance.

Not only know each other, but also know each other very well.

Not only familiar, but also in bed!

Yuan Xinran, a classmate of the MBA class in her previous life, ranked the top three in Nanjiang Province, and the female boss of Xinran Real Estate, a listed company.

When we met, Yuan Xinran was 43 years old. He had just divorced, and it was still a time when his charm was still there. In addition, Liang Yifei was not young in his previous life, and he liked mature women more seriously.

It’s not really about love, it’s mainly about physical needs. Everyone gets what they need. The bed at home is also idle. During the class period, everyone temporarily relaxed from their usual heavy work, but had nothing to do. It's easier to talk and hang out together for a while.

After graduation, I was busy with each other, and there was less contact. After Liang Yifei had an accident, I stopped contacting Yuan Xinran.

A dewy marriage is a little more interesting and familiar than a **, and a lot less affectionate and social than a lover.

When he was young, Yuan Xinran was naturally different from Yuan Xinran in his 40s. He was much more supple, and the two small dimples on his and apple muscles were still so obvious.

I didn't expect this to be possible, the ** of the previous life actually appeared in this life and became my own 'tour guide'.

When Liang Yifei's "gaffe" fell into Yuan Xinran's eyes, it meant something completely different.

She instinctively thought that the rich boss had taken a fancy to her.

This is not the first time. Due to his appearance and family background, many bosses in the society have expressed a good impression of him, and even some of them are more direct and simply send a car.

She really doesn't care about these things.

Therefore, along the way with Liang Yifei to see the ground, Yuan Xinran always maintained a kind of politeness that was not indifferent, but distanced.

The two pieces of land are really good. There are no problems in the imagination. The residential land has been relocated. It is a large piece of land. The industrial land is still a long distance from the reservoir. flattened.

This is nothing to say, sure to take the land.

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