Yunxuan put on some clothes casually, walked to the window, opened it, the cool breeze was blowing, and the screams of zombies could be heard outside the window from time to time.

"Doctor, what's wrong with you?" Asen, who was outside the door, heard the movement and knocked on the door.

In fact, he knew even without asking that Yunxuan had another nightmare. Ever since Yunxuan woke up that day, he had never had a good sleep again and would wake up every night.

Asen knew that he dreamed of Dr. Lin.

"Nothing, Asen, bring the bottle." Yun Xuan said coldly, but his eyes were still looking at the dark outside.

Ah, it was dark again, and then it was light again, and then it was dark again. Days like this are really boring.

Asen was very fast and walked in with a bottle of red wine and a cup. "Doctor, if you can't sleep, it's better to drink some fragrant tea. Drinking it so late is harmful to your health."

Asen still wanted to persuade Yunxuan. Yunxuan was drunk these days. He didn't know what memories Dr. Lin gave Yunxuan, but he was sure that Yunxuan was in pain now.

I don’t know when the doctor wakes up. Will Master Xuan disappear at that time?

He didn't want Yunxuan to disappear.

Even Zeng Jin, he had resented Yunxuan because of the doctor.

"No need." Yunxuan poured a glass of red wine directly, with a mellow taste and bright color.

But it's just like something, so annoying.

He hates red the most.

"How are they doing there?" Yunxuan shook the goblet in his hand gently, with messy hair, wrinkled white shirt, and a lazy and evil air.

For a moment, Asen thought he saw Zeng Jin's Yunxuan, "We are already preparing doctors. If nothing else, we will be able to send troops soon. But, doctors, do we really have to start from the Kyoto base first? That is a big base." .”

Asen was a little worried.

"What are you afraid of? The Kyoto base is big, but do you think they are any good people? I don't know how many bases they have offended over the years. You can see how many bases will come to help them when the time comes, and how many bases there are. It will add insult to injury.”

Yun Xuan took a sip of red wine and said with cold eyes, "Besides, how can we lure Yun Huan and Qin Yi out without going to Kyoto."

"Doctor." Seeing Yun Xuan with such hatred in his eyes, Asen felt a sudden pain in his heart for some reason.

But Yunxuan misunderstood what Asen meant, "Don't worry, I won't be soft-hearted. I know that person is my brother, but if he wants to kill my brother, I don't need it. And the woman who betrayed me, haha , I won’t make it easy for them.”

Asen didn't say anything. He roughly knew what memory the doctor gave Yunxuan.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little bit distressed for Yun Huan and Qin Yi.

However, he will definitely not go against the doctor's words.

Even if he really goes to hell after death, he will not regret it.

"Oh, those two people, Asen, why do you think people are so cruel? That eldest brother is obviously my closest relative, but he has never come to me in so many years, and even wants to kill me when he sees me. And that woman , said he loved me, but in the end, for the sake of power and power, he abandoned me and turned to my elder brother's arms."

Yun Xuan seemed to have drunk too much, or maybe this lonely night suddenly gave him the desire to talk, so he talked a little tonight.

"Tell me, why am I so stupid? For the sake of these two people, I have been ignoring Zhishui. You are just a bitch. Now that Zhishui is gone, I regret it."

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