Rebirth of the Actor’s Virtuous Wife

Chapter 3: Good Wife System

After breakfast, Su Yanyi returned to the bedroom under Qin Jiran's thoughtful gaze, lying on the bed quietly, closing his eyes and thinking about the problem.

She was born again. Going back to three years ago, it was supposed to be the day when she and Qin Jiran divorced, but since it was a rebirth, everything would be different naturally, so she didn't choose to divorce, she couldn't bear to hurt Qin Jiran again. I also did what I wanted to do in accordance with my heart.

In addition to the marriage problem, Su Yanyi also began to think about the enemy's problem.

The car accident in the previous life was a conspiracy, not only because of jealousy of her, but also because of the desire to seize the property of the Su family. While lying in the hospital bed, she tried to cramp and strip those people countless times. Now she is reborn. Everything is no longer a dream, she will let those people know little by little, how terrible it is to offend her!

Wang Zhilin, don't you love Qin Jiran? Are you jealous that I can get Qin Jiran's love? Then I will make you the woman Qin Jiran hates the most, and you won't get the slightest attention from him for the rest of your life!

Isn't your family trying to seize the property of the Su family? Then I will completely destroy the entire Wang Family and become a stepping stone for the Su Family to go further!

I will take what you want! What you care about, I will destroy it! I want you to regret living in this world! I want you to have no courage to live!

Su Yanyi lying quietly on the bed, the expression on her face did not fluctuate at all, but there were already stormy waves in her heart, and the entire city of A would also cause countless **** storms because of her thoughts!

Wang Zhilin! Kings! All those who have betrayed her, and those who have fallen into trouble, are waiting to accept her punishment!

【drop! drop! drop! Because of refusing to divorce and meeting the system loading requirements, the installation of the Perfect Wife System has officially begun. Please wait patiently for the host! 】

The seeds of hatred were still sprouting in her heart, Su Yanyi suddenly heard a very strange sound, like the sound of a machine, but it seemed to suddenly appear in her mind. She wanted to open her eyes, but found that she was all over her body. They couldn't move, just like during the period of time when they became a vegetative person. He seemed to be a normal person with clear thoughts, but he couldn't control his body at all.

For a moment, Su Yanyi was suffocated by the panic, but it was only a moment when Su Yanyi calmed down and waited patiently. I have to say that as a well-deserved winner, Su Yanyi is definitely a man. People with very strong psychological qualities are also very receptive. Whether it's rebirth or this weird sound in your mind, you can adapt in a very short time.

And this kind of waiting did not last too long. About three minutes or so, Su Yanyi heard the slightly weird voice again.

[The Perfect Wife System is installed, and the Perfect Wife System will help every host become a perfect Wife! 】

After the slightly weird machine sound, before Su Yanyi could react, the unusually cute little girl's voice sounded again.

【drop! Hello, host, the system number zero and one is for you. You can call me a small zero or a small one. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the perfect wife system. Please be a good wife with all your efforts. 】

The slightly suspicious system sound made Su Yanyi a bit funny, and the little nervousness disappeared. Instead, she was very interested in chatting with the system.

"Zero Zero One? This is your number? Does that mean that there are other numbering systems?" Things are rare, and Su Yanyi is already thinking about the peculiarities of materials.

[There are countless unknown possibilities in the universe, but the perfect wife system is unique and there is no piracy! 】

"What is the function of the system? What do I need to pay? Why do I have this system?" Su Yanyi was puzzled whether it was rebirth or the installation of this so-called good wife system. This seemed to be an existence that science could not explain at all.

[The system has a lot of functions, which you need to experience slowly by yourself. The system does not require you to pay anything, please rest assured the owner! The reason why you can own this system, the owner, is the result of selection after various statistics. 】

"Then what do I need to do now?" For this kind of thing that seemed to have only good and no harm, Su Yanyi felt unreliable, but began to accept it. Intuition told her that this system is an accessory to her rebirth. The two complement each other and are indispensable, and it is beneficial and harmless to her.

[Please confirm whether to activate the system? Yes or no? 】


[The host activates the system successfully! The host level is level 1, and the score is zero. The six major functions of the open system are the first-level space function, the first-level positioning function, the first-level cooking function, the first-level medical function, the first-level resource function, and the first-level special auxiliary function. Each function has a different function, please understand it slowly and use it rationally. 】

In the next half an hour, after Su Yanyi and the system's question and answer, Su Yanyi finally understood the function of the system.

The role of each function can be inferred from the name. For example, the space function is responsible for storing items. The first-level space function has a storage space as large as a cubic meter. From the level of planning, there is obviously a follow-up development.

The positioning function is used to determine the location of the designated person. The first-level function can only determine one person, and it is mandatory to determine this place as Qin Jiran.

The cooking function and medical function allow the host to learn some basic cooking and medical knowledge. Su Yanyi just took a look at it and skipped it, focusing on the latter two functions.

The resource function is amazing. The first-level resource function provides two scripts and ten songs. Although Su Yanyi only took a look at it, he can be sure that the value of the script and the song is definitely not weaker than the domestic first-line level. Su Yanyi felt a kind of surprise, and even began to look forward to the later development of the system.

She has so many functions at only Level 1. If it develops in the future, what extent will this system reach? Will it bring her more surprises?

The last special auxiliary function is more like asking for help every day. At the first level, the host has the opportunity to ask for help once a day. As for what kind of help is, there is no specific description and the host needs to experience it by himself, but intuition tells Su Yan Clothes, the effect of this function must be very good.

After understanding these functions, Su Yanyi really felt like being hit by a pie, pure meat pie, and most importantly, no money!


This book is first published, please do not reprint!

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